Taoist world

Chapter 6321 The opportunity has come

Not only every siren has personally experienced the tide swallowing in the eyes of the sea, but they have also heard about the details of the tide swallowing countless times and are already extremely familiar with it.

Under the terrifying suction force of Chao Tun, even if a powerful person is caught in it, it is almost impossible to escape.

Therefore, although they did not feel the slightest sign of the tide coming, their expressions couldn't help but change when they heard the white-haired old man say that the tide was coming.

The white-haired old man was far more powerful than them, so naturally he would not deceive them on this matter.

Their first reaction was to run away.

But then, the shock on the faces of Old Ghost Qiu, Elder Hai and other demons turned into joy and excitement! Elder Hai was looking forward to Jiang Yun meeting Chao Tun before, but he didn't expect that his wish would come true now.

However, in front of the white-haired old man, they hurriedly restrained their expressions.

Elder Hai came to the old man's side in one step, frowned and said: "This tide swallows us at the wrong time."

"Senior should be worried about that human monk!"

"Don't worry, I asked Han Ruo, and Han Ruo already reminded him about the tide swallowing."

"Moreover, he should have just dived a few hundred feet deep into the eye of the sea."

"As long as he senses the signs of Shioten's arrival, with his strength, he will be able to escape successfully no matter what."

These are Elder Hai’s inner thoughts! Although he really hoped that Jiang Yun could be swallowed by the tide, this hope was obviously almost impossible to realize.

If Jiang Yun didn't know what Tide Tun was, he might have gone deep into the Eye of the Sea out of curiosity to have a look. But since he knew, unless he wanted to die, there was no way he would risk going deep.

The white-haired old man stood next to the big hole with his hands behind his back. His eyes no longer looked as hesitant as before. Instead, they were like two suns hiding, emitting a compelling light as he stared at the sea below.

It seems that his eyes can see through the eyes of the sea! Regarding Elder Hai's words, he responded calmly: "The life and death of a human monk is not something I care about."

"I'm just a little surprised. Although Shiotun appears from time to time, the shortest interval is more than ten years."

"And the last tidal wave didn't even arrive for a year in the past, and now there's another tidal wave. This is the first time this has happened. Could it mean there was something unexpected in the eyes of the sea?"

Obviously, the real purpose of this white-haired old man staying on this root land is not to guard the platform, but to monitor the sea eye! After all, the Boundary Sea is the place where all sea monsters live. If anything happens to Haiyan, it will inevitably affect the entire Boundary Sea, so he has no choice but to be cautious.

Elder Hai smiled and said: "Senior's words make sense."

"However, senior also said that this is only the first time this has happened."

"Once, it doesn't mean anything. Maybe it's just a coincidence."

"If the intervals between subsequent tide swallows are so short, that's when we need to pay attention."

The white-haired old man nodded and said, "I hope I'm just worrying too much."

"Alright, all sirens, those who are unwilling to stay should leave immediately, and those who are willing to stay should find a suitable location on their own."

"But don't forget, if you stay, you will be responsible for your life and death!"

Although the power of tide swallowing is amazing, once swallowed, there is no possibility of survival.

But the powerful suction force emitted when Tide Tun appears is also a rare opportunity for monks to practice.

In fact, there was a sea monster swallowed by the tide and realized the rules of water! Therefore, throughout the ages, many sea monsters did not choose to leave when the tide came, but chose to stay to contend with the terrifying suction of the tide.

Of course, this kind of confrontation is predicated on being on the ground with roots.

This rooted earth was created by countless strong men among the sea monsters. It is equivalent to using the power of the trees in the secluded sea to weaken the power of Tidal Swallow.

Otherwise, this rooted earth would have been sucked into the eye of the sea by the tide and completely collapsed.

Therefore, those sea monsters who are interested in tempering themselves will stay on the root earth to resist the power of Tide Swallow.

Of course, even if there is the buffering and protection of the roots of the earth, it does not mean that it is necessarily safe to stay on it.

Every time the tide comes, there are still many sea monsters left behind who will still be sucked into the eye of the sea.

As for the Kraken who choose to stay, strong men like the white-haired old man and Elder Hai will not stop them, nor will they come to rescue them.

As the white-haired old man finished speaking, beams of teleportation light immediately lit up.

After just a few breaths, nearly half of the sea monsters left here directly through the formation stones.

This root land is not the residence of the sea monster, but a separate training place. Only the qualified sea monster can come here.

Their departure will naturally mean returning to their respective tribes.

Although half of the Sirens chose to leave, half decided to stay.

They did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly looked for a suitable position to prepare for the power of the tough tide.

As for Jiang Yun's safety, they no longer have the time or energy to consider it.

Han Ruo frowned and stared at the big hole.

Although she also believed that Jiang Yun would definitely escape from Haiyan, she was a little worried whether Jiang Yun's position in Haiyan would be too deep at the moment.

After all, Jiang Yun spent three days and still failed to reach the depth of a thousand feet.

If Jiang Yun had always stayed close, at his speed, it would not have taken three days to completely escape from the sea eye, but it would probably be difficult to do so before the tide officially began.

However, fortunately, Jiang Yun still had some time since he had not sensed the signs before the tide was coming.

At this moment, the white-haired old man suddenly turned his back to the sea monsters who had not left here and said: "I'm going to take a look in the eye of the sea, you guys guard this place!"

Without waiting for the sea monsters to respond, the white-haired old man stepped directly into the big hole.

Regarding the white-haired old man's decision, although everyone knew it would be dangerous, no one could stop it.

What's more, with the old man's strength, as long as the tide swallowing has not officially started, there is still no problem if he wants to exit Haiyan safely.

Elder Hai walked to where the white-haired old man was standing just now, and also lowered his head and looked down.

Suddenly, Old Ghost Qiu's voice sounded in his ears: "Elder Hai, is there any way to keep that human race bastard in the Eye of the Sea forever?"

Elder Hai naturally understood that Old Ghost Qiu hated Jiang Yun deeply, so he hoped that Jiang Yun would die in Haiyan.

He responded calmly: "As long as Senior is here, there is nothing we can do."

Elder Hai also wanted to kill Jiang Yun, and now was really the best opportunity.

As long as they stop Jiang Yun from leaving Haiyan, Jiang Yun will be swallowed by the tide.

This is simply the best way to kill Jiang Yun.

Even if the ancient spirit knew it, it would be impossible to prove it.

It's a pity that the white-haired old man is here and will never allow them to take action.


Old Ghost Qiu let out a helpless sigh and said, "I suspect that Senior entered the Eye of the Sea specifically to save that human race bastard!"

However, as soon as Old Ghost Qiu finished speaking, his vision blurred. The white-haired old man who had just jumped into the sea eye unexpectedly came back and appeared at the entrance of the cave again.

The expressions of Elder Hai and Old Ghost Qiu changed slightly.

They thought that the other party had heard the sound transmission conversation between the two of them, so they wanted to teach them a lesson.

Elder Hai felt guilty and asked first, "Senior, why are you back?"

The white-haired old man looked at him and Old Ghost Qiu with an expression on his face and said, "The king asked me to go there immediately."

"You'd better not think too hard about that human monk!"

"If the six ancient spirits know about it, even if the king comes forward, he can't protect you!"

After saying these words, the white-haired old man swayed and left.

Elder Hai and Old Ghost Qiu looked at each other and saw ecstasy in each other's eyes! They just felt sorry that they didn't have the chance to kill Jiang Yun, but they didn't expect that the opportunity would appear now!

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