Taoist world

Chapter 6176 Waste of natural resources

After Wu Chenzi finished speaking, Jiang Yun's voice immediately sounded: "I didn't expect these people to trap you at all."

"This is just an appetizer I prepared for you. Next, is the real meal!"

When Jiang Yun spoke, Wu Chenzi's consciousness, which had been scattered all around, immediately followed the direction of Jiang Yun's voice and covered it.

As long as he finds Jiang Yun's exact location, he can also seal Jiang Yun's physical body, making him unable to move.

Unfortunately, Jiang Yun's voice was erratic and did not come from a fixed location at all.

And when Jiang Yun finished speaking, Wu Chenzi's consciousness and gaze suddenly saw countless lights and shadows rising into the sky.

It was like these lights and shadows, forcing themselves into Wu Chenzi's consciousness and eyes at an unstoppable speed, making it impossible for him to refuse even if he wanted to, and he couldn't even see clearly what these lights and shadows were.

Especially when he concentrated to see clearly, the consciousness in his mind gradually became erratic.

This shocked Wu Chenzi. He never expected that Jiang Yun could have such a method.

However, he was also someone who had seen big storms. Although he was shocked, he quickly calmed down and no longer paid attention to these lights and shadows, allowing them to squeeze into his eyes and consciousness.

His entire body was holding Yuan Shouyi, concentrating his mind, as if he was in trance.

Soon, the light and shadow finally stopped crowding in, and Wu Chenzi relaxed his mind again and looked in all directions.

At one glance, Wu Chenzi couldn't help but be slightly startled! Because wherever he looked, everything he saw was overlapping and piled up in a disorderly manner.

For example, the medicine shop that Jiang Yun walked out of before, now has a mountain standing outside the medicine shop.

There is even a waterfall that flows down and falls into a vast lake below.

Whether it is mountains, waterfalls or lakes, they should not appear here at all.

In addition, darkness, swamps, and other strange scenery filled Wu Chenzi's surroundings, surrounding him.

After seeing everything clearly, Wu Chenzi's face showed a look of surprise and said: "Array within array!"

Although he is indeed not proficient in formations, he has some understanding of them. He immediately understood that Jiang Yun had deployed several formations in an instant, and he did not know what method he used to overlap these formations one after another. Together, that's why such a strange scene appears.

As for the lights and shadows before, they were naturally the illusions brought about by these formations.

Now that he understands Jiang Yun's methods, Wu Chenzi doesn't panic anymore.

Although he could see that every formation here was extremely powerful and was not made by ordinary formation cultivators, he could still break through all the formations with his own strength.

It’s just that it just takes some time! Wu Chenzi didn't even care about the various changes in the formation and the power of the attack.

As the number one body sculptor, he can help others shape their bodies, so how can he not help shape his own body.

In terms of physical strength alone, in the entire True Domain, probably only Renzun can compete with him.

Therefore, Wu Chenzi smiled coldly and said: "Use these formations to trap me, and then you can take the opportunity to escape, right?"

"The abacus is good. If it were someone else, it might really allow you to escape, but it's a pity that the person you are facing is me!"

"Use all your strength to escape. I want to see if you can escape from my grasp!"

Wu Chenzi had long seen that Jiang Yun was at the end of his strength. Even if Jiang Yun was allowed to escape, Jiang Yun would not be able to escape far.

What's more, when others find someone, they rely on their breath, but when he finds someone, he relies on their body! As long as he was within a certain range, he could easily find Jiang Yun.

In response to Wu Chenzi's words, Jiang Yun's voice stopped ringing.

In Wu Chenzi's opinion, Jiang Yun should have left.

But in fact, Jiang Yun is sitting in a valley in this world, entering a dream state, holding the weapon tomb given by the ancient weapon spirit in his hand! Jiang Yun also knew very well that if he could not get rid of Wu Chenzi, it would be difficult for him to truly escape with his current state.

Therefore, instead of running away in vain, it is better to find a way to either completely deal with Wu Chenzi, or to truly trap him and give yourself enough time.

Naturally, it was impossible for Jiang Yun to achieve these two things by relying on his own strength. He could only place his hopes on the tomb and formation stones.

Previously, Jiang Yun deliberately placed more than a dozen magical artifacts at the border between the Earth Master Domain and the Boundary Sea, urging them to self-destruct, delaying Wu Chenzi for a few breaths.

In Wu Chenzi's opinion, after Jiang Yun entered this world, he directly stepped into the medicine shop and swallowed two pills. But in fact, before that, Jiang Yun had already completed two pills. thing.

The first thing is that after Jiang Yun also checked the general strength of the monks in this world, he used his dream power to bring all the monks here into a lucid dream! Now Jiang Yun's lucid dream can be said to have surpassed that of the mirage clan.

Because his dream power also included the power of nightmare beasts and even the illusion of human beings, he could easily make all the monks fall into a dream, and Wu Chenzi hadn't noticed it yet.

The second thing is that Jiang Yun has seen the terrain and environment of this world, so he chooses a suitable location and uses the formation stones sent by the ancient formation spirit to maximize the power of the formation to trap Wu Dust.

Jiang Yun happened to find that the most suitable place to set up the formation was the medicine shop, so he simply walked into the medicine shop to see if there was any elixir that could help relieve his injuries.

After he swallowed the pill, Wu Chenzi finally appeared in front of him.

In fact, just as Jiang Yun had calculated, Wu Chenzi was standing in the most suitable place for setting up the formation.

Jiang Yun immediately crushed the formation stones without hesitation and set up the first illusion formation.

At the same time, Jiang Yun also considered that Wu Chenzi would definitely be wary of taking action in this world.

Therefore, when he saw that Wu Chenzi cracked the first formation without harming the monks here, Jiang Yuncai continued his plan and controlled the monks here to attack and sneak attack Wu Chenzi.

And he himself took the opportunity to continue placing more formation stones in more places nearby.

When Wu Chenzi froze everyone's bodies, Jiang Yun once again activated the thirty formation stones, causing countless lights and shadows to appear.

Moreover, all the formations were stacked with the real environment, which temporarily trapped Wu Chenzi in the formation.

Those formation stones were carefully selected by Jiang Yun, especially the final ninth-grade formations, which were the most powerful.

Just like when the disciples of the Formation Sect and Fu Qingling, a member of the Fu family, joined forces to compete with him and the disciples of the Formation Sect detonated two formation stones, Jiang Yun was also preparing to finally activate those ninth-grade formations to explode! It would be best to be able to severely injure Wu Chenzi. Even if he couldn't, it would at least make Wu Chenzi suffer some injuries.

Now, Jiang Yun turned to study Qizhong.

His purpose is very simple, that is, he hopes that before triggering the formation to explode, he can select as many of the same high-grade magic weapons in the weapon tomb as possible, put them into the formation, and combine them with the formation. The law exploded together.

In that case, the power of the explosion will be doubled, causing a greater blow to Wu Chenzi.

In the dream, the passage of time slowed down, and all Jiang Yun's thoughts were immersed in the tomb.

And gradually, his face showed joy.

Because, he discovered that the way he used the weapon tomb was not only wrong, but it was definitely a waste of natural resources.

The reason why this weapon tomb is called the first foreign object among the ancient forces is that its real usage is not at all what I used it! After understanding the function of the tomb, Jiang Yun said to himself: "So, I am somewhat sure that I can get rid of Wu Chenzi!"

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