Taoist world

Chapter 6051 My Guest

Seeing Chang Tiankun walking towards Lanqing Tower, the murderous look in Mr. Shen's eyes became even stronger, and he even said to himself: "If I kill him, what will be the worst consequences!"

After pondering for a moment, seeing Chang Tiankun approaching the gate of Lanqing Tower, Mr. Shen could only sigh helplessly.

He turned to notify Zhao Zhiqing via voice transmission.

Mr. Shen is not afraid of Chang Tiankun, nor is he even afraid of the human being behind Chang Tiankun.

However, he had other concerns and couldn't take action if it was inconvenient.

After weighing it for a long time, Jiang Yun finally gave up on his plan to be honest with Zhao Zhiqing and reveal his true identity.

After all, he now carries too many things and lives, and he simply cannot risk exposing himself just for Yu Wenji's entrustment.

Therefore, he ended the silence with Zhao Zhiqing and said with a smile: "Those statements are just rumors spread by people who are jealous of me."

"I am Fang Jun. I am neither the illegitimate son of the sect master nor a successor secretly cultivated by the Ancient Medicine Sect, nor have I been snatched away from my body."

"Island Master Zhao only saw the so-called amazing changes that happened to me, but he didn't see the hardships I have endured and the hardships I have experienced over the years."

Hearing Jiang Yun's words, Zhao Zhiqing's eyes flashed with disappointment.

Naturally, she didn't believe what Jiang Yun said at all.

She also understood that Jiang Yun finally chose to hide it from herself.

This made her extremely unwilling.

Because she had been waiting for so long that she thought she could no longer hold on any longer and was about to give up. Jiang Yun suddenly appeared out of nowhere and gave her another glimmer of hope! However, his identity is also extremely hidden, and he has successfully hidden it for so many years.

If Jiang Yun was really sent by someone to test him, once he was exposed, all his persistence and waiting for so many years would be in vain.

At this moment, Zhao Zhiqing heard Mr. Shen's message and learned of Chang Tiankun's arrival.

This news did not make Zhao Zhiqing show any surprise.

Looking at Jiang Yun who was talking and laughing freely, Zhao Zhiqing suddenly thought: "This may be an opportunity."

Thinking of this, Zhao Zhiqing filled the glasses in front of herself and Jiang Yun with wine again.

She raised her wine glass and said with a smile on her face: "Mr. Fang, thanks to your blessing, I have brought three distinguished guests to my place today."

"I have made arrangements for two of them to ensure that they will not disturb you."

"And the remaining one has just arrived. I will go and greet him right now."

"Master Fang, please wait here for a moment. By the way, it's best not to leave this room."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Zhiqing drank the wine in the glass, nodded to Jiang Yun, stood up and walked out.

Looking at Zhao Zhiqing's leaving figure, Jiang Yun frowned slightly without calling him back.

But immediately, Jiang Yun relaxed his brows, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"The three distinguished guests who came because of me have already arrived. The two arranged by Lanqing Tower are naturally the two from the Ancient Medicine Sect."

"And the distinguished guest arriving now should be Chang Tiankun."

"These three people came here to find me, but she entertained them for me. This is clearly an expression of goodwill to me."

"Especially Chang Tiankun, who had murderous intentions against me as early as the Taikoo Medicine Sect, and now that I have made a big fuss in Renzun's pawnshop, he is even more determined to kill me."

"Under this situation, Zhao Zhiqing still wants to block Chang Tiankun for me. At least her attitude is somewhat credible."

"Also, she asked me not to leave this room. She should mean that here, outsiders' consciousness cannot peek in and know my existence."

"However, she just asked me not to leave this room, but she didn't ask me not to use my consciousness."

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun immediately released his consciousness.

Jiang Yun's consciousness left the room unimpeded, covering almost half of Lanqing Building, and naturally he saw the masked man standing at the door.

Jiang Yun had met Chang Tiankun several times and was very impressed with him, so it was not difficult to tell that this masked man was Chang Tiankun.

"Sir, I haven't come for a while!"

Zhao Zhiqing also appeared in front of Chang Tiankun and said with a smile: "What kind of wind is it that brought the young master here today?"

Facing Zhao Zhiqing's greeting, Chang Tiankun's reaction made Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly widen, with a trace of suspicion on his face.

Chang Tiankun actually raised his fist and saluted Zhao Zhiqing! Although this gift does not mean much respect, who is Chang Tiankun?

A disciple of Ren Zun with an extremely proud character! When he, Youqing and others went to the Ancient Medicine Sect and saw Yao Jiugong and the four supreme elders, they just nodded.

However, when he saw Zhao Zhiqing now, he actually knew how to salute.

Jiang Yun's face slowly darkened and he said: "It seems that my guess is correct. Behind Zhao Zhiqing and the entire Lanqing Island, there is Tianzun supporting them."


This idea just came up, but Jiang Yun himself denied it.

"Chang Tiankun is a disciple of Ren Zun. If he wants to salute people, he should only salute Tian Zun and Earth Zun himself."

"Even if Zhao Zhiqing is a member of Tianzun, in terms of status, she and Chang Tiankun are at most equal."

"With Chang Tiankun's conceited character, he would never salute when meeting his peers."

"In the Ancient Medicine Sect, when he saw the second senior sister, he didn't salute or even say hello."

Jiang Yun couldn't help but be a little confused and couldn't understand why Chang Tiankun's attitude towards Zhao Zhiqing was different.

At this time, Chang Tiankun, who had finished his salute, said to Zhao Zhiqing: "Today, I have something important to come to the island owner."

Zhao Zhiqing nodded and said: "This is not the place to talk. Please come with me, sir."

So Zhao Zhiqing was in front and Chang Tiankun was behind. The two of them stepped on the stairs and walked all the way up until they reached the fifth floor. Zhao Zhiqing pushed open a room and invited Chang Tiankun to go in.

After the two entered the room, the door was immediately closed.

Jiang Yun originally thought that his consciousness could not enter this room, but what surprised him again was that his consciousness was still unimpeded.

In the room, Zhao Zhiqing and Chang Tiankun were sitting across a table.

Zhao Zhiqing, just like she did to Jiang Yun, poured a glass of wine from the jug on the table, handed it to Chang Tiankun and said, "If you have anything to do, you can tell me now."

Chang Tiankun did not pick up the wine glass, but looked at Zhao Zhiqing and said, "Don't the island owner know why I am here?"

Zhao Zhiqing gently placed the wine glass in front of Chang Tiankun and said with a smile: "If the prediction is correct, you should be here for that Supreme Elder of the Ancient Medicine Sect, Fang Jun!"


Chang Tiankun said calmly: "I know, he is in your Lanqing Building now."

"I'm not in the mood to drink at your place either. You tell me the room he's in, and I'll catch him and leave."

Jiang Yun sneered in his heart and wanted to catch him. Chang Tiankun was not qualified enough.

Zhao Zhiqing shook her head and said, "Have you forgotten the rules here?"

"No matter who you are, as long as you step into Lanqing Tower or even Lanqing Island, you are my guest."

"Unless he violates the rules of Lanqing Island, no one can take my guest away."

"As far as I know, what happened in the pawn shop today was entirely due to the big shopkeeper secretly replacing his elixir. He was forced to fight back and did not violate my rules."

"Therefore, he is still my guest."

"If you want to catch him, you can!"

"After he leaves Lanqing Island, you can arrest him however you want, and I won't care."

As Zhao Zhiqing finished speaking, Chang Tiankun stood up immediately, his eyes flashed with cold light, and a powerful aura emitted from his body. He was obviously extremely angry!

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