Taoist world

Chapter 5900 The whole story

everything! Originally, Jiang Yun was a little surprised that his master simply gave up discussing the matter of retrieving his blocked memory, but hearing these five words made Jiang Yun's spirit lift! Although he didn't know what exactly the "everything" in the master's words actually included, the master must have known the ins and outs of many things, and at least he could solve a lot of confusions in his mind.

Therefore, Jiang Yun calmly put away the empty magic bead, then pricked up his ears and listened attentively to what the master would say next.

Gu Bulao naturally saw Jiang Yun put away the Kongfa Pearl, but he did not stop it and just pretended not to see it.

As he said himself, he did leave the power of whether to retrieve his sealed memory to Jiang Yun, his beloved disciple.

Jiang Yun is going to open the door to lawlessness, and Gu Bulao will accompany him there.

Now that Jiang Yun has given up on opening the door to lawlessness, Gu Bulao happily accepts Jiang Yun's decision.

After pondering for a while, Gu Bulao said: "Let's start with Pan Chaoyang, who came from outside the True Realm, entered the True Realm and met the Earth Master!"

When Pan Chaoyang entered the True Realm, not many people knew about it.

Especially the nine tribes, although under the arrangement of Tianzun, they each imprisoned Pan Chaoyang with the power of their own tribe, including all the tribesmen, but almost no one knew about Pan Chaoyang's existence! However, now that the master came up and said Pan Chaoyang's name straight to the point, Jiang Yun became more and more sure that what the master knew was indeed very detailed.

Gu Bulao looked at Jiang Yun and said, "Let me tell you a little episode first."

"There are only nine tribes under the Earth Lord, and there has never been a tenth tribe. In the troubled times of the True Domain, there are only nine emperors, and there is no tenth emperor."

"If there is one, then I am the tenth clan!"

The existence of the tenth clan and the tenth emperor has always been a question that has troubled Jiang Yun.

And now, Gu Bulao finally told the answer to the question.

"I can't remember when and how I entered the Four Realms Cang, but after I woke up in the Four Realms Cang, I met Pan Chaoyang."

"I chatted with him for a while, and it was me who gave him some help that allowed him to finally escape from the suppression of the Nine Clans and the Earth Lord!"

Although Jiang Yun didn't want to interrupt Master's narration, he still couldn't help but said: "Master, is it you who has erased everyone's part of their memory?"


Gu Bulao nodded and said, "My true identity should be known to the Nine Emperors and the Nine Clan Chiefs, as well as your Senior Brother and Second Senior Sister, and even Ye Guchen and Ling Shu."

"Especially the Earth Lord clone, he clearly knows every living being in the Four Realms."

"If I don't erase and tamper with some of their memories, my sudden appearance will inevitably arouse their suspicion."

"The Earth Lord clone will definitely tell the Earth Lord himself."

"Di Zun, the original purpose is to find a brand new way of practice that may transcend the Supreme."

"If I let him know that I exist as a person who is not in his plan, then his true self will probably go to Shijingzang in person and kill me regardless."

"Therefore, I can only erase and tamper with their memories so that they will not suspect my sudden appearance."

If before meeting the mysterious man, Jiang Yun would have been a little shocked to hear that his master was able to tamper with the memory of Earth Lord's clone.

But the mysterious man said that in the original future, because the three of his brothers died and were caught, the master became furious and reverted into an ancient man and went on a killing spree.

Not only did he kill Renzun's clone, but he also destroyed the passage by himself.

This all shows that after the master returns to his human form, his strength will exceed that of the fake master.

Then, it should not be far from the True Master! Therefore, Jiang Yun did not show the slightest surprise.

Seeing that Jiang Yun's expression was always calm, Gu Bulao was a little surprised.

However, Gu Bu Lao did not ask, and continued: "Okay, the interlude is over, now let's get back to the business!"

"After Dizun met Pan Chaoyang and learned from Pan Chaoyang that the Supreme Being was not the end of the road of cultivation, he immediately found Sikongzi to refine the Four Realms Treasure according to the method revealed by Pan Chaoyang."

"In the True Domain, there are a group of great emperors. Even if there are three emperors, I don't know which supreme emperor has imprinted the rules in their bodies. Sikongzi is one of them."

"Sikongzi had a bad premonition when he received the invitation from Di Zun. He felt that Di Zun would definitely kill him and silence him after the incident was completed."

"So, Sikongzi secretly found Tianzun, or he was originally Tianzun's person."

"Sikongzi hopes Tianzun can show him a way to survive."

"Tianzun did not disappoint him and taught him a way."

"Later, after the Earth Master succeeded in refining the Sijingzang, he really attacked Sikongzi."

"Sikongzi survived the catastrophe with the help of Tianzun, and then began to take revenge."

"He released the news about the Four Realms Zang, looking for like-minded people to fight against the Earth Lord together. This led to the Nine Emperors' troubled times."

"Of course, it seems that the Nine Emperors have received the news, become greedy, and joined this plan, but in fact, several of them are Tianzun's people!"

"It can even be said that behind the chaos of the Nine Emperors, Tianzun is the real initiator!"

"Because Renzun didn't get the slightest news at that time."

"The Earth Lord was attacked by someone when he was going to pacify the Nine Emperors, and he escaped with serious injuries."

The Earth Master was seriously injured in a sneak attack! This made Jiang Yun couldn't help but ask again: "Is it the Earth Lord who made a sneak attack from the Heavenly Lord?"

The three true domain masters are supreme and their strength is almost invincible. So of course the only one who can hurt the supreme master is the supreme master.

Gu Bulao nodded and said: "Yes, maybe I am involved in it!"

Although Jiang Yun was surprised by what his master said, he could basically keep his emotions calm.

But hearing these words made him jump up and said: "You and Tian Zun joined forces to sneak attack on Earth Zun?"

Gu Bulao motioned Jiang Yun to sit down and said, "Tianzun and I should have some relationship, otherwise, she wouldn't come with me to negotiate the conditions for letting you go this time."

"But I can't figure out what the specific relationship is."

Gu Bulao continued: "After Di Zun escaped, he immediately realized that someone around him had betrayed him and revealed his actions."

"The three Zunzun of the True Realm each have their own personalities, and the Human Zunzun is the brave and foolhardy type."

"Of course, his lack of strategy is only compared to the other two. You must not underestimate him."

"And Di Zun is quite insidious. He doesn't bother to find out who among the people around him betrayed him."

"So he became cruel and simply sent everyone close to him away from him."

"At the same time, he was worried that the two deities would discover Pan Chaoyang, and he was also worried that Pan Chaoyang was lying to him."

"Therefore, he ordered the Nine Tribes to capture Sikongzi and the Nine Emperors, and then asked the Nine Tribes to bring their clansmen together to imprison Pan Chaoyang with the help of the Nine Tribes."

"The first bloodline master, your master and others, were also sent to Shijingzang."

"Even his daughter was refined into the Xunxiu Monument by him."

"There is another reason why Earth Lord did this."

"Because the ancestors of the nine clans, as well as your master and your senior sister are all likely to become supreme, especially the first-generation spiritual masters of the Mirage clan."

"In short, only by imprisoning or killing these people can the Earth Lord feel completely at ease."

"In order to prevent Sikongzi from tampering with the Four Realms Cang, and to prevent your senior brother from being disobedient, Earth Master took away half of your senior brother's soul."

"Then, he asked your senior brother to take a large number of True Realm monks, including the Immortal Tree, out of the True Realm and to the distant Endlessness to start cultivating the Tao."

"And he himself is busy refining and looking for a monument!"

"The Four Realms are always drifting outside the true domain, and all the creatures inside are still in a deep sleep."

"Until the Nightmare Beast appeared and enveloped the Four Realms in a dream, making the original dream realm take shape."

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