Taoist world

Chapter 5894 Try to open the door

These black lines are actually not stationary, but are constantly squirming slowly, but they seem to be bound to the door and cannot leave the range of the door.

And because the surrounding environment is too dark, and there are too many of them, and the spiritual consciousness cannot be used, it is difficult to detect their existence with eyesight alone.

Jiang Yun was different. Jiang Yun was so familiar with these black lines that he could see them at a glance and knew their real name, which was called the Extraordinary Divine Marks! The divine pattern outside the law should naturally come from a place outside the law! However, Jiang Yun never expected that in the forbidden area of ​​the ancient land, there would be a black door covered with countless extra-legal divine patterns! Could it be that behind this door is a place outside the law?

But why, the entrance to the lawless land is hidden in the ancient forbidden land.

You must know that this is the Four Realms Storehouse. Whether it is an ancient land or a forbidden land, they are all located within the Four Realms Storehouse.

More importantly, the ancient land should have been opened up by his master specifically for the residence of the ancient people. He even used his own cultivation to set up a seal to prevent the Tibetan Elders Association and outsiders from entering.

So, is this door that may lead to a land outside the law also the work of the master?

Or does it mean that this door already existed before Master opened this place?

Or maybe after Master opened up the ancient land, someone built a gate here?

If so, who is this person?

These questions flashed through Jiang Yun's mind instantly, making Jiang Yun's mind a mess.

At this moment, Ye Guyen had already raised the demon-slaying whip in his hand and was about to swing it towards the door, obviously preparing to test whether it could open the door.

Jiang Yun hurriedly stretched out his hand to block the demon-slaying whip and said, "No, Senior Ye."

Because Ye Guyen was so anxious, he didn't even notice the extrajudicial divine patterns that were all over the door.

However, he had 100% trust in Jiang Yun, so after being blocked by Jiang Yun, he was not angry. He just asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Yun stretched out his hand and pointed at the lawless divine pattern on the door and said, "Senior Ye, take a closer look, what is covered with this door!"

Ye Guchen then looked at the door intently. As soon as he looked at it, his expression suddenly changed and he said: "Outlaw Divine Mark!"

Ye Guchen also comes from the True Domain. Although his fame and strength are not as good as those of the Nine Emperors and Nine Clan, he is not an ignorant person. He naturally knows the existence of the lawless land and the name of the lawless divine pattern.

Recognizing the Extra-Law Divine Marks, Ye Guchen and Jiang Yun had the same doubts: "How come there are Extra-Law Divine Marks here?"

"Could it be that this door can lead to a place outside the law?"

Jiang Yun let go of the demon-slaying whip in his hand and said, "Senior Ye, how much do you know about the lawless land?"

Ye Guchen thought for a moment and said, "The land outside the law is said to be a secluded place for a group of strong men who do not want to submit to the three deities. Chi Yuezi and the others should have come from the land outside the law."

"In the beginning, the lawless land, how should I say, was bordering the true domain, and from time to time, strong men from the lawless land would enter the true domain."

"But later, it was probably because one of them annoyed the three, or the three were concerned about the threat of the lawless land, so they joined forces and finally completely blocked the connection between the lawless land and the true domain."

"Since then, the land outside the law has no relationship with the true domain. In the true domain, no monks from the land outside the law have been seen again."

Although Jiang Yun had known about the Outlaw Land for a long time and had some understanding of it, he had never heard of the three deities working together to disconnect the Outlaw Land from the True Domain before.

And this also made him understand why Emperor Nirvana and Liuli appeared in the Dream Realm and were extremely eager to enter the True Realm.

I am afraid that the purpose of their entering the True Realm is to reopen the connection between the lawless land and the True Realm.

And Ye Guchen continued: "Jiang Yun, if this door really leads to a place outside the law, it means that the spirit tree has entered a place outside the law."

Jiang Yun's heart stirred, and he suddenly realized, could it be that his parents, as well as his uncle, were actually brought into a place outside the law by the second generation ancestor of his Jiang family?

Even the second-generation ancestor of the Jiang family should have known for a long time that there was a door leading to a lawless land in the ancient forbidden land.

Moreover, he must have colluded with the people in the lawless land, so when the Human Zun army attacked and both the Four Realms and the Dream Realm were facing disaster, he contacted the people in the lawless land. , successfully entered the lawless land from here, escaping the threat of war.

Even if the Four Realms and the Dream Realm are completely destroyed, the Lawless Land will not be affected in any way.

After all, even the three deities dare not enter the lawless place in person.

Jiang Yun took a deep breath and said: "Senior Ye, when the war started, my senior brother sent me a message saying that several great emperors from the Tibetan Elders Association, bringing my parents, senior uncles, and senior Lingshu, entered Enter the ancient forbidden land."

"The situation was critical at that time, and my senior brother and I didn't have time to inform the seniors. Now it seems that the people from the Tibetan Elders Association took senior Lingshu and entered the lawless land from here."

"You know the situation in a lawless place better than I do."

"Don't say this door can't be opened. Even if it can be opened, even if we can enter the lawless place, not only will we not be able to find Lingshu and the others, we may still be in danger of our own lives."

"So, I think we should go back now."

"I'll go find my master and ask him if he knows the situation here, and then I'll think of a way to see if I can save Senior Lingshu and the others."

Ye Guyen pointed to the dragon's eye-sized groove in the center of the door and said, "This groove should be a mechanism, just like the mark of the four-petal flower on the previous door."

"If there is a bead of the same size, maybe this door can be opened."

While speaking, Ye Guchen had a bead of about the same size in his hand and said, "This is a demon pill, let me try it!"

This time Jiang Yun didn't stop him.

Although he admitted that what Ye Guchen said was right, since this door is so important, it must not be opened by just any bead of the same shape. Just like the previous door to the ancient land, it must require specific beads. and certain conditions.

Ye Guchen raised his wrist and threw the demon pill in his hand into the groove on the door.


The demon pill was embedded into the groove tightly, making a dull sound.

The next moment, those extra-legal divine patterns that were just slowly squirming suddenly accelerated and came to the demon core, completely covering it.

Just a moment later, the lawless divine pattern squirmed away again, revealing the empty groove.

As for the demon pill, it has disappeared without a trace.

Although Ye Guchen was a little disappointed with this result, it was actually within his expectation.

Ye Guchen's experience and experience were much richer than Jiang Yun's. How could he have imagined that this door could not be opened by ordinary beads.

However, he was too worried about the safety of the spiritual tree, so he wanted to try it even though he knew it was impossible.

Just when Jiang Yun was about to persuade Ye Guyen to leave, Ye Guyen suddenly looked at him and said, "Jiang Yun, do you have any similar beads on your body? We can try again!"

Jiang Yun smiled bitterly and said: "I have some beads, but how can I just be able to open this door?"

Ye Guyen shook his head and said, "You have the luck of the Four Realms, and you have the support of all the spirits in the Dream Realm. Others can't do anything about it, but maybe you can."

Jiang Yun could only smile helplessly at the tall hat Ye Guchen put on him.

However, in order to make Ye Guchen give up, Jiang Yun's consciousness also swept through his body, and he was ready to find a few beads to try.

Not to mention, Jiang Yun's consciousness had already seen a bead.

Just for this bead, Jiang Yun couldn't help but hesitate.

Because this bead is priceless!

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