Taoist world

Chapter 5891: Wishes Come True

Jiang Yun had also entered Guantian Palace, more than once, and knew that it was divided into ninety-nine floors.

Each level is a level with a certain degree of difficulty.

After passing each level, you will receive some rewards.

If you can't break through, it is certainly possible to escape alive, but most people either die inside or are trapped inside forever and become the ones guarding the pass.

Jiang Yun also made many friends in Guantian Palace.

Especially on the ninety-ninth floor of the level, it was guarded by his father's former subordinate, a general named Tomahawk.

Because he knew the identity of the battle axe, Jiang Yun could not get through all ninety-nine levels.

However, the strength of Tomahawk and others, judging from the current situation, is no longer considered strong.

Jiang Yun even believed that if he were allowed to enter Guantian Palace now, he would be able to complete all ninety-nine floors in one breath.

Therefore, now, Chi Yuezi suspected that Tianzun wanted to kill her because she escaped from Guantian Palace. This made Jiang Yun really unable to figure out what secrets related to Tianzun were hidden in it.

However, Guantian Palace must not be simple, otherwise, Tianzun would not lock Chi Yuezi in it.

Chi Yuezi shook his head and said, "I haven't seen anything special."

"When I was in Guantian Palace, I was imprisoned in a separate space, and there was nothing there."

"I can only guess that there are probably a large number of separate spaces in the Guantian Palace, and I am not the only one who is imprisoned in it, like me."

"Based on my cultivation at that time, it was impossible to escape from Guantian Palace."

"And the reason why I was able to escape was because a crack suddenly appeared in that space, which made the space unstable and the restraint on me weakened."

"I suspect that when Sikongzi was imprisoned and forcibly sent Guantian Palace out, there were some conflicts with the heads of the nine clans who suppressed him, or the Sijing Zang, which caused Guantian Palace to be shaken and appeared. cracked."

Jiang Yun nodded, this was a possibility.

Even if the Nine Emperors were imprisoned for the sake of putting on a show for Earth Lord, it was definitely a fake show and everyone was really suppressed and unable to move.

Like the original blood impermanence, it took a lot of effort to escape even a drop of blood.

Then, it is naturally more difficult for Sikongzi to send Guantian Palace and Wuyan Puppet Lamp out, and it is normal for some conflicts to occur in the process.

In short, Jiang Yun basically understood Chi Yuezi's experience.

Although there are still some doubts, because Chi Yuezi himself doesn't know, even if he asks, it is impossible to have an answer.

Therefore, Jiang Yun stopped asking Chi Yuezi about her past, and instead asked her about her future plans.

Chi Yuezi smiled calmly and said: "What other plans can I have? I will definitely not be able to go back to this lawless place for the time being, so I can only stay here."

Liuli, who remained silent, gave the same answer as Chi Yuezi.

Jiang Yun was quite happy that these two great emperors stayed.

Since they are willing to stay, and they all have grudges against the three masters, if the three masters come to attack Mengyu again, no matter what the final outcome is, they will definitely be able to join the battle, help Mengyu, and themselves.

With the help of two more true-level emperors, Mengyu's strength has also increased a bit.

After chatting with the two for a few more words, Jiang Yun stood up and left.

Chi Yuezi stopped him and said, "If you want to go to the Ancient Forbidden Land, then there is no need to go."

Jiang Yun was slightly stunned and said, "Why?"

Jiang Yun is indeed planning to go to the Ancient Forbidden Land, not because of the Ancient Emperor or to find the Ancient people, but because his senior brother said that his second-generation ancestor of the Jiang family, along with some great emperors from the Tibetan Elders Association, Together with his parents, master, and uncle, Lingshu fled to the Ancient Forbidden Land.

It is not convenient for the eldest brother to go to the ancient forbidden place, but he has the ancient inheritance and has no scruples. Naturally, he wants to go there, at least to rescue his parents, uncle and others first.

Chi Yuezi shrugged his shoulders and said: "Before you came to the Four Realms Tibet, your master had just left there. There should be no one there now."


Jiang Yun nodded understandingly. The master said before that he had some things to deal with, so he should have come to the Four Realms Tibet to take away the ancient people.

Since the person was taken away by the master, whether or not he could go to the ancient forbidden place really didn't mean much to Jiang Yun.

"Thank you, senior!"

After saying goodbye to the two great emperors, Jiang Yun rushed to the Mirage Clan without stopping.

Of course, this mirage clan is not a real mirage clan, but to Jiang Yun, this mirage clan is more friendly.

Especially since Yuan Ning actually came here secretly and took Jiang Yuerou away. No matter what, Jiang Yun had to go and see.

In the Jiang Village of the Mirage Tribe, Jiang Yun met all the people in the Jiang Village and also met his grandfather Jiang Wanli.

At this time, Jiang Wanli was obviously much older than before.

It was not that he was injured, but because Jiang Yuerou was captured, and even more because the true spiritual master of the Mirage Clan had been killed by Ren Zun.

Seeing Jiang Yun appear, Jiang Wanli barely showed a smile on his face and said: "Yun Wazi."


Jiang Yun walked to Jiang Wanli and wanted to comfort his grandfather, but when he opened his mouth, he didn't know how to speak.

The first-generation Linggong is Grandpa's ancestor, and his relationship with Grandpa is just like the relationship between Grandpa and himself.

The death of a spiritual master of a generation was a huge blow to Grandpa, and no words could comfort him at all.

Still Jiang Wanli said with a smile: "I'm fine. I'm used to this kind of separation between life and death."

"By the way, you came just in time, take the mirage back!"

After the war, Jiang Yun did not take back the sacred objects of the Nine Clans.

Now, he is also not prepared to accept the sacred objects of the Nine Clans.

He was a little scared by Guantian Palace! I don’t know who refined the sacred object of the Nine Clans.

If they, like Guantian Palace, betrayed him at the critical moment, he might really lose his life.

What's more, Jiang Yun will go to the True Realm soon, and he can't use the nine clans' sacred objects with him at all. It's better to return them to their original owners.

Anyway, apart from the Demon Lord and Grandpa, the real nine tribes do not necessarily recognize themselves, so why should I take their sacred objects?

Jiang Yunyi sent a message: "Grandpa, I will go to the True Realm soon. I won't take this mirage with me."

"Are you going to the True Domain?"

Jiang Wanli's expression suddenly changed! Jiang Yun smiled and said: "Grandpa, don't worry. Shura, Shura, and Master have already discussed it. There is no danger for me to go to the True Domain."

Jiang Yun had to tell his grandfather again his purpose and master's arrangements for him.

After listening, Jiang Wanli was silent for a while, nodded and said, "Although I don't want you to go, I understand your character. Once a decision is made, it's useless for anyone to say anything."

"With your current strength, as long as you don't encounter the three great emperors and the true emperor, you should be able to protect yourself. If you want to go, you can go!"

"It's really inappropriate for you to carry this sacred object of the Nine Clans with you, so just leave it with me for the time being."

"Grandpa has a suggestion for you. You can talk to the Nine Emperors and the others. They may be able to provide some help!"

Naturally, Jiang Yun wanted to meet the Nine Emperors.

Even though I had some grievances with several of the Nine Emperors in the past, they now have a common enemy, a grasshopper tied to a rope. If everyone wants to survive, they must have a good talk.

Jiang Wanli suddenly smiled and said: "Okay, you have a few friends who have been thinking about you, you should meet them too!"

After he finished speaking, Jiang Wanli waved his hand, and three people appeared in front of Jiang Yun.

At one glance, Jiang Yun couldn't help but be overjoyed.

The ones who appeared were Shengjun, Song Juewu, and Huo Duming from the Ancestor Realm! Huo Duming and Wuyan Puppet Deng have always been in the Xunzu Realm. Jiang Yun was not surprised by his appearance.

But Shengjun and Song Juewu, two beings in the illusion, were able to leave the illusion. Jiang Yun was really surprised.

Obviously, this is grandpa’s method! In addition to Huo Duming, Shengjun and Song Juewu were also full of excitement.

Their lifelong wish is to leave the ancestral-seeking world.

Now, the wish has finally come true! Just when Jiang Yun was about to congratulate these two people, there was suddenly an earth-shaking loud noise that resounded throughout the Four Realms!

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