Taoist world

Chapter 5823: Death-Free Gold Medal

The emperor of the Fang family was the first to discover that the one who rescued Jiang Yun was actually Youqing.

As one of the three people who teamed up to kill Jiang Yun, he was also the most shocked.

Even when he saw that Youqing was the one who took action, the first thought that came to his mind was that Youqing and Jiang Yun had formed an alliance.

Therefore, at this moment, facing Jiang Yun who had rushed in front of him, the Fang family emperor did not come back to his senses for a moment.

It wasn't until the strong wind brought by Jiang Yun's fist hit his face that he suddenly came to his senses. Without thinking, he used all his strength, clenched his fist and faced it.

However, just as he punched out, a hurried voice sounded in his ears: "You can't kill Jiang Yun!"

The great emperor of the Fang family was trembling all over and finally woke up completely.

Especially when he discovered that Jiang Yun had no defense at all and looked like he was going to die with him. Even though he was extremely unwilling in his heart, he could only try his best to take back half of his strength.

He didn't know Jiang Yun's strength at all, and he didn't know whether his full blow could kill Jiang Yun.

However, he didn't dare to take risks at all! As the great emperor of the Fang family, he has followed Renzun for so many years. At this time, if he still hasn't figured out why Youqing didn't let him and others kill Jiang Yun, then his cultivation level can be regarded as that of a dog. .

If he kills Jiang Yun, not only will it be useless, but he and the entire Fang family will be annihilated.


Jiang Yun's fist collided with his.

The body of the Fang family emperor suddenly staggered back, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

But Jiang Yun flew backwards, spitting out a large mouthful of blood.

After Jiang Yun finally stopped, his face turned pale and the light in his eyes became dim.

But Jiang Yun rushed towards the Fang family emperor again without saying a word.

"I..." The emperor of the Fang family was so angry that he almost cursed. Although he extremely suspected that Jiang Yun's injuries were faked. It was not like Jiang Yun had never been hit before. There was no time when he was not lively and like a normal person.

But seeing Jiang Yun's body trembling slightly, clearly looking extremely weak, again, he didn't dare to risk fighting Jiang Yun again.

In desperation, the Fang family emperor could only stomp his feet angrily, turn around and run away.

By now, everyone has understood.

Jiang Yun has the gold medal for immunity from death given by Renzun! To put it simply, Jiang Yun is desperate to find someone to fight with, but no one dares to fight with him.

If Jiang Yun is killed, he and his family will be buried with him. No one wants to bear the consequences.

Therefore, an extremely strange scene appeared on this battlefield.

Jiang Yun is like a ghost. He will appear next to any monk in the True Domain at any time. After appearing, he will immediately launch an attack.

If the True Domain cultivator simply took Jiang Yun's attack, he would almost be injured. After all, Jiang Yun's physical strength is not small.

If the True Domain cultivator wanted to fight back, Jiang Yun would let go of his entire body's defenses and allow the other party to attack.

Considering the safety of themselves and their families, all True Domain monks can only choose to passively receive Jiang Yun's blow... The consequences of receiving the blow will either be directly killed by Jiang Yun, or they will be injured themselves, and then need to Continue to face attacks from Dream Realm or Four Realms Tibetan monks.

This makes the True Domain monks become timid in taking action.

It is conceivable that under this situation, the death rate of the True Domain monks has greatly accelerated again! This result made all the True Domain cultivators so angry that they vomited blood.

Youqing and other true-level emperors tried to catch or seal Jiang Yun several times, but their opponents were not willing to give them this chance.

In fact, if Jiang Yun was not very aware of his current strength and that even a full-out sneak attack could not hurt the true emperor, he would have regarded them as targets long ago.

As for Emperor Xing, he was already entangled by Mr. Jiang's pavilion.

Jiang Yun was not interested in killing him at all for the time being.

In this way, in less than a stick of incense, the number of True Realm monks dropped by half again, leaving only more than two hundred people.

However, these two hundred people are truly the strongest among the strong.

Especially the half-step true-level emperors from Huanzhen Realm, Dream Realm and Four Realms Cang have already joined the true-level battlefield.

Even if the monks from Mengyu and Shijingzang are at least two against one, it is still difficult to deal with them quickly.

Although Jiang Yun still kept appearing mysteriously around them, they were already used to it and were not affected at all.

Jiang Yun also retreated to the edge of the battlefield again, reached out to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and took a deep breath.

Although almost everyone thought Jiang Yun's injury was fake, in fact, Jiang Yun was really injured.

Although the True Domain monks did not dare to fight Jiang Yun again, they would take action regardless of whether someone was about to die.

In addition, after killing continuously for so long, Jiang Yun also consumed a lot of his strength.

However, he didn't pay attention to his situation, and stared at the remaining True Domain monks, thinking about how to deal with them all.

A protracted war would still be extremely detrimental to Jiang Yun and the others.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Yun gritted his teeth and said, "I can only give it a try."

Jiang Yun's voice suddenly sounded in everyone's minds: "Everyone, in order to deal with the True Domain monks as soon as possible, I need to temporarily control your bodies now!"

"Then, I will form a formation with you all to increase your strength."

People who know Jiang Yun will immediately know what Jiang Yun is going to do when they hear these words.

Jiang Yun can split his soul into countless parts, multi-task, control other people's bodies, and use the power of formations to fight.

The reason why Jiang Yun didn't do this before was because everyone was too strong.

The monks from the three parties put together, there are hundreds of great emperors and quasi-great emperors in total. Jiang Yun controls their bodies at the same time, which requires a huge amount of soul power.

Even if Jiang Yun's soul enters the body, it will be difficult to persist.

But now, seeing the dawn of victory coming, Jiang Yun couldn't care so much anymore.

As soon as Jiang Yun finished speaking, everyone in the Hundred Clans Alliance immediately agreed.

They already have absolute trust in Jiang Yun! The monks in Huan Zhen Realm and Si Jing Zang were a little hesitant.

There are certain risks in giving your body to outsiders to control.

Jiang Yun did not try to persuade them anymore. His eyebrows split open, and his soul rushed out from it, and had already entered the bodies of the great ancestor of the Jiang family and others.

The next moment, these nearly 200 monks had already arranged themselves into twenty nine-blood formations in a neat and orderly manner, and were killing the True Realm monks.

Nine people form a group, and the nine people form one body, which is completely equivalent to one person. Killing one person with the combined strength of nine people is really like chopping melons and vegetables, it is extremely easy.

What shocked everyone even more was that Jiang Yun did not just attack with nine people in one round, but with twenty formations attacking at the same time.

Facing this attack method that he and others had never seen before, the True Domain monk truly felt the feeling of despair.

So many people actually chose to self-destruct directly.

It's a pity that due to Jiang Yun's terrifying multi-tasking ability, their self-destruction has almost no lethality.

After ten breaths had passed, there were only a hundred or so cultivators left in the True Realm.

The monks from the Huanzhen Realm and the Four Realms Realm who witnessed this scene immediately spoke to Jiang Yun, willing to temporarily hand over control of their bodies to Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun was not polite to them. As long as someone spoke, a burst of soul power would immediately rush into the other person's body.

When Jiang Yun finally took control of everyone and began to launch the final siege against the True Domain monks, four thousand monks in the True Domain, led by seven soul concubines, had already rushed into the passage!

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