Taoist world

Chapter 5742 Returning home on the first floor

Amidst Jiang Yun's violent roar, the huge mirage trembled slightly.

Colorful light was released from it, and it skyrocketed crazily again, continuing to stretch in all directions as if it were endless.

From the eyes of others, the light emitted by the mirage only spreads towards the endless void.

However, in Yun Xihe's eyes, he could clearly see that the light of the mirage had already covered six lost ancient worlds! Under the coverage of light, the core object in every ancient world began to tremble uncontrollably.

These core things originally originated from mirages.

For them, the mirage is their home.

Now that home has called them, how can they continue to be indifferent.

Therefore, each of them already has the urge to go home immediately.

However, Yun Xihe, who also saw this scene in his eyes, stretched out his finger and pressed hard between his eyebrows.

On it, a human-shaped colored mark appeared! The mark shined brightly, and left Yun Xihe's eyebrows, and went straight towards the sky. In an instant, it surpassed the position of the mirage, high up, exuding a supreme aura that overcame everyone.

Looking at this mark, even Ancient Mogu Burao lowered his head slightly, not daring to look directly at him.

Because this mark represents human dignity! As a disciple of Ren Zun, everyone will have such a mark that outsiders, not even the other two Zun, can imitate.

This mark can be regarded as a life-saving thing given to all disciples by Renzun. Each person can only use it once.

Once it is revealed, the meaning it represents is equivalent to the personal visit of a human being! If it were in the True Domain, as long as Renzun's disciples showed this mark, even if they encountered a huge crisis, they would basically be able to turn the danger into safety.

However, at this moment, Yun Xihe showed this mark, not because he hoped that after seeing the mark, Ancient Mo Gubulao and others would retreat and no longer participate in this matter.

Yun Xihe's purpose is to deter the Mirage Clan and prevent the six lost ancient worlds from returning to their places.

Jiang Yun's control over the Lost Ancient World has surpassed that of Yun Xihe.

And through the mirage, the six core things were summoned, making it very possible for those who were lost in the ancient world to return to the mirage.

Once that happens, it will be the end for Yun Xihe.

The Lost Ancient World is his last trump card. Without the Lost Ancient World, he will no longer be the opponent of Ancient Mogu Bulao and others based on his own strength alone and the Eye of Illusion that he cannot fully control.

In desperation, he could only show the mark of the human being and force the mirage clan members not to return to the mirage.

The six lost ancient worlds all contain the souls of the Mirage clan members.

And these mirage tribesmen are not the fake tribesmen in Jiang Village who were selected by the mirage, but the real mirage tribesmen from the true domain.

They naturally know the existence of Renzun and the meaning of Renzun's mark.

In particular, they were able to survive until now under the protection of human respect.

So, if they turn a blind eye to Renzun's mark, they will not only offend Renzun, but also tear up the agreement reached between Linggong and Renzun.

Therefore, when the mark of the human being was like the sun, hanging high in the sky, the six core objects that had been trembling slightly due to the summons of Jiang Yun and Mirage all gradually became quiet.

Although the call of home is extremely attractive to them, the meaning of their existence is to accumulate strength and rescue the mirage clan spirit master.

This approach has already offended the Earth Lord. If it offends the Heavenly Lord again, it will be equivalent to sending the Mirage Clan to a point of no return.

In desperation, they can only choose to succumb to the mark of human dignity.


Seeing this scene, Yun Xihe couldn't help laughing proudly.

As long as Jiang Yun cannot control the six lost ancient worlds, even with the mirage, he will not be his opponent today.

"Jiang Yun, you are the master of the mirage clan. You can control the mirage, but it does not mean that you can return the lost ancient world to the mirage!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Following the orders issued by Yun Xihe, the hundreds of millions of monks who had previously suspended their attacks due to the appearance of mirages and boundary stones, and could not help but rush towards Jiang Gongwang and the others again.

They will not listen to Yun Xihe's orders, but they must listen to the orders of the six core things.

However, no one rushed towards Jiang Yun.

Obviously, the six lost ancient worlds had to continue to kill Jiang Gongwang and others according to Yun Xihe's request.

However, Lost Ancient World was not willing to kill Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun's heart sank slightly. He didn't expect that Yun Xihe showed a human respect mark, which could have such an effect that other floors of the mirage would not dare to return to the mirage! Naturally, Jiang Yun also knew what it meant to him and all his relatives and friends to lose control of the lost ancient world and not be able to let them return to the mirage.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Yun closed his eyes and stood there, motionless.

Seeing Jiang Yun in this posture, Yun Xihe's face showed a nervous look.

Even though he seemed confident and sure of victory, in fact, he was also wary of Jiang Yun.

He had no idea what else Jiang Yun relied on or what trump card he had.

Everyone else's attention was also focused on Jiang Yun.

Especially Liuli, the true emperor who had just met Jiang Yun and didn't know much about Jiang Yun, was really shocked.

It was obviously a war between true emperors, but the key to who would win in the end was a little monk who was not even a great emperor.

"Jiang Yun, what is your identity?"

"As the master of the mirage and the altar of heaven and earth, I have a master who is a true emperor, an ancestor who entered a land outside the law and came out safely, and a group of friends who can be regarded as geniuses even in the true realm!"

Just when Liuli was thinking about Jiang Yun's origin, a shocking "buzz" sound suddenly sounded.

In the center of this world where it was no longer clear whether it was reality or an illusion or a dream, there was suddenly a huge tree that towered over the sky and slowly emerged.

Next to the big tree, there is a huge city.

No, not one, but thirteen cities, and a large number of monks.

Especially on top of the big tree, a man was turning his head and looking around with curious eyes.

But when the man saw Yun Xihe and the ancient demon Gu Bulao waiting for the true emperor, his face couldn't help but become extremely ugly, and he shouted to Jiang Yun who was standing at the top of the mirage: "Jiang, you are too much." It’s too much!”

"Every time we are summoned, there is nothing but fighting!"

"Forget about fighting, you can at least find some opponents who are equal to our strength."

"This time, these people should be true emperors, right?"

"You're afraid we won't die fast enough!"

Hearing the man's series of complaints against Jiang Yun, everyone was dumbfounded, wondering who the man was who actually talked to Jiang Yun like this.

On the contrary, Jiang Yun smiled and said: "Holy Lord, please be patient!"

"I'm calling you here this time, not because I want your help, but because I need a favor from Xunzu Realm."

At this point, Jiang Yun's smile suddenly faded, and he continued in a deep voice: "Xunzu Realm, go home!"

With the help of the boundary stone, Jiang Yun summoned the Ancestor Realm here.

The Xunzu Realm is a world that has been conquered by Jiang Yun. Even a generation of spiritual masters from the Mirage Clan cannot take away the ownership of this realm from Jiang Yun.

Human respect, let alone! Jiang Yun could actually return the Xunzu Realm to the Mirage a long time ago, but because there are still many souls of the Mirage clan members in it.

Once the Ancestor Realm returns to the Mirage, Jiang Yun doesn't know what will happen to the souls of the Mirage clan members.

But now, since the other six lost ancient worlds dare not return to Mirage, Jiang Yun can only let the Xunzu Realm return first.

Then, use the souls of the Lost Tree and the Mirage tribe to convince the other six Lost Ancient Worlds.

As Jiang Yun finished speaking, the Lost Tree suddenly trembled slightly, and densely packed figures appeared on the tree.

Their eyes were all looking at the mirage, with a look of sadness on their faces.

Immediately afterwards, they, together with the entire Lost Tree, bent slightly and bowed to Jiang Yun.

After straightening up, the entire Xunzu Realm suddenly turned into a colorful light, like a meteor, and disappeared directly into the mirage.

Mirage level one, go home!

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