Taoist world

Chapter 5725 My name

The sudden sigh sounded nothing special to Xuanyuan Xing and the others.

After all, they all know that there are some strong men hidden in Jiang Yun's body, so when Jiang Yun is in danger now, it is really normal for a strong man to take action to protect Jiang Yun.

The only thing they were worried about was whether the strong man and strength in Jiang Yun's body could be Yun Xihe's opponent.

However, when Yun Xihe heard the sigh, his expression suddenly changed.

This is the Eye of Fantasy. Any creature or strong person who wants to enter here must obtain his permission and be within the number of people he limits. However, now, Jiang Yun has a strong person hidden in him. , successfully brought into the Eye of Illusion.

He didn't even know it at all.

This made him couldn't help but wonder if it was his master who was behind it again and deliberately gave Jiang Yun some privileges.

Before the sighing sound completely disappeared, an extremely majestic force came out from Jiang Yun's body, pushing Yun Xi and the palm that was grabbing Jiang Yun away.

At the same time, a figure also appeared in this space, blocking Jiang Yun.

The man who appeared was naturally the man from the mist of the Glazed Realm.

Seeing the man, Yun Xihe's pupils suddenly shrank, and she blurted out: "It's you!"

The man ignored Yun Xihe, but turned his head and looked at the huge bone in the distance.

In other words, he was looking at what was behind the bones - the true domain! Yun Xihe shouted angrily again: "Damn it, how could you leave Liuli Jie Hao, how could you hide in Jiang Yun's body."

Before the man could answer, Yun Xihe had already figured out the answer on his own: "I understand, it's Master, it must be Master who did it again!"

Yun Xi and now can't think of any other possibility besides blaming Jiang Yun's abnormal behavior on Ren Zun.

Especially this man. Although I don't know his identity or even his name, his master took it upon himself to imprison him in the mist of the Glazed Realm.

The master also specially greeted himself, telling him that while he could drive this person to a certain extent, he should also be careful about the other person.

Then, it can only be that the master secretly taught Jiang Yun some method, so that Jiang Yun could take the other party out of the Liuli Realm and into the Eye of Illusion without anyone noticing.

Even, at this moment, this person even took the initiative to show up to protect Jiang Yun! No wonder I had asked this man to kill Jiang Yun in the mist of the Glazed Realm before, but Jiang Yun still entered the Eye of Illusion unscathed.

After hearing Yun Xihe's words, the man finally withdrew his gaze from the distant entrance to the True Domain, looked at Yun Xihe, shook his head and said, "Compared to your master, you are far behind!"

The man already knew that Yun Xihe wanted to kill Jiang Yun.

Regardless of Jiang Yun's strength, he is still just a monk who is not even an emperor.

Yun Xihe, as a majestic true emperor, went to kill Jiang Yun. For such behavior, saying that he bullied the younger ones is a compliment to him! Yun Xihe ignored the man's sarcasm, and his expression changed again: "You, how can you regain your sanity? Is it also the master's fault?"

Over the years, although Yun Xihe had not met this man a few times, she had talked with him and knew that the man was not completely lost in his mind and could speak some monotonous words.

Now, the man's words are so coherent that he has naturally regained his consciousness.

The man stopped speaking, but raised a finger and pointed directly at Yun Xi and Lingkong.

The light in Yun Xihe's eyes flickered and he did not dodge. However, a ball of light lit up on his body, forming a light shield.

Obviously, he wanted to take the man's finger forcefully, feel the opponent's specific strength, and see if he was his opponent.


Along with a muffled sound, the man's finger naturally clicked on Yun Xi and the light shield outside him.

Although Yun Xihe's body swayed and the light shield outside his body had several cracks, it was not broken.

This made Yun Xihe feel at ease. He laughed and said, "It seems that after being trapped in the mist of the Liuli Realm for so many years, your strength is not as good as before."

Yun Xihe definitely didn't mean to look down on the man at all.

After all, the opponent was captured by Renzun himself. It is conceivable that he must have been extremely strong back then.

But now, even the opponent's finger can't break through his own body-protecting light, so he doesn't pose much of a threat to himself.

The man still said calmly: "My strength has dropped a lot, but it should still be enough to deal with you!"

Yun Xihe smiled coldly and said: "Since my master failed to kill you back then, I will kill you for him today!"

After the words fell, two rays of light suddenly shot out from Yun Xihe's white eyes.

The light was like two nails, piercing straight from the top of the man's head, penetrating the man's body, and fixing his whole body there.

The man's body remained motionless after trembling slightly, and even the originally black pupils in his eyes gradually turned white.

Yun Xihe, as the eldest disciple of Renzun, does not say that he has inherited Renzun's mantle perfectly, but at least he practices the path of Renzun.

Not only does he cultivate his physical body, but he also possesses phantom eyes.

At this moment, he used the power of the phantom eyes to trap the man in the illusion.

Because he knows very well that for people of their level, even if the man's strength is not as good as before, it is extremely difficult to kill the opponent, and it cannot be done in a short time.

The most important purpose of Yun Xi and now is to catch Jiang Yun and throw Jiang Yun into the river of time.

If he had a fierce battle with the man here, it would waste a lot of time, and Jiang Yun would most likely take the opportunity to escape to the True Realm.

Therefore, he could only trap the man first, and after dealing with Jiang Yun, he could come back and fight with the man and kill him.

What made him a little relieved was that Jiang Yun actually watched from the sidelines and did not take the opportunity to go to the True Domain.

In fact, it was not that Jiang Yun didn't want to run away, but since this man was protecting him, it would be a bit ungrateful for him to just pat his butt and walk away.

Secondly, for Jiang Yun, entering the True Realm is as difficult as fighting Yun Xihe. Whether he can survive is unknown.

Therefore, he simply waited here to see the outcome of the battle between these two great emperors.

Now, seeing that the man was at a disadvantage, seemingly trapped by Yun Xi and the power of the illusion, he frowned slightly.

If the man is not Yun Xihe's opponent, then he can crush the jade pendant and notify the human being.

But after Renzun appears, once he sees this man, he will probably catch him or kill him.

This made Jiang Yun feel a little entangled, thinking about how he could protect himself if the man lost to Yun Xihe.

After confirming that the man was completely unable to move, Yun Xihe smiled ferociously, stared at Jiang Yun, and tried to bypass the man to catch Jiang Yun.

However, as soon as his body moved, his expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly lowered his head and looked at his body.

Around him, unexpectedly, a piece of light mist surged out and enveloped his body.

These mists shine with colorful light, like glass, and are extremely beautiful.

At the same time, the man's voice suddenly came out from the mist: "By the way, Jiang Yun, I never told you my name before."

"It's not that I wanted to hide it from you on purpose, but I didn't remember it."

"Now, I finally remember."

"My name is Liuli!"

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