Taoist world

Chapter 5717: It’s not difficult at all

Jiang Yun had been busy looking for the River of Time for the past month, so he didn't pay attention to the man anymore.

But when he heard his voice suddenly ringing out, especially when the other person's words no longer came out word by word like before, he couldn't help but be surprised and a little excited at the same time.

Thinking about it, the dream for more than a year helped the man a lot and made his condition improve.

Jiang Yun asked hurriedly: "Senior, have you fully recovered your sanity?"

The man's voice then said: "I have recovered a lot, but it will take some time to fully recover."

"Speaking of which, it's all thanks to your dream!"

"At such a young age, you can use the power of time and dreams to such an extent. It's great!"


Regarding the man's compliment, Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said, "It's an honor for me to be able to help senior."

Since the man's sanity has recovered a lot, his memory has naturally recovered as well.

Just when Jiang Yun wanted to ask about the other person's origin, the man took the lead and asked again: "Where is this place?"

Jiang Yun thought for a moment and then explained: "This is the Eye of Illusion, a magical weapon refined by Ren Zun."

"This magic weapon has evolved into the Illusory Realm. It can be regarded as a door between the Real Realm and the Real Realm. From now on, it can lead to the Real Realm!"

"Senior, you should have heard of Ren Zun and know about the True Domain, right?"

As Jiang Yun's words fell, the man's voice was silent for a long time before speaking: "Of course I know what you said, because I am originally from the True Domain!"

From the true domain! Thinking back to the lawless place that the other party mentioned before, Jiang Yun's judgment on the origin of the other party became more detailed.

After hesitating for a while, Jiang Yun simply asked directly: "Senior, if you don't mind, can you tell me your origins?"

The man was silent for a longer time this time. When Jiang Yun thought he wouldn't answer, he spoke out: "I can't remember much, but I can tell you what I remember."

"Ren Zun and I were originally good friends."

Jiang Yun was shocked by what the other party said! Although he guessed that this man's identity must have some background, he never expected that the other man was actually a good friend of Renzun and a powerful contemporary of Renzun! "At that time, human beings had not yet become immortals, and there were only two beings in the true domain, heaven and earth."

"Because they already have their own rules and have become supreme, their rules have also covered most of the True Domain."

"Under their rules, all true domain creatures have four choices."

"Either surrender, or resist, or run away, or become a master!"

"Being a respectable person is difficult, but not difficult at all!"

Jiang Yun frowned slightly, not understanding what the other party meant.

If it were not difficult to become a deity, then why would only three deities appear after so many years?

The man continued: "The key to becoming a respectable person lies in rules."

"You have mastered the power of rules, then you should be able to understand that with our level of strength, it is not difficult to master the rules."

Jiang Yun nodded.

Although I have met not many people who master the rules, especially under the Great Emperor, there are only three people: Ming Yuyang, Yu Youwei and myself. However, even if the True Level Emperor cannot master the rules, he must have had some contact with them. .

"It is not difficult to master the rules, but the difficulty is that in that era, there were two gods, heaven and earth, pressing on us."

"The power of their rules covers most of the True Domain."

"The coverage I am talking about is not simply covering with power, but covering with rules."

"That is to say, even if all the monks understand the rules, they are still within their rules and still cannot become immortal."

"We call such monks false lords!"

What the man said was indeed beyond Jiang Yun's expectations and made Jiang Yun wary.

It turns out that becoming an immortal is related to comprehending the rules, but the rules that the monks comprehend are also included in the rules of the three immortals.

So is the Tao that I have learned to break all rules also fall under their rules?

If so, then even if he could skip the step of becoming an emperor and directly become an honorable person, wouldn't he still be a false lord, a false lord who is still under the control of the three deities?

The man sighed and said, "I can't remember exactly what we went through back then."

"I only know that with the cooperation of a few of us, Human Zun finally succeeded in finding a way under the cover of the two deities of heaven and earth, and successfully became a deity."

"As for why he became a master, I don't know either, and he didn't tell me."

"In fact, the first thing he did after becoming an emperor was to ask us to surrender to him."

"Of course we refused, and then we should have had a big fight."

"I still don't remember the specific process, but then I went to a place outside the law."

"The land outside the law, I don't know if it was opened by man or how it appeared. At that time, it was the only place that was not covered by the rules of the Three Lords."

"It's just that, although it is beyond the rules of the three gods, there is a kind of black line there."

"Those lines can suppress the many negative emotions planted by the monks when they become emperors, which will affect the monks there and make us gradually lose our way. There is also no possibility of becoming an emperor!"

"But in any case, the land outside the law is a blessed place for those monks who are unwilling to surrender to the three gods. Therefore, there are also many strong people gathering in the land outside the law."

At this point, the man stopped, and Jiang Yun did not urge him, trying to digest what the man said.

Each of these things is absolutely earth-shattering. If spread, it will definitely cause a sensation in the entire Zhenyu.

This man, they must have been a group of people at that time. In order to become an immortal, they came together, exchanged each other's practice skills and insights, and explored the possibility of becoming an immortal.

A large part of the reason why Ren Zun can become Zun is naturally related to their cooperation.

The place outside the law is consistent with his guess.

The situation inside was similar to what I knew. It was indeed filled with all kinds of negative emotions.

But, is the land outside the law created by man or naturally formed?

If it's the former, then doesn't the person who created the lawless land have the strength to compete with the three deities? Who is this person?

The man's voice finally continued: "The existence of a land outside the law is naturally not something that the three deities can tolerate."

"But at the beginning, the three deities used many methods. Not to mention destroying the lawless land, they couldn't even find the specific location of the lawless land!"

"In fact, they even specially trained some monks, and let these monks deliberately betray them and lead them out of the lawless land, but they basically failed."

"In the end, the Earth Lord found a sacrificial clan from somewhere, which is the clan that owns the altar of heaven and earth where I am now. They can communicate with the lawless land and even open the lawless land."

"However, because there is no rule coverage of the Three Lords, it is a restricted area for the Three Lords."

"Even if they found it, they didn't enter. Whether it was because they couldn't enter or they didn't dare to enter, I don't know."

Jiang Yun's heart moved. In the true realm, the three deities are invincible, but there are no rules for them in the lawless land, so they may die after entering! "But the three deities refused to give up and still tried every means to destroy the lawless land."

"I can remember less about things in the lawless land. I'm afraid it's those black lines that prevent us from remembering things inside and avoiding being soul-searched by the three deities."

"I only remember that I left the lawless land with Nie Mie. I should have something to do. But when I left, something unexpected happened. I was separated from Nie Mie, and unexpectedly met Ren Zun, Ren Zun. You caught me and sent me into the strange mist."

"The reason why I can still retain some sanity is not because of my strength, but because of these black lines."

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