Taoist world

Chapter 5694: Killing in Heaven and Earth

Use force to overwhelm others! Ming Yuyang has almost achieved the perfection of these four words! Facing his enemies, many of them were suppressed by the invincibility he exuded without any need for him to fight against them.

Even if someone can take action forcefully, the uncontrollable fear in their hearts greatly reduces their strength.

In addition, Ming Yuyang himself can rely on this sense of invincibility to make his attacks more powerful and his power more powerful.

The fluctuation of the situation allowed him to embark on an invincible path! At this moment, all the strong men who could see Ming Yuyang's state showed solemn expressions on their faces.

Even among the top emperors such as Yun Xi, Yu Wenji, etc., although Ming Yuyang's current strength is not as good as them, as long as Ming Yuyang does not die and can continue along his path, one day he will definitely... Be able to become an equal to them.

You know, there are as many monks as there are sands in the Ganges, but there are only a few who can truly reach the top.

Even Jiang Yun is not favored by everyone, and not everyone believes that he can become a true emperor in the future.

However, at this moment, Ming Yuyang, who showed his invincibility, has been unanimously agreed by a group of top emperors that he can definitely become a true emperor in the future! This is already an extremely high evaluation! In fact, they have already thought of Ming Yuyang's future title.

The invincible emperor! The word invincible may sound a bit crude, but it is the dream goal of any monk.

Of course, this invincibility does not mean that Ming Yuyang's strength is truly invincible, but it represents Ming Yuyang's cultivation intention.


At this moment, a long sound of exhalation came from Jiang Yun's mouth.

And with this long breath, the fear in Jiang Yun's heart was completely gone, and he returned to normal.

It is true that Jiang Yun had just been affected by Ming Yuyang's invincibility, but Jiang Yun had actually seen too many strong men.

He has seen two of the three statues in the True Realm.

Even when facing two deities, Jiang Yun could maintain an attitude of neither being humble nor arrogant. When facing Ming Yuyang at this moment, he could naturally adjust his mentality quickly.

Seeing Jiang Yun's reaction, Ming Yuyang's eyes showed approval and said: "Among the monks of the same level, you are the only one who can not be affected."

Jiang Yun said calmly: "It can only be said that you have not met a stronger monk of the same level."


Ming Yuyang laughed loudly and said: "Then I hope, starting from you, I can meet more people."

"Okay, now let's officially start!"

"I have three magical powers, and I would like to ask my junior brother for advice!"

After the words fell, the smile on Ming Yuyang's face faded, he raised his hand, pressed it towards Jiang Yun, and whispered eight words in his mouth: "The sky is full of murderous intent, and the five elements are in chaos!"

Everything disappeared in Jiang Yun's eyes, even Ming Yuyang in front of him disappeared without a trace, and he was in a dark void.

But soon, worlds appeared around him, constantly surrounding and changing their positions.

Each world exudes terrifying power, far exceeding the previous worlds condensed into water droplets in Fang Taiping.

These powers are extremely chaotic, but if you carefully distinguish them, you can feel the power of the five elements.


In the eyes of others, all the gaps within a hundred feet around Jiang Yun's body suddenly collapsed and turned into pieces one after another.

However, these fragments did not fly out in all directions, but were squeezed inwards, forming an internal swirling vortex.

Jiang Yun, who was in the center of the whirlpool, woke up and suddenly felt a huge pressure, squeezing crazily towards him.

It was like being held tightly by a hand, and like being trapped in a sharply shrinking cage that was about to turn itself into pieces.

More importantly, the chaotic power of the five elements contained in this area made it impossible for Jiang Yun to use all his power.

Although Jiang Yun is also proficient in the power of the Five Elements, there is still pressure everywhere, which makes it impossible for him to correct the chaos of the Five Elements in a short period of time.

In desperation, Jiang Yun's body suddenly became unreal, and he took a step forward.

One thought is false and true! However, as soon as he lifted his feet, the squeezing force from all directions doubled again, so much so that Jiang Yun could hear the "click" sound of his own bones.

A cold light flashed in Jiang Yun's eyes, and the Dao marks on his body reappeared. He suddenly clenched his fists and punched several times in succession around him.

"Boom boom boom!"

After punching out several times, not only did a thunderous sound come out, shattering all the worlds, but it also brought out several strong winds, which rolled out the fragments of the seams around him, causing a monster to appear around him. A vacuum zone with a radius of about ten feet.

The one press and several punches between the two seemed to be nothing surprising to most people.

But a truly knowledgeable and powerful person can see that the attacks of these two people may seem simple, but actually contain a variety of powers.

Among them, the strongest is the power of space! You know, this is not in the world, but within the gap.

As a space, the Boundary Seam is far more solid than any other world.

It is extremely difficult for other monks to break the boundary seam, but Jiang Yun and Ming Yuyang are able to play with the boundary seam in the palm of their hands.

In addition to being strong in strength, the two of them also have a better understanding of the power of space than others.

Fang Taiping has a deeper understanding of this.

As someone who is proficient in the power of space, it is impossible for him to use the power of space so casually in the gap between the boundaries.

Then there is the power of the Five Elements! Ming Yuyang caused chaos in the five elements and suppressed all Jiang Yun's power.

Fortunately, Jiang Yun's physical strength was strong enough and he was able to break free.

After Jiang Yun threw those few punches, all the pressure disappeared instantly. Jiang Yun also raised his feet again, trying to get out of the collapsed area.

But Ming Yuyang had already raised his hand again, pressed it towards Jiang Yun, and said another eight characters: "The earth sends murderous intent, the dragon and the snake rise from the ground!"

"Ho ho ho!"

When this palm fell, everyone heard earth-shattering beast roars in their ears! In the area of ​​the hundred-foot-long collapsed boundary seam, those collapsed boundary seam fragments suddenly turned into four black giant dragons and four black giant pythons.

Four dragons and four pythons directly wrapped their huge bodies around Jiang Yun's body.

Black humanoid figures emerged from their bodies, rushing towards Jiang Yun like monsters.

Seeing this scene, a strong man couldn't help but said: "This Ming Yuyang can actually summon the remaining souls in the seam of the world."

All souls in the world, after death, even if the soul is scattered, some residual soul power will overflow into the gap between the boundaries.

The soul power of these residual souls basically cannot be controlled by monks.

However, this does not include Jiang Yun.


A ball of red flames rose from Jiang Yun's body and turned into a huge mouth, swallowing all four dragons and four pythons.

"Chi chi chi chi!"

The remaining souls in the four dragons and four pythons suddenly screamed.

Jiang Yun's Indeterminate Soul Fire is the nemesis of the soul power of these remaining souls.

Ming Yuyang raised his brows slightly, obviously not expecting that the flames released by Jiang Yun had such an effect, making his second magical power completely useless.

Ming Yuyang raised his hand for the third time and pressed it towards Jiang Yun.

"When a person sends a murderous intention, the sky will be turned upside down and the earth will be turned upside down!"

This time, there was no change in everyone's eyes.

Only Jiang Yun's expression suddenly changed. Only he could clearly feel that an inexplicable force suddenly poured into his body, causing his internal organs and all his organs to turn upside down.

And in this reversal, his internal organs expanded uncontrollably.

The strangest thing is that he can't control this power or the organs in his body.


Immediately afterwards, explosions were heard, and all the organs in Jiang Yun's body exploded, turning Jiang Yun into a bloody man instantly.

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