Taoist world

Chapter 5673 I can’t bear it

After Jiang Yun finished speaking, everyone finally understood Jiang Yun's purpose.

Help! Jiang Yun said all this just to rescue Jiansheng and the other nine people who were still left in the illusion.

He first gave up the qualification to enter the Eye of Illusion. In fact, he was retreating in order to advance, playing hard to get and deliberately provoking Yun Xihe.

Only after Yun Xihe's anger had been ignited by Jiang Yun did Jiang Yun propose his real purpose! You, Yun Xihe, just want to kill me, so there is no need to wait to enter the Eye of Illusion. Why not just do it here, in accordance with the original rules, in a competition.

I am alone, fighting against twenty-nine other people! I understand, but I have to say that Jiang Yun's words also shocked everyone present! As a monk, you will definitely have a few close friends.

Everyone has more or less thought of sacrificing their own life in order to save their friends.

But in fact, there are really not many people who can really do this! However, Jiang Yun is working hard to do it now! The consequence of doing this is that Jiang Yun is very likely to die.

After all, those twenty-nine monks were not ordinary monks, but a group of top geniuses and monsters from the Huan Zhen Realm and the Ku Realm, including the Zhen Realm.

Even though they passed the last hurdle with the secret help of Yun Xihe, no one would deny their own strength.

Especially among them, Ming Yuyang, Changsun Sheng, etc., each of them led to the three great armored slaves in the Nine Tribulations of Renzun, and left their names on the three volumes.

No matter how strong Jiang Yun is, he can fight one person, two people, or three people, but how can he possibly fight against twenty-nine people! Let alone Jiang Yun, even Ming Yuyang, who is on the road to invincibility, asks himself, he cannot be like Jiang Yun and challenge twenty-nine powerful monks on his own.

This is not the road to invincibility, but the road to death! This area fell into deathly silence again because of Jiang Yun's words.

Yun Xihe was unable to make a decision for a moment.

At the same time, in the Four Realms Hidden, outside the sky and within the sky, Yu Wenji suddenly said to Xue Wuchang: "Yun Xi and the illusion arranged by you, with the power of your clone, can't you protect Jiang Yun's friends?"

Xue Wuchang at this moment, because Xue Danqing has fallen into an illusion, he can no longer see what is happening outside the illusion.

But when he heard Yu Wenji's sudden words, he immediately understood that Yu Wenji should still be able to see.

Moreover, Yu Wenji was clearly moved by the proposal he just made.

This made Xue Wuchang couldn't help but become curious: "What happened outside the illusion that made you finally change your mind?"

As he asked the question, another picture appeared in front of him. In the picture, it was Jiang Yun who was standing there, waiting for Yun Xi and his response.

Looking at this picture, Xue Wuchang's eyes flashed slightly, and he said in his heart: "This Yu Wenji is indeed insidious and cunning. In addition to the mirror, he must have bribed people from the Ku Realm or the Huan Zhen Realm. some people."

At this time, Yu Wenji's voice continued to sound, and he simply repeated to Xue Wuchang what Jiang Yun had just said.

It was precisely because he saw Jiang Yun's actions and heard Jiang Yun's words that Yu Wenji was moved and understood the meaning of the advice Xue Wuchang had given him before.

Jiang Yun really cared too much about his friends. As long as he could protect his friends from death, Jiang Yun would definitely get something in return.

Xue Wuchang's face couldn't help but reveal a smile.

Even though he had always trusted Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun's actions at this moment still made him extremely happy.

Xue Wuchang nodded with satisfaction and said: "If I have no other purpose, I can naturally save the nine of them."

"But you also know that I want to enter the Eye of Illusion to steal the blood of the human being. That is my real purpose, so I must retain most of my strength and cannot use it."

"In this way, it will naturally be a little difficult for me to keep them."

Yu Wenji pondered for a moment and said: "Okay, then I will cooperate with you to keep Jiang Yun's friends alive in the illusion!"

"However, if they can enter the Eye of Illusion, I will no longer protect them."

Xue Wuchang said calmly: "Don't worry, I won't even protect them if they get into the Eye of Fantasy."

"By the way, when you take action, take it easy and don't arouse Yun Xihe's suspicion."

Because he finally saw the hope that his plan could be implemented again, Yu Wenji also showed a smile on his face and said: "You don't need to remind me about this!"

Xue Wuchang shrugged his shoulders, seemingly indifferent, but he was quietly relieved in his heart.

In today's illusion, Jiansheng and the other nine people are indeed in danger.

Although it was not Yun Xihe who took action personally, except for Xue Danqing, two of the other eight people were unconscious, six were exhausted, and none of them had the ability to protect themselves.

In this state, it was entirely up to Xue Wuchang to protect them, and he also had to preserve his own strength and not arouse Yun Xihe's suspicion. It was really difficult for his clones.

With the addition of the wily Yu Wenji, it naturally made him feel a lot more relaxed.

Outside the illusion, after a moment of silence, Yun Xihe's voice finally sounded: "Okay, I want this opportunity!"

Now that things have happened, Yun Xihe really no longer needs to hide his purpose.

And he simply couldn't refuse the opportunity given by Jiang Yun.

This is indeed the best time to kill Jiang Yun.

Even if Renzun's jade pendant really contains Renzun's power, it can only save Jiang Yun once at most.

In the future, even if Renzun knew about this, he would not be able to blame Yun Xihe.

Jiang Yun died in the competition, it could only be because he was not good at studying! Yun Xihe then said: "In addition, you gave me a chance to kill you, then I will also give you a chance to survive."

"I don't need you to fight twenty-nine of them. Since you are here to save your nine friends and also want to enter the Eye of Illusion, you only need to defeat ten of them!"

No one was surprised that Yun Xihe agreed to Jiang Yun, but what no one expected was that Yun Xihe would take the initiative to lower the difficulty.

Fighting ten people and fighting twenty-nine people are certainly not the same concept.

Jiang Yun smiled and said: "If I guess correctly, you should be the one to appoint these ten people!"


Yun Xihe immediately began to read out names one by one.

Ming Yu Yang, Yuan Ning, Dark One, Seven Emotions, Eight Sufferings, Sun Daolin, Fang Taiping, Yu Youwei, Changsun Sheng, Lu Benxin! Seeing Yun Xi and the ten people selected, everyone finally understood.

These ten people are definitely the strongest among the twenty-nine people.

If Jiang Yun can defeat them, then adding nineteen more people will not make any sense.

As long as Jiang Yun can defeat these ten people, he can definitely defeat twenty-nine people! Only the ancient demon glanced at the four brothers of the same race who had previously joined forces to break the first level of illusion, and said expressionlessly: "Brother Yun, this move is inappropriate!"

Yun Xihe said coldly: "Don't you see it yet?"

"It's not because of you that I don't kill Jiang Yun personally!"

"Therefore, don't force me to kill a true emperor before returning to the true domain!"

Yun Xihe's anger has reached its limit, so he has no patience for the ancient demon Gu Bu Lao.

The Ancient Demon's ancient expression changed, and although the cold light in his eyes suddenly grew, he said nothing more in the end.

He is not afraid of Yun Xihe, but Yun Xihe is not afraid of him either.

If the two of them fight, it will not do him any good, especially since Yun Xi and He can return to the true domain at any time! At this moment, in the Huanzhen Realm, in a gap close to the Dream Realm, a boy sitting cross-legged in nothingness shook his head with a sneer and said: "Since you are pretending to be the master of the fourth child, at least You should pretend to be more like it!"

"You can tolerate being bullied like this. It's really a disgrace to us!"

"You can bear it, but I can't!"

After the words fell, the boy stood up and his figure disappeared from the place.

As for the ten people whose names were called by Yun Xi, no matter whether they were willing to fight Jiang Yun or not, it was impossible to refuse at this time.

Jiang Yun glanced at the ten people and said, "See you on the battlefield in three days!"

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