Taoist world

Chapter 5665 Nine Levels of Cloud Sky

It seems that the sword made by Jiansheng did not use any sword skills and sword energy. It just relied on the huge size and incomparable sharpness of the Zhendi Sword. It was said that it shattered the illusion, rather than smashed it. Shattered illusion.

However, no one dares to underestimate his sword! As a monk, everyone has a few good magic weapons on their body, which can also make the size of the magic weapon larger, even if it is as big as a world.

But the other fifty-one monks who entered the illusion, including Jiang Yun, and even the emperors from the outside world who were watching, absolutely no one dared to say that they could do what Jiansheng did with a piece of magic. A magic weapon can break through the illusion.

This is not an ordinary illusion. Although it was not arranged by Renzun, Yun Xihe is a disciple of Renzun and a true emperor. How can the illusion arranged by Renzun be weak.

Of course, Jiansheng's sword was not just a random thrust or a smashing of the illusion, but a combination of many reasons.

First of all, as the Suppressing Emperor Sword rose and grew in size, he had actually been looking for the weakest point in the entire illusion.

Illusions are similar to formations.

Just like formations have eyes, and even the most powerful person has weaknesses, the illusion naturally also has relatively weak points, and it is also the easiest place to break through the entire illusion.

With his spiritual consciousness unable to be used, even Jiang Yun could not guarantee that he would be able to find the weak points of the illusion.

But if you are a swordsman, you can find it! This is not the luck of the swordsman, but the intuition of the swordsman as a swordsman! Sword cultivation, the emphasis is on preferring to break rather than bend, and kill with one strike.

How to kill with one hit?

It is necessary to find the opponent's weakness in the shortest possible time and break it with one sword.

As for his own weaknesses, any monk will definitely try his best to hide them. It is often difficult to find his own weaknesses, and he needs to use intuition to judge.

Therefore, Jiansheng's intuition is absolutely powerful and terrifying.

Secondly, the power of the Suppressing Emperor Sword is also extremely powerful.

The emperors it suppresses are not just those of the empty-level magic level, it can also suppress the true-level emperors! Once again, it’s Jiansheng’s courage! What he used was not the real Emperor-Suppressing Sword, but his Kong Xiang.

If he makes a mistake along the way, not only will he not be able to break the illusion, he may even have his empty phase shattered! Finally, Jiansheng's strength is also extremely strong, at least it has surpassed that of when he was in the Hundred Clans Alliance.

Therefore, this is the result of the swordsman stabbing this illusion to pieces! After the sword was thrust out, the swordsman looked like he was fine, but in fact, not to mention that he was exhausted, he would not be able to thrust out the same sword again in the short term.

However, this illusion obviously does not have only two levels.

After the first sky was completely broken, a new and complete sky appeared after the sky.

Outside the illusion, Ancient Demon Gu Bu Lao finally spoke coldly again: "Yun Xihe, if I guess correctly, this is your Nine Levels of Cloud Sky!"

"Should you give me an explanation?"

Before, Yun Xihe took advantage of Jiang Yun to break the fragments of the rules.

Covered by the power of human respect for rules, even the Ancient Mogu Bu Lao and the others were unable to detect Yun Xihe's move.

But now, seeing the second layer of sky appearing, Ancient Mogu Bu Lao naturally understood.

Although Yun Xihe has no one who respects the Nine Tribulations, he has the Nine Levels of Cloud Sky, which can be regarded as his famous technique. As the name suggests, it is to lay down nine levels of illusion at the same time, layer upon layer.

Trapped within the nine layers of clouds, when you try your best to break through the illusion, you find that after breaking through one layer, there is still another layer, and when you break through two layers, there are still countless layers, you will inevitably A sense of despair arises and you lose the courage to continue! Yun Xihe's voice also sounded in the ears of Ancient Demon Gu Bu Lao: "Don't worry, I guarantee that Jiang Yun will be among the top thirty and can enter the Eye of Fantasy."

"So, you don't have to worry about other people's lives!"

Yun Xihe's answer made the ancient demon Gu Bu Lao really stop talking.

His purpose was to let Jiang Yun enter the Eye of Illusion and True Realm. As for other people, he really didn't bother to care about them, even the Immortal Old Man and Xuanyuan Xing.

At this moment, the swordsman looked at the second level of sky. He raised his eyebrows and stretched out his hand to point to the emperor-suppressing sword that had not been withdrawn. When he was about to continue thrusting, a big hand pressed on his palm and said: "Senior brother-in-law, I am better at this kind of brutal attack."

Apart from Jiang Yun, there is only one person here who can call Jiansheng senior brother-in-law.

Xuanyuan Xing looked at Jiansheng with a smile on his face.

Of course Xuanyuan Xing was not fighting against Jian Sheng, but he could see Jian Sheng's current state, so he took the initiative to take action.

Jiansheng smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Xuanyuan, after you become younger, I see you more and more pleasing to my eye."

Xuanyuan Xing used to look like an old man, but since he recognized his ancestor and returned to his clan, he has become like a middle-aged man.

While speaking, Jiansheng did not continue to fight with Xuanyuan Xing, but stretched out his hand to take back his Kong Xiang.

Xuanyuan Xing grinned and said nothing. His eyebrows split open, and three incarnations came out of it.

The Tao transforms into three bodies.

The three incarnations stepped towards the sky at the same time.

While walking, the bodies of the three incarnations not only grew wildly, but also merged step by step.

Just three steps later, the three incarnations merged into one and turned into a giant.

The aura emanating from that huge body instantly increased by more than three times, as if it had already surpassed Xuanyuan Xing's true form.

This incarnation walked to the end of the sky, raised its fist, and indeed smashed it directly into the sky with this arrogant attack method.

When a punch landed, in the eyes of most people, Xuanyuan Xing used pure physical power.

However, the eyes of Jiang Yun, Ancient Mo Gu Bu Lao, Yuan Fan Ku Lao and others all lit up.

Jiang Yun, in particular, had a look of excitement on his face, and he finally understood why the third senior brother was able to lure out the Golden Armored Slave in the Pass of the Body before and leave his name in the Golden Scroll.

Because, at the moment when the third senior brother's incarnation shook his fist, Jiang Yun actually felt a trace of the breath of the world in the avatar's body! Incarnate into heaven and earth! After obtaining the Demon Lord's consent, Jiang Yun told Xuanyuan Xing all the five stages of physical cultivation.

What Jiang Yun didn't expect was that the third senior brother had actually mastered the incarnation of heaven and earth in such a short period of time.

He even hid the world he created in his incarnation.

Or, it is possible that that incarnation is the world created by the third senior brother.

In this way, Xuanyuan Xing's punch is no longer a simple physical force, but is equivalent to joining the power of the world to fight against this illusion.

This method, in terms of complexity, is naturally not as good as Jiang Yun's annexation of Xunzu Realm, but in terms of the power it can release, it is stronger than Jiang Yun.

At least Jiang Yun has not been able to integrate his Taoist power into his fist.

Naturally, it can be seen from this punch that Xuanyuan Xing's strength has indeed been greatly improved.


The punch of Xuanyuan Xing's incarnation hit the sky heavily.

Amidst the earth-shattering noise, the place where his fist hit collapsed, revealing a huge hole that was ten thousand feet in size.

Immediately afterwards, cracks began to appear rapidly in the sky around the giant cave, spreading in all directions.


Along with another series of roaring sounds, the second sky also collapsed, revealing the third sky inside.

Seeing that there was another illusion, Jiang Yun's expression sank, but at this moment, he suddenly shouted: "Be careful!"

Because, I saw that the fragments of the second layer of sky that collapsed and fell unexpectedly collapsed while falling downwards, and quickly gathered together, condensing into a hand that was at least a hundred feet in size. Go towards Xuanyuan Xing’s true form and grab him!

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