Taoist world

Chapter 5650: A Hundred Battles

Yun Xihe's words fell, but none of the monks took any action. Instead, they were still in the water, carefully considering the rules of this eighth level.

After all, in the previous seven levels, although many monks will be randomly assigned to the same level, under the attack of various forces within it, everyone is equivalent to fighting on their own.

However, the rules of this eighth level now make everyone become opponents against each other.

The rules of this level are actually very simple. They are nothing more than trying to destroy other people's ships while preserving the ship transformed by your own blood, so that you can reach the black shadow in the distance as quickly as possible.

However, behind this simple rule, there is a strong sense of cruelty.

Looking around, there are more than 800 monks gathered here.

Only the first 100 successful candidates will be selected, which means that the remaining 700 people will be eliminated.

This rule is already cruel enough, but if you want to speed up your own ship, you still need to destroy other people's ships.

Moreover, each person can only ride on a ship made of his own blood, and have one chance to turn his blood into a ship.

Then, once your ship is destroyed, it will fall into the water! And the powerful power contained in this water made Jiang Yun's body unable to withstand it for too long.

As you can imagine, falling into the water is almost equivalent to death! After thinking about this, most people looked at the other monks in unison, with a cold light flashing in their eyes.

From this moment on, they may become enemies and murderers of others at any time.

There are also a few monks who are thinking quickly, thinking about whether there are any opportunistic ways within the scope allowed by the rules.

Jiang Yun didn't look at anyone else, just stared at the water in front of him.

In the eyes of others, this body of water is just water containing powerful power, but Jiang Yun knows that this is not water at all, but blood, the blood of Renzun! Because not long ago, Jiang Yun saw Renzun's blood when his master was going through the Great Emperor's Tribulation.

The color of Ren Zun's blood is different from the blood of any other living being. It is colorful.

Only the blood of Ren Zun could contain such terrifying power and attack more than 800 monks at the same time.

Moreover, Renzun's blood should still be diluted.

If it is really the purest blood of the human being, then none of the monks who enter here, including Jiang Yun, can be inside it! Jiang Yun hesitated for a moment, then quietly let go of his consciousness and soaked into the water, hoping to see if he could find something in Renzun's blood just like he did at the Pass of Sound.

As a result, nothing was found! Although the blood contains powerful power, it also has a power similar to a seal, sealing the monk's consciousness, as well as the power of flight and space.

This is also normal! How could a human being allow the secrets in his blood to be discovered by others?

Jiang Yun gave up this idea and took a look at Xue Danqing instead. He didn't know whether he, as a member of the blood tribe, and the Blood Emperor Xue Wuchang hidden in Xue Danqing's body would gain anything.

Next, Jiang Yun also suppressed all the messy thoughts and concentrated on thinking about what kind of ship he should use his blood to condense.

And this question is also a question that almost all monks are considering now.

Using blood to turn a ship into a ship is difficult for everyone, but the key is how to attack other people's ships while preventing others from destroying their own ship during the next voyage.

Finally, when a moment passed, a scream suddenly sounded: "I can't stand it anymore!"

Everyone followed the sound and saw that a monk from the Illusion Realm suddenly drew out the blood from his body and turned it into a large bloody ship about ten feet long. He then grabbed the side of the ship and used his hands and feet to almost climb onto the ship.

While he was crawling, everyone discovered that half of his entire body had disappeared.

Apparently, the other half of his body was destroyed by the power contained in the water.

After the monk climbed onto the boat, the first thing he did was to hurriedly take out a bunch of elixirs from the storage instruments and stuff them all into his mouth without even looking at them.

Then, he lay straight on the deck, motionless, looking up at the sky, breathing heavily, with a look of joy on his face as he survived the disaster.

Immediately afterwards, his boat started to move on its own, sailing slowly towards the vague shadow in the distance.

However, the speed of this ship was really too slow, it was simply moving at a turtle speed.

But even so, it stimulated many monks.

As a result, various ships were seen appearing on the water.

One by one, the monks crawled out of the water and climbed to the boats they had built.

Although these boats have different styles and are very rough, without exception, each boat has two distinctive features, big and long! There is no other reason. The longer the ship, the longer the distance it will cover at the same speed.

The larger the ship, the more difficult it is for others to destroy it.

As this ship appeared and slowly sailed into the distance, it also put pressure on other monks.

This forced those monks who were not in a hurry to start using their own blood to build ships.

In just a moment, five to six hundred ships had gathered densely on this vast water surface.

From a distance, it is quite spectacular.

However, with so many ships, they are no longer long and big, and some very distinctive ships have appeared.

Because all ships are made from one's own blood, the color of most ships is red.

But some boats are blue, black, gold, etc.

And some ships are said to be ships, but they are not in the shape of a ship.

Anyway, the rules of human respect only state that blood must be used to transform a ship, but it does not stipulate the style of the ship.

For example, Jiang Yun saw a woman sitting cross-legged on the back of a red carp about ten feet in size.

And Yuan Ning was stepping on a red...candied haws! This made Jiang Yun couldn't help but wonder if it was possible for Yuan Ning to take a bite of the candied haws.

In short, it’s really all kinds of strange things and hundreds of rivalries competing against each other! Although the appearance of these ships is extremely strange, Jiang Yun knows that those who dare to do this have strong confidence in their own strength.

After all, the more unusual a ship is, the more conspicuous it is among all ships. It can be seen at a glance, and the possibility of becoming a target for others is naturally greater.

Just when Jiang Yun was thinking about what kind of ship he wanted to create, Jiansheng's voice sounded in his ears: "Jiang Yun, among the ten of us, we will definitely become the ship that others must work together to solve first." Object."

Jiang Yun also took this into consideration.

The ten of us are the target of public criticism, and they have all persisted until now. How can we let the ten of us continue to enter the Realm of Illusion and the Realm of Bitterness?

And this is also the real purpose of the eighth and ninth levels.

"So, no matter what happens for a while, you don't have to worry about us, we can handle it ourselves."

Jiang Yun looked at the sound, and the swordsman nodded to him with a smile. With a wave of his hand, a bloody long sword appeared in front of him.

Jiansheng turned over and stepped on the long sword, facing Jiang Yun and said: "We also want to see how strong we are."

"See you at the end of the shadow!"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said, "See you in the shadows!"

Spirit Master, Xuanyuan Xing, Han Shiru and others also nodded to Jiang Yun, turned their own blood into a boat, and sailed towards the shadow at the end.

None of them spoke to Jiang Yun, only the immortal old man gave him five words: "Be careful of Ming Yuyang!"

And as the immortal old man finished speaking, a voice suddenly shouted: "Everyone, according to our previous agreement, we from the Bitter Realm and the Huanzhen Realm should join forces first to kill these ten people in the Dao Realm."

"I, Taishi Xing, am willing to take the lead!"

Jiang Yun suddenly turned his head and looked at Taishi Xing, who was a hundred feet away from him! At the same time, almost everyone inside and outside the illusion was looking at Jiang Yun, wanting to see what kind of ship he would condense.

Jiang Yun did not disappoint them. He stretched out his hand and pointed between his eyebrows, and saw a golden blood arrow shot out quickly, directly towards Taishi Star a hundred feet away! And Jiang Yun soared into the sky from the water, followed by his own blood, and rushed towards Taishi Star!

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