Taoist world

Chapter 5645: Surpassing Jiang Yun

In addition to the chain bridge in front of him, there are also identical cliffs on Jiang Yun's left and right sides, stretching with no end in sight.

There is also a monk standing on each cliff, but between the cliffs where they are, and behind them, there is a dark abyss.

Jiang Yun knew without even trying that here, the monk's power of flight, control of the air, and even the power of space had been temporarily banned.

Obviously, walking along this chain bridge and walking to the opposite cliff with both feet is the way to get through this level.

The two cliffs are about a thousand feet apart, and the Chain Bridge hangs calmly in the air.

It seems that walking across this chain bridge is not difficult, but this is the second level of the Nine Tribulations of the Human Being, and it is impossible for the monks to pass through it so easily.

At this moment, the monks standing on the cliff to Jiang Yun's left and right were all looking at Jiang Yun.

Among them, there are many monks from the suffering realm.

The monks from the Huanzhen Realm looked at Jiang Yun with no hatred at all, but a little jealousy at most, while the eyes of the monks from the Bitter Realm were full of hatred.

They couldn't wait to rush to Jiang Yun's side now and kill Jiang Yun.

But they can only think about this idea.

As for Jiang Yun, he didn't pay attention to the gazes of these monks at all. Instead, he stared at the cliff and Chain Bridge in front of him, with a look of reminiscence on his face.

Because he once walked between two similar cliffs, but the bridge connecting the two cliffs was not an iron chain, but a bone!

A bone originating from Dao Yao Huntian!

At that time, he had just embarked on the path of cultivation not long ago, but now he has left the world of mountains and seas, and even left the dream realm, and stood in the illusion of this real realm.

I don’t know how Huntian and the others are doing now!

At this moment, a voice came from far away: "Jiang Yun, why are you standing there motionless? Could it be that you are scared?"

The sound of this voice finally pulled Jiang Yun's thoughts back from his past memories, and he also noticed the looks from the monks around him.

The person who spoke was the monk closest to Jiang Yun, and Jiang Yun recognized him as a member of the Taishi family just by looking at him.

The grudge between himself and the Taishi family is already endless.

As for the other party's simple provoking method, Jiang Yun didn't take it to heart at all, but glanced at the other monks here.

All the monks were looking at Jiang Yun, and no one was in a hurry to step onto the Chain Bridge.

Obviously, they are all waiting for Jiang Yun to step onto the Chain Bridge first, so that they can know what the test of this level is!

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and stepped onto the Chain Bridge without hesitation.


Suddenly, a terrifying whistling sound sounded in Jiang Yun's ears, and strong winds suddenly blew from all directions around him.

The space that was so peaceful just now seemed to suddenly turn into a turbulent sea, sweeping towards him.

Jiang Yun had already thought about the strong wind here and was prepared.

Ordinary wind could not shake his body at all, but the strong wind here, in addition to exuding a heavy pressure, actually completely ignored his body's defense and blew directly into his body, blowing on his body. On top of his bones!

Jiang Yun felt that it was no longer wind, but turned into extremely sharp wind blades, cutting his bones bit by bit.

Moreover, the strange thing is that although these wind blades pass through the body, they will not hurt Jiang Yun's skin, muscles, etc., specifically targeting the bones!

The second level, the bone level!

Bones are the hardest part of a living being's body, but the harder they are, the more severe the pain will be when they are subjected to external force.

What's more, the wind between the cliffs was no ordinary wind, it was a real biting wind. Jiang Yun's whole body was instantly filled with a feeling of soreness, numbness, and pain!

With such skill, Jiang Yun could see that countless tiny cracks had appeared on his bones.

If he really stood here and allowed these winds to blow continuously, Jiang Yun had no doubt that all his bones would be blown into nothingness.

However, Jiang Yun's physical body is not only extremely powerful, but also his body has been destroyed and reborn several times. Whether it was the original death of his body or the re-condensation of his body in the Xunzu Realm not long ago, the pain that comes from his bones at this moment Although it was violent, his expression did not change at all.

To an outsider, Jiang Yun stepped onto the Chain Bridge. Under the sudden gust of wind, he only paused for a moment before continuing to walk with a calm expression, walking forward step by step along the wildly swaying Chain Bridge. go!

With Jiang Yun's example, others naturally thought that the strong wind was nothing more than that, so they hurriedly stepped onto the Chain Bridge.

It's a pity that they underestimated Jiang Yun and overestimated themselves!

What they didn't expect was that when they stepped onto the Chain Bridge almost at the same time, the strong wind that swept around them actually became one continuous one, making the power of the strong wind several times higher and causing more damage to their bones!

As a result, the moment they stepped onto the Chain Bridge, more than twenty monks did not even have time to scream. They were blown directly off the Chain Bridge by the strong wind and fell into the endless abyss below.

Most of the monks who did not fall let out shrill screams, the sound was so loud that it even drowned out the howling wind.

Not everyone has experienced the physical body being destroyed and then re-consolidated!

However, there were more than a dozen monks who gritted their teeth and endured the first round of the strong wind without screaming.

However, when they turned around to look, they discovered that Jiang Yun had already walked more than ten feet away!

The further you go, the stronger the wind is. In addition to enduring the biting pain of the strong wind, you also have to maintain your body's balance and not fall off the chain bridge.

Even if it was Jiang Yun, his body had been bent into an arch shape by the strong wind, but his body seemed to be stuck to the chain bridge. No matter how the chain bridge swayed, he still moved very steadily step by step. Walk forward.

It has to be said that Jiang Yun's effortless performance really stimulated the remaining monks, and made them grit their teeth and take steps towards the cliff on the other side, hoping to catch up with Jiang Yun. .

But as they walked farther on the Chain Bridge, their speed had to slow down.

But Jiang Yun, instead of slowing down, even accelerated after walking a distance of three hundred feet!

"I don't believe this evil!"

Suddenly, a crazy roar came from the Taishi family member who had just spoken to provoke Jiang Yun.

"Jiang Yun, I, Taishi Xing, will definitely catch up with you!"

Amidst the roar, Taishi Xing didn't know where the strength came from, and he actually accelerated his speed, took long steps, and walked towards the other end of the Chain Bridge.

What shocked everyone was that Taishi Xing's speed was getting faster and faster, even surpassing Jiang Yun's speed. So when Jiang Yun reached 900 feet, he and Jiang Yun were walking together!

Seeing Taishi Xing's performance, the other monks couldn't help but secretly admire him: "This is also a ruthless person!"

At this time, Taishi Xing turned his head and looked at Jiang Yun beside him, with a distorted smile on his face and said: "Jiang Yun, I have surpassed you!"

After the words fell, Taishi Xing seemed to be forced out of all the potential in his body, and his speed increased again. He really surpassed Jiang Yun, got ahead of Jiang Yun, walked across the chain bridge, and stood on the cliff. Disappear from everyone's eyes.

Taishi Xing became the first monk to successfully break through this bone barrier!


At this moment, Taishi Xing, who was already in a void, couldn't help but raise his head and let out a proud laugh!

Others may not understand his excitement, but only the monks from the Bitter Territory know that ever since Jiang Yun appeared in the Bitter Territory, he has become a nightmare for the Taishi family!

Jiang Yun, specializes in Taishi family.

Therefore, even being able to defeat Jiang Yun in one level is enough to make Taishi Xing feel proud and excited.

He even felt that based on his achievements, he should be able to attract a slave and leave his name on the scroll!

Now, he just hopes that Jiang Yun can also appear here, so that he can laugh at him and vent his anger.

It seemed that good luck was really on his side today. Just as he finished this thought, Jiang Yun actually appeared next to him.

Just when he was about to taunt Jiang Yun, a... golden statue appeared in the sky!

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