Taoist world

Chapter 5572 Rules of Confrontation

Neither Jiang Yun nor Feng Beiling expected that the illusion would end at this time! However, the two people immediately calmed down after being surprised.

The time when the illusion starts and ends is inherently random.

This illusion has lasted for two days, so it's not a big deal if it ends now.

Feng Beiling looked at Jiang Yun, whose figure was blurred, and said hurriedly: "Brother, you leave first this time, and wait in Huajiang Realm for the next time the illusion opens before you come in again."

"When the time comes, I will teach you the power of forgetfulness!"

Jiang Yun understood what Feng Beiling meant.

Until now, Feng Beiling still didn't want to try to take him out of the illusion.

Especially since he has not yet taught himself the power of forgetfulness.

If I try to take him away this time, if I fail, I may be left in the illusion forever.

Jiang Yun smiled and said: "Brother, it doesn't matter this time or next time, sooner or later I have to try again."

"Instead of waiting until next time, let's try it this time."

"As for brother's power of forgetfulness, you can teach me after I take you out!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge figure appeared behind Jiang Yun.

Naturally, this is Jiang Yun’s guardian figure! Ever since Jiang Yun re-entered the Hanging Realm and left his name on the Xunxiu Monument for the second time, he has integrated all the power of the avenue he has mastered, making himself the empty phase and does not need to use guardianship at all. The figure is gone.

Now, in order to bring Feng Beiling out of the illusion, Jiang Yun summoned the guardian figure.

Seeing that the guardian figure had opened his arms, Feng Beiling also understood that Jiang Yun was determined to try now.

Therefore, Feng Beiling said no more.

Since Jiang Yun was so determined, he had no choice but to cooperate fully! Because the two of them had already experienced escaping from the illusion before, Feng Beiling also knew what would happen next.

He didn't need Jiang Yun to speak, and with a sway of his body, he stepped directly between the arms of the guarding figure.

The guardian figure immediately began to close its arms.

And Jiang Yun also felt that the power of the illusion seemed to have turned into a huge current and rushed over, bringing him into the water.

But when the arms of the guardian figure were completely closed and surrounded Jiang Yun and Feng Beiling, the feeling of being soaked in water had disappeared.

The figures of Jiang Yun and Feng Beiling also became blurry.

This is a sign of leaving the illusion.

So far, everything has been exactly the same as last time.

Of course, there are differences.

The last time he did this, Jiang Yun had to use his Dao Marks to help protect the figure against the power of the illusion.

But this time, Jiang Yun did nothing.

In other words, just relying on the guardian figure is enough to resist the invasion of the power of this illusion.

However, Jiang Yun also knows that now is just the beginning! It is easy to resist the power of this illusion, but the real difficulty is to resist the power of the rules that are about to appear! Feng Beiling's expression also became serious.

Just as Jiang Yun thought, the last time the two of them fought against the power of rules, although Feng Beiling took action, because he was in an illusion and was suppressed too hard by the rules, his actions had no effect. Jiang Yun was fighting against the rules alone.

This time, the situation is naturally the same! No matter how powerful Feng Beiling was, he couldn't help Jiang Yun.

At this time, in this elegant room, strange criss-crossing lines appeared, forming a huge and huge net, trapping the guardian figure and Jiang Yun! The power of rules! Jiang Yun, who had been prepared for a long time, raised his hand as soon as this net of rules appeared and grabbed it directly with pure physical strength.

Jiang Yun's current physical body is much stronger than last time, so much so that when his palm touched the web of rules, he easily tore a palm-sized piece of the web out. gap.

But then, more lines appeared in all directions, swarming into the network of rules and towards the gaps at a dizzying speed.

In less than a moment, not only had the gap been filled again, but Jiang Yun's palm was also tightly entangled with a large amount of power of rules.

Feng Beiling, who did not take any action, looked at this scene and said in a deep voice: "The power of rules has become stronger!"

Obviously, the power of rules never thought that Jiang Yun's physical power would be so powerful, so that the power of rules that just appeared was not the strongest, and was easily torn apart by Jiang Yun.

After feeling Jiang Yun's strength, the power of rules naturally became stronger.

Jiang Yun was not surprised by all these changes.

The palm entangled by the rules suddenly exerted force again, and once again easily tore open the newly healed gap.

Naturally, the power of the rules continued to strengthen, healing the gap, and at the same time wrapping Jiang Yun's palm tighter.

Jiang Yun was completely unaware, and did not use other methods at all, but continued to use the power of his body to tear open the web of rules again and again.

Jiang Yun and the power of rules just repeated the same attack and defense methods.

A weak person would definitely be confused at this moment and not understand what Jiang Yun is doing.

But Feng Beiling immediately understood: "Brother Jiang's first attack did not use his true strength at all."

"Now, he is gradually improving his strength, and he wants to see the reaction and limit of the power of rules little by little!"

Indeed it is! When Jiang Yun first came here, his physical body was pitifully weak, but now he has reached the level of incarnation of heaven and earth.

The power of the physical body has become many times stronger.

Even if the palm of his hand is crushed into nothingness by the power of rules, he can still condense it back in an instant.

Therefore, he is testing the power of rules.

Soon, when Jiang Yun's physical power had been released to the extreme, but the power of the net of rules continued to increase, lines began to appear on Jiang Yun's palms, also at extremely fast speeds. The incomparable speed instantly covered his entire palm.

This is a brand new Dao pattern created by Jiang Yun, and it is the embodiment of Jiang Yun's true Dao power! On the basis of the power of the physical body, Jiang Yun finally added his own physical way.

"Stab it!"

Just as the Dao lines on Jiang Yun's palm appeared, Feng Beiling clearly heard a crisp sound in his ears.

Not only was the power of rules that entangled Jiang Yun shattered by Jiang Yun, allowing Jiang Yun's palms to break free, but he also tore out a huge gap in the web of rules that was as tall as a person. ! Feng Beiling suddenly opened his eyes and said, "What kind of power is this!"

"Buzz buzz!"

Jiang Yun's sudden display of the power of the great avenue obviously angered the network of rules, causing the entire network, and even the entire space, to tremble slightly.

At this moment, through the gaps in the network of rules, Jiang Yun and Feng Beiling could clearly see that at this time, the elegant room they were in, including the entire Wanghu Tower, and everything around them, had turned into chaos. General gray nothingness.

In other words, the illusion in the Huajiang Realm has ended. Only the small area where Jiang Yun and Feng Beiling are located is still in the illusion.

And the battle between Jiang Yun and the power of rules has just begun! At the same time, Yun Xihe, who had always had a clone sitting here in the eyes of fantasy, suddenly opened his eyes.

His white eyes suddenly became pitch black and extremely deep.

And in this black, there are countless light spots emerging.

Among them, there was a light spot, flickering slightly.

Yun Xihe said to himself: "Someone is fighting against the power of rules."

After finishing speaking, he just wanted to close his eyes, but then he frowned and said: "How do I remember that this place seems to have had a confrontation with the power of rules before!"

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