Taoist world

Chapter 5570 The power of forgetfulness

Jiang Yun suddenly stood up, with a look of disbelief on his face, his eyes widened to the extreme, staring at Feng Beiling in front of him.

At this moment, above Feng Beiling's head, a path to the Great Emperor suddenly emerged again.

However, this is not the Great Emperor's Road formed by the condensed wind power that Jiang Yun just saw, but a Great Emperor's Road that is red in color and even exudes scorching heat.

The power of fire condenses into the path of the Great Emperor! Looking at this road to the Great Emperor, Jiang Yun's mind was temporarily blank, and he was completely shocked.

Although Jiang Yun had just learned about the quasi-emperor realm, he had already been exposed to and even condensed the path to the great emperor when he was still in the reincarnation realm.

Therefore, Jiang Yun knew that there could only be one path for a monk to become emperor! There are many kinds of emperor's artistic conception.

However, most monks only have one artistic conception of the Great Emperor.

When Emperor Xuanyuan asked a strong demon quasi-emperor who was about to return to the ruins to give his emperor's artistic conception to Jiang Yun in the Four Realms, Demon Emperor Mo Qinghong had an argument with Emperor Xuanyuan.

The content of the debate is whether the monk's perception of the emperor's artistic conception is more or less.

Emperor Xuanyuan thinks it's great, so Jiang Yun has many imperial conceptions, but Jiang Yun's path to becoming emperor is only one.

This is not what Jiang Yun thinks alone, but almost every monk who has entered the quasi-emperor realm knows this.

Especially in the rubbings that record the cultivation systems of various forces in the Ku Realm, all quasi-emperors recorded by the Ku Temple have only one path to become great emperors.

However, Feng Beiling actually had two completely different paths to become emperor.

A blue path to the Great Emperor with the power of wind, and a red path to the Great Emperor with the power of fire.

Any monk who saw this scene in front of him would be as shocked as Jiang Yun.

Seeing Jiang Yun's reaction, the smile on Feng Beiling's face became even stronger, and he did not hide his pride.

This is his biggest secret! Ever since he met Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun had shocked him again and again.

Although he regarded Jiang Yun as a little brother, the blow he received was not small.

Now, I can finally shock Jiang Yun and give Jiang Yun a small blow, which gives me great satisfaction.

Feng Beiling did not wake up Jiang Yun. He picked up his chopsticks, picked up a peanut, threw it into his mouth, and looked at the scenery outside the window leisurely.

After a long time, Jiang Yun finally came to his senses, and just when he was about to speak, Feng Beiling laughed strangely, and above his head, the third path to the Great Emperor suddenly appeared! This is a black road to the Great Emperor! The aura exuding from it was extremely familiar to Jiang Yun.

The power of the physical body! This is the path of the Great Emperor formed by the power of the physical body.

Jiang Yun's eyes, which had just returned to normal, couldn't help but shrink sharply again.

However, Feng Beiling's performance is not over yet! Above his head, like magic, the paths to the Great Emperor began to appear one after another.

In the end, this rather small private room was completely filled with Feng Beiling's Road to the Great Emperor.

In total, eleven paths to the Great Emperor! Jiang Yun's eyes had become extremely dull, and he didn't know what language to use to express his inner feelings at this moment.

The eleven paths of the Great Emperor represent eleven different powers.

This does not shock Jiang Yun.

After all, if you really want to calculate it, Jiang Yun's power far exceeds this number.

However, condensing every power into a path to the Great Emperor is something he cannot do.

Finally, Jiang Yun looked at Feng Beiling and said, "Brother, how did you do this?"


Feng Beiling laughed loudly and said: "As I said just now, I was bored in this illusion. After asking about the cultivation paths of some monks, I tried to practice on my own."

"This is the result of my thousands of years of practice."

"Although I am in the quasi-emperor realm, my strength is at least equivalent to eleven quasi-emperors."

Jiang Yun finally understood that Feng Beiling would practice each power separately and cultivate each power to the quasi-emperor level.

But Jiang Yun still didn't know how Feng Beiling cultivated the eleven paths of the Great Emperor.

I don’t know even more, if Feng Beiling becomes emperor, eleven imperial palaces will appear, or one imperial palace will appear, but it will require the collapse of eleven emperor roads to condense into the emperor.

But no matter which one it is, at least one thing is certain, that is, once he becomes the emperor, Feng Beiling's strength will also far exceed that of the emperors of the same level.

Feng Beiling then explained: "The reason why I was able to condense these eleven paths to the emperor was completely by chance."

"When I entered the illusion, I was confused for a long time."

"But after I fully woke up, I discovered that I already had four paths to the Great Emperor."

"When I discovered this, I was shocked myself, just like your reaction now, bro."

"I didn't know how I was able to do that."

"But later, I finally found a way to condense multiple paths to the Great Emperor."

Jiang Yun couldn't help but ask: "What can I do?"

Feng Beiling didn't pretend anymore, but opened his mouth and softly spit out two words: "Forget!"

Forget! Jiang Yun was slightly startled. He naturally knew what forgetting was, but for a moment, he couldn't connect these two words with the eleven paths of the emperor.

Feng Beiling said with a smile: "Actually, the introduction I just gave to my Feng family was not complete."

"The power of my Feng family's cultivation has two kinds, one is the power of wind, and the other is the power of forgetfulness!"

"Forgetting is also a kind of power!"

"The power of forgetfulness, how should I put it, is a bit like Zhanyuan, it can make people forget something, and it can also make anything be forgotten."

"But the power of forgetfulness is not very useful in fighting with others, so few people in our Feng family practice it."

"I didn't practice originally, but before I stepped into the quasi-emperor realm, I encountered a bottleneck and couldn't break through it no matter what, so I simply went to practice the power of forgetfulness."

"Unexpectedly, the power of forgetting not only allowed me to successfully break the bottleneck, but also brought me unexpected benefits."

"The reason why I was able to wake up in the illusion is probably because of the power of forgetfulness."

Although Jiang Yun had never been exposed to the power of forgetfulness, he understood it immediately after hearing Feng Beiling's explanation.

Illusion also has the power of forgetfulness, so that living beings have no concept of time and have no idea that they are in an illusion.

Feng Beiling has the power of forgetfulness, and he probably resisted the power of forgetfulness in the illusion, so he was able to wake up.

Feng Beiling continued: "When I first entered the illusion, although I was confused, I should be more awake than others, so I should have thought about leaving the illusion."

"Therefore, I practiced other people's methods of cultivation."

"Every time the illusion ends, I will inevitably forget some memories."

"And I chose to forget my original wind power, but I still remember my newly cultivated power."

"In this way, it gives the illusion that I am a new practitioner. When I wake up next time, I still have the power of new cultivation."

"In this way, over time, I have cultivated every power to the quasi-emperor level, condensed the path of the emperor, and thus have four paths of the emperor."

Feng Beiling's explanation was a bit complicated, and Jiang Yun thought for a long time before finally figuring out the key.

In short, Feng Beiling used his special power of forgetfulness to cheat in the illusion! He can use the power of forgetfulness to deceive the illusion and forget a memory designated by himself.

For example, he practiced the power of fire. When the illusion disappeared, this memory should have been erased, but he chose to let the illusion forget his memory of practicing the power of wind.

And this kind of forgetfulness is not permanent, it is more like a covering, covering up this memory.

Then, Feng Beiling can continue to practice the power of fire until it condenses into the path of the Great Emperor.

Then, over and over again, he condensed more and more of the Great Emperor's Path, until finally he regained consciousness and recovered all his memories.

After understanding all this, Jiang Yun couldn't help but thought: "If I can condense multiple paths to become a great emperor like Brother Feng, can I achieve my path to becoming an emperor?"

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