Taoist world

Chapter 5532: Personal Revenge

It is true that with Jiang Yun's current strength, one person is enough to destroy the entire Xing family.

However, it is easy to destroy the Xing family, but it is very difficult to eliminate the overwhelming hatred and humiliation in the hearts of the Jiang clan!

The only way is to let the Jiang clan use their own hands to destroy the Xing family and wash away the hatred and humiliation in their hearts.

The Jiang family once had glory, but after the departure of its ancestor Jiang Gongwang, it gradually declined.

This kind of decline is not just because of simple inferior skills, or because Jiang has done something that makes people and gods angry.

But because the Jiang family has a precious burial place, it has aroused the covetousness of all the big and small forces in the Bitter Territory, including the Bitter Temple.

The major forces joined forces to suppress and divide the Jiang family, which caused the Jiang family to decline from prosperity.

This situation changed after Jiang Yun appeared.

A civil war reduced the number of Jiang clan members by one-third, and replaced them with a brand new Jiang clan that was like a rebirth from Nirvana.

After that, Jiang Yun led the Jiang family into the Hundred Clans Alliance and successfully obtained the status of alliance leader.

However, Kumiao and other major forces joined forces again to launch a real genocide war against the Jiang family.

Thanks to the timely return of the ancestor Jiang Gongwang, the Jiang family escaped again.

Even Jiang Gongwang led the Jiang clan to the Ku Temple, forcing Mr. Ku to treat the Jiang clan as equals to the Ku Temple and divide the Ku Domain into two.

Originally, everyone in the Jiang clan thought that the good days of the Jiang clan had finally arrived.

But who would have thought that first the news of Jiang Yun's death came, and then the ancestor was defeated and captured by Ku Lao, causing the Jiang family to fall into the abyss again.

The successive ups and downs were a huge blow to the Jiang clan.

Especially when they were jointly attacked by major forces last time. Although the ancestor led them to the Temple of Pain, from the beginning to the end, the Jiang clan members were just spectators and had no chance to take action.

Coupled with this experience, the grievances and anger in the hearts of the Jiang clan have been filled to the brim.

And Jiang Yun knew very well that matters like revenge must be resolved personally.

Killing the enemy with one's own hands is the real revenge. Only then can they vent their inner negative emotions, and only then can they stand up again and usher in a new life.

Therefore, Jiang Yun must give all the Jiang clan members a chance to take revenge with their own hands, and give them a chance to stand up again!

With the help of a large amount of vitality sent by Jiang Yun, elixirs, Emperor Origin Stones, etc., the strength and injuries in the Jiang clan's people are constantly increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Until this time, both the Xing family and other families had determined that Jiang Yun really wanted the Jiang family to take revenge.

And this also made many people admire Jiang Yun.

Shi Wuhen nodded gently and said, "Although I don't know what Jiang Yun went through this time, it's obvious that he has grown a lot."

"Not only has the strength improved, but the mentality has also changed."

"Jiang, as long as you dare to take revenge today, you will flourish from now on and no one can stop you!"

Wang Lao smiled slightly. Although he did not speak, his eyes were full of relief.

Naturally, they understand the purpose of Jiang Yun's approach far better than others.

Jiang Yun, in addition to giving Jiang a chance to kill his enemy, also wants Jiang to change his habit of dependence.

Because of their countless years of experience, before Jiang Yun appeared, the Jiang family members were just living in idleness and waiting to die.

After Jiang Yun appeared, although Jiang's mental outlook changed greatly, she also had the habit of dependence.

Rely on Jiang Gongwang, rely on Jiang Yun!

Without the existence of these two people, the Jiang clan members seemed to not know how to stand on their own and how to get along with themselves.

There are those who can understand Jiang Yun's purpose, and naturally there are those who don't.

They really couldn't figure out why Jiang Yun had to go to the trouble of letting the Jiang clan avenge themselves when it was clear that Jiang Yun could easily avenge the Jiang clan.

Even though Jiang Yun helped the Jiang clan heal their injuries and regain their strength, in a battle like this between the two clans, some of the Jiang clan would inevitably be injured and killed.

At this time, Jiang Yun had already spoken to all the Jiang clan members again: "I will not take action in this battle. Whether you kill the enemy or be killed by the enemy depends entirely on you!"

"Now, what are you waiting for!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yun actually sat cross-legged in the air.

After the Jiang clan members were silent for a moment, Jiang Shenyin took the lead and shouted: "Kill!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he took the lead and rushed towards the Xing family.




Behind him, all the Jiang clan members, including the Great Ancestor and Elder Ge, followed him with a roar.

On the bodies of every Jiang clan member, there were streaks of murderous intent that rose into the sky and gathered into a storm in the air, wrapping them and rushing towards everyone in the Xing family.

They have been waiting for this day for a long time.

At this moment, the members of the Jiang clan have returned safely, and they certainly have no fear if they are asked to take revenge with their own hands.

Next to Jiang Yun, Xing Zhong, whose expression changed several times, also knew that no matter whether Jiang Yun kept his words or not, the battle between his Xing family and the Jiang family was already impossible to avoid.

Therefore, he gritted his teeth and turned around to return to the Xing family to join the battle group.

After all, he is also a Dharma-level emperor. With his joining, the Xing family's strength will increase a lot.

However, just as his body moved, Jiang Yun's voice sounded in his ears: "Master Xing, you and I are here, let's watch together!"

Xing Zhong's body trembled slightly, turned around, looked at Jiang Yun and said: "Leader Jiang, I am the head of the Xing family."

"Now is the time of life and death for our Xing family. How can I sit here and watch? Naturally, I want to live and die together with my people."

Jiang Yun said calmly: "You are the head of the Xing family, and I am also a son of the Jiang family."

"The life-and-death battle between your two families and mine also needs someone to witness it. You and I are the most suitable candidates."

"Of course, if you insist on joining the war, then I will have no choice but to join as well."

Although Jiang Yun wanted the Jiang family to take revenge personally, it was impossible for him to really not care about the life and death of the Jiang family members.

Jiang's overall strength is actually not weak.

Although the Xing family has two great emperors of the legal level, Xing Bo and Xing Zhong, as well as several great emperors of the empty level, the ancestor of the Jiang family is the great emperor of the legal level, and Mr. Ge is even half-step to the extreme level.

Now that Jiang Yun has left Xing Zhong behind, as long as the Great Ancestor is still entangled with Uncle Xing, he can easily control the situation of the entire war with the half-step extreme strength of Ge Lao.

As long as the protection is adequate, not only can the Jiang family win this battle, but also not a single person will die!

It is Jiang Yun's real purpose to not only let the Jiang family take revenge with their own hands, but also to prevent any more members of the Jiang family from dying.

After hearing Jiang Yun's words, Xing Zhong's complexion turned extremely pale.

What Jiang Yun can think of, he can naturally think of.

If he joins the war and desperately entangles Mr. Ge, then the Xing family, relying on the numerical advantage of the Kongjie Emperor, will not only win in the end, but at least they can kill some Jiang clan members.

If Jiang Yun keeps his word, the Xing family can still exist.

But now, Jiang Yun is determined not to give the Xing family any way to survive.

Although he was extremely angry in his heart, Xing Zhong could only grit his teeth when he looked at the expressionless Jiang Yun, slowly walked to Jiang Yun's side, and sat down cross-legged.

At this moment, the most powerful elder of the Jiang family had arrived at the Xing family's clan.

The ancestor of the Jiang family, who was known for his physical strength, was in the air and punched the Xing family members gathered below.

The punches came out like waves, one wave after another, one after another, endless, layer upon layer, swallowing up the Xing family!

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