Taoist world

Chapter 5518: Enjoy it

This great formation in Jiyu was created by Ren Zun.

As Yu Hanqing's disciple, no one knew that on the surface of his body, there was actually an identical formation that was completely built with formation patterns.

It is precisely because of this that he can instruct the monks of Ku Temple to set up this formation, and he can also borrow the power of this formation! Of course, he can only borrow it and cannot truly control the formation.

And when he thought about it, this must be because the master was worried that he might encounter danger in the gathering area, so he specially added a layer of protection for him.

Today, it was thanks to this layer of protection that he was able to withstand the nightmare power of the nightmare beast and did not fall into confusion.

In fact, he even used the power of the formation to suppress the soul of the nightmare beast.

However, he didn't dare to offend the nightmare beast's soul too much.

Maybe, his master will really come to the Nightmare Beast to talk about cooperation in the future.

If the Nightmare Beast is angered and the Nightmare Beast complains to Renzun, then he will inevitably be scolded.

Therefore, he only suppressed the nightmare beast temporarily.

Now, in the entire All Heavens Domain, only Yu Hanqing is awake.

The formation lines on his face and body have disappeared again.

And he didn't wake up his four followers, so he walked directly towards Fate Tianzun and others.

But halfway through, he suddenly stopped again, frowned and said, "That's not right!"

"The soul of the nightmare beast does not care about the lives of the creatures in the created area."

"And I have no grudges against it, so why did it suddenly show up and make everyone lose the ability to move?"

"How does it behave like this to protect the creatures in the All-Heaven Gathering Area..." Having just seen the soul of the Nightmare Beast, Yu Hanqing was so excited that she only thought about how to win over the other party, without thinking about it at all. other things.

At this moment, he finally came to his senses and realized something was wrong.

However, no matter how he thought about it, it was impossible to imagine that the Nightmare Beast Soul Split Society and Jiang Yun had secretly formed an alliance.

Therefore, after pondering for a moment, Yu Hanqing also gave up thinking, and was just going to wait until he returned to the realm of suffering before informing the temple of suffering about today's events.

Anyway, he is not from the fantasy realm. Even if the nightmare beast wakes up completely, it will not have any impact on him.

Yu Hanqing continued to step forward and came to the front of the Fateful Heavenly Lord. He smiled coldly, stretched out his hand and flicked the mask on the Fateful Heavenly Lord's face.

The mask shattered in response, revealing the true face of the Fate-Sealing Heavenly Lord.

Naturally, Yu Hanqing didn't recognize him.

Immediately afterwards, he released his soul power, submerged into the soul of the Fate-Sealing Heavenly Lord, and started searching for the soul.

Although Ming Tianzun looked confused, Yu Hanqing didn't care at all whether Ming Tianzun's soul could withstand his own soul power, so he checked the memory in Ming Tianzun's soul in a completely arrogant way. The face of Fengming Tianzun showed a look of pain.

However, Yu Hanqing also frowned.

Because he suddenly discovered that there was clearly a powerful aura in the soul of Fengming Tianzun, blocking his soul power.

This made Yu Hanqing retract his soul power with some annoyance: "He is an angel patroller, which means he controls the fate of the entire heaven gathering area, and he is protected by the nightmare beast."

"Even if I can force it open, his soul will disappear with it."

Shaking his head, Yu Hanqing gave up searching for the soul of Fengming Tianzun. After scanning the remaining people with his spiritual consciousness, he found Zhenque Tianzun.

Yu Hanqing didn't know anything about the All Heavens Gathering Area, so he could only find the strongest group of people to search for souls.

Naturally, Zhenque Tianzun's soul did not have any power to protect it, so Yu Hanqing could easily see the memory in his soul.

"Jiang Yun's parents have disappeared, and his wife has also gone to other areas. The person he is closest to now is his grandfather."

Yu Hanqing suddenly turned his head and looked at the Fate-Fathering Heavenly Lord aside, laughing loudly and saying: "Hahaha, I didn't expect that the angel patroller turned out to be Jiang Yun's grandfather, no wonder he speaks for Jiang Yun like this!"

"First pick out all Jiang Yun's acquaintances."

Next, while Yu Hanqing continued to search for souls, he began to look for people close to Jiang Yun based on the memories in other people's souls.

In fact, Jiang Yun no longer has many real relatives and friends in the All Heavens Gathering Domain.

His only relatives are the Fengming Tianzun, and his friends are also very few.

Because everyone who is close to Jiang Yun basically comes from the Dao Realm and the Destruction Realm.

Under Jiang Yun's stimulation, each of them left the All Heavens Gathering Domain and headed to the Domain Road.

Like Xiaoshou, Tang Yi, Lu Yourong, etc., are not in the All Heavens Gathering Area.

In addition, in this small Fate Heaven, there are billions of creatures from the entire universe.

Even if Yu Hanqing knew the appearance of everyone close to Jiang Yun, finding them among so many people would be as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack! However, Yu Hanqing enjoyed it.

Moreover, his targets have also been enlarged. They are no longer limited to Jiang Yun's relatives and friends. Anyone who has some relationship with Jiang Yun will become his target.

While Yu Hanqing was searching, Jiang Yun tried to contact the Nightmare Beast Souls several times in the Gathering Formation, but after receiving no response, he finally decided to go to the Gathering Domain in person.

He also guessed that it was Yu Hanqing who used the power of the formation to suppress the nightmare beast's soul.

Therefore, Jiang Yun looked at Kuchen and said: "Kuchen Buddha, can you do me a favor and send me to the gathering place of all heavens!"

Now Jiang Yun couldn't borrow the power of the great formation to go to the All Heavens Gathering Area, so he could only ask Ku Chen to help him.

Ku Chen frowned and said: "Your true self is still here, so if you leave, it will still be useful, but you are a clone and you are injured. If you leave, you will die."

Jiang Yun said in a deep voice: "Even if I die, I will go too!"

"Yu Hanqing must kill my relatives and friends. I can't do nothing and just wait here."

Ku Chen shook his head and said: "Forget it, it's useless to talk more, I'll just send you there."

"However, the ugly words are ahead. If you die and you don't come back, then I will void the agreement between you and me at any time."

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Okay!"

Ku Chen stopped talking nonsense, stood up, rolled up Jiang Yun's sleeves, and quickly led him to the All Heavens Gathering Area.

With a sweep of his consciousness, Ku Chen saw clearly what Yu Hanqing was doing.

However, he didn't tell Jiang Yun, he just said: "You can take care of yourself!"

After leaving these words, Ku Chen turned around and left. He couldn't let Yu Hanqing see that he was with Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun stepped into the All Heavens Gathering Domain without hesitation.

Although he was just a soul clone, he was still the domain master of the All Heavens Gathering Domain, so with the cover of the Gathering Domain's power, he came to Fengmingtian quietly without being noticed by Yu Hanqing.

And when he saw what Yu Hanqing did, his body trembled slightly and he clenched his fists tightly.

Yu Hanqing is no longer satisfied with searching the souls of the monks in the All Heavens Gathering Area one by one.

Not only did he wake up the four followers, but he also let go of his spiritual consciousness and searched for the souls of a large number of living creatures in a large area.

Under this situation, it was even more impossible for him to control his soul power.

This made it impossible for some weaker monks to block his soul power. When his soul power invaded, the soul exploded on its own.

At this moment, Jiang Yun alone saw hundreds of monks whose souls exploded.

As for those who can withstand Yu Hanqing's soul power, although their souls will not explode, they will definitely be injured.

If not treated in time, it may leave lifelong hidden dangers.

Behind Yu Hanqing stood dozens of monks from the All Heavens Gathering Area.

They were all selected by Yu Hanqing to be related to Jiang Yun.

Among them, in addition to the Fateful Heavenly Lord, there are also the Red Dust Heavenly Lord, the Void Heavenly Lord, the Formation Heavenly Lord, Liu Peng's unmarried wife, etc.! Obviously, he is planning to find everyone who has something to do with Jiang Yun, and then kill them all! Jiang Yun gritted his teeth with hatred and really wanted to take action immediately.

But he finally had some sense, knowing that if he took action now, it would have no effect at all, so he could only think desperately about who else could help him.


Jiang Yun's eyes lit up, and he suddenly thought of someone who might be able to make him come back quickly.

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