Taoist world

Chapter 5498: See me

At this moment, the high and raised earth in the valley of Didan was shaking more violently.

In the air in the valley, Kuyin, Yuan Xiqiao and other strong men were already in their respective territories, watching the ground.

Coincidentally, the raised position happened to be where the barrier set up by Yuan Fan and Ku Lao worked together.

No matter what is underground, if it wants to break out of the ground, it is equivalent to resisting the power of the barrier and pushing the barrier open.

And this is almost impossible! The barrier set up by the two true-level emperors jointly requires at least the same strength to break through.

Although Kuyin and Yuan Xiqiao's spiritual senses were unable to see through the earth, when they thought about it, that thing would definitely not be able to break through the barrier.

But this thing must be so important that Kuyin and Yuan Xiqiao are secretly considering whether to inform their master and ancestor now and ask them to rush over.

The two waited patiently for a while, and demon cultivators continued to appear in the sky around them.

In the end, Shengjun and Song Juewu also came here.

The two of them first looked at the raised ground, and then the Holy Lord immediately sent a message to Song Juewu: "What's down here?"

Song Juewu shook his head and said: "I don't know, but since it was him who made the noise, it should be no harm to us!"

While everyone was waiting, the shaking of the earth gradually became quiet.

It seems that the things underground have finally given up on appearing.

This made everyone a little disappointed, but it was not too surprising.

Kuyin and Yuan Xiqiao, on the other hand, secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the thing underground did not appear, the location it chose saved the two of them from fighting.

If the thing suddenly changes the location where it was unearthed, to the left or right, then it will appear in the territory of the original home or Kumiao.

In that case, the other side is bound to find a way to snatch it.

Therefore, after the two of them looked at each other across the barrier, they took out the jade slip without hesitation and prepared to inform Yuan Fan and Ku Lao, letting the two true emperors decide how to resolve the matter.

However, just as the two of them took out the jade slip of communication, the ground that had calmed down suddenly started to shake again.

Moreover, the magnitude of the vibration this time was more severe than before.

Just over ten breaths later, there was an earth-shattering loud noise in everyone's ears.


The raised ground finally collapsed completely and turned into nothing, revealing a black hole about ten feet in diameter.

In the hole, a... palm-sized fruit slowly emerged! Lost fruit! Everyone, including outside monks such as Kuyin and Yuan Xiqiao, recognized it as a lost fruit at a glance.

Kuyin and Yuanxiqiao's eyes sparkled even more.

Because, from Yu Hanqing's mouth, they all knew that there was a Lost Tree in the Ancestor-Xun Realm, and it even bore a Lost Main Fruit! Unfortunately, they never found the lost main fruit.

At this moment, a golden Lost Fruit actually appeared in this brave place. It didn’t take much to think about it, it must be the Lost Main Fruit! As for the demon cultivators, although most of them don't know that there are primary and secondary Lost Fruits, the Lost Fruit in front of them appears in such a shocking way.

You don't need to think about it to know that this is definitely not an ordinary lost fruit.

Its effect and value must far exceed other lost fruits.

Naturally, this made their faces look greedy, and they wanted to rush over immediately and take possession of this lost fruit.

Only Shengjun and Song Juewu looked at the lost fruit with doubts on their faces.

The two of them had seen the Lost Main Fruit with their own eyes, and it was even because Jiang Yun touched the Lost Main Fruit that he was brought into the interior of the Lost Tree, that is, the broken world.

Later, they, along with the Lost Main Fruit, were also brought in.

Song Juewu, in particular, knew that the lost main fruit was taken away by Jiang Yun along with a pile of bones.

Although she now knows that since Jiang Yun is still alive, the Lost Fruit should also be there, but the Lost Fruit itself does not have any power, so why can it break through the ground.

This lost fruit is quietly suspended an inch above the ground.

Obviously, even if it has broken out of the ground, it is still difficult to withstand the power of the barrier set up by the two true-level emperors.

The distance it can rise to an inch is already its limit.

At this time, two figures suddenly appeared next to the lost fruit almost at the same time like lightning. They both stretched out their hands and grabbed the lost fruit.

These two figures are naturally Kuyin and Yuan Xiqiao! Since this lost fruit is worth a lot of money, and it appears at a barrier and does not belong to any of their forces, then whoever grabs it first will belong to him.

It's a pity that even though the speed and strength of the two people are extremely strong, just when their palms were about to touch the Lost Fruit, a powerful force suddenly popped out from the fruit and knocked the two people away. Shock back! After the two retreated, they tried again, but the result was still the same.

With their strength, they were unable to get close to this lost fruit! This forced the two of them to stop temporarily and stare at the lost fruit.

After a moment, Kuyin turned around, looked at Shengjun and Song Juewu and said, "How much do you know about this Lost Fruit?"

Both of them couldn't help but be startled. They didn't expect that Kuyin would ask them properly at this time.

But soon they realized that Kuyin had searched the souls of Liu Hao and others and knew the memories in their souls.

There was no record of this lost fruit in their memories, so Kuyin came to ask the two of them.

The Holy Lord immediately shook his head and said: "Kuyin Buddha, this is also the first time I have seen this lost fruit. Like you, I don't know anything."

Although Song Juewu didn't speak, he shook his head slightly.

Kuyin said coldly: "Just when I was searching for other people's souls, the two of you kept transmitting messages there and discussing something."

As he spoke, he pointed at the Holy Lord and said: "When I was about to search for your soul, although you pretended to be calm, your soul was trembling. I'm afraid you were preparing to self-destruct, thus protecting something in your soul. Some secrets.”

"And then, this lost fruit suddenly appeared, forcing me to give up searching for your souls."

"So, the appearance of this lost fruit must have something to do with you two!"

Kuyin's words made both Shengjun and Song Juewu feel shocked.

It turned out that every move of the two of them was actually clearly seen by Kuyin.

And Kuyin was right.

The appearance of this lost fruit, strictly speaking, does have something to do with the two of them.

This must have been done by Jiang Yun, even to help the Holy Lord avoid being searched for his soul.

However, this secret cannot be known by Kuyin either.

At this moment, the eyes of all the monks, including Yuan Xiqiao, were focused on Shengjun and Song Juewu.

They are also curious now! Shengjun and Song Juewu looked at each other, and Shengjun sent a message: "If Jiang Yun doesn't show up, then I'll blow myself up. You can find a way to escape!"

Just when the Holy Lord finished speaking, Kuyin smiled coldly and said: "Since you are unwilling to say it, there is no need to say it. I will come and see for myself!"

"come over!"

Following Kuyin's violent shout, Shengjun suddenly felt that his mind went blank, and he involuntarily stepped forward and walked towards Kuyin.

Song Juewu on the side was also frozen in place, unable to move.

Just like that, the Holy Lord came to Kuyin's side, and Kuyin raised his hand without any hesitation and held the Holy Lord's head.

The Holy Lord trembled, woke up, and shouted: "Kuyin, I will fight with you!"


The Shengjun's body swelled up, and Song Juewu also woke up. She gritted her teeth and turned around to leave.

However, when she just turned around, she found that Liu Hao and another big demon were standing in front of her, saying with a ferocious smile on their faces: "Buddha and others had already expected that you were going to escape, so they asked me to keep an eye on you. "

Over there, Kuyin didn't care about the body of the Holy Lord that was about to explode, and the soul power had already penetrated into the Holy Lord's eyebrows.

And at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in Kuyin's ear: "Did he see me in his soul?"

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