Taoist world

Chapter 5493 has begun

Ji Kongfan and others have also been famous for Kumiao for a long time.

Although they, like those who came to the Ku Temple for the first time, were deeply shocked by the magnificence and solemnity of the Ku Temple, they did not forget that they were opposed to this huge building.

The larger this building is, the more difficult their confrontation will be.

Along the way, the four quasi-emperors who joined later, such as Spirit Master and Han Shiru, also knew everything Jiang Yun and the entire Jiang family had experienced in the Bitter Territory.

However, regarding Jiang Yun's death, Ji Kongfan and others had a tacit understanding and did not speak out.

And even Han Shiru, who was once an enemy of Jiang Yun, did not blame Jiang Yun for facing such a behemoth that was simply difficult to contend with just after entering the Bitter Realm.

Han Shiru even admired Jiang Yun very much.

A community monk who was just like him, but whose original strength was not as good as his, was able to thrive in the Bitter Territory, which he would never have been able to do if it were him.

Therefore, everyone quickly regained their composure and was taken into the Ku Temple by Master Dushan, who also had a grudge against Jiang Yun.

Originally, everyone thought that even if they and others had given up competing with the geniuses and monsters in the Suffering Realm, as substitutes, they would still be provoked and ridiculed by those people. I am afraid that even the gate of the Suffering Temple would not be easy to enter. .

But what was unexpected was that since they entered the Ku Temple, except for a few Ku Temple disciples they met along the way, they actually arrived at the accommodation arranged for them safely.

Master Dushan looked at everyone with an expressionless face and said: "You guys will wait here for the time being. If nothing happens, we will set off to the Realm of Illusion in three days."

After saying that, Master Dushan turned around and left.

In fact, it was not the disciples of Kumiao, but also those geniuses and monsters who did not want to bully Ji Kongfan and others.

However, there is still one person in the Ku Temple who is trying to protect them.

This person is naturally Shura.

From Master Du'e's mouth, Shura already knew the news of Jiang Yun's death, which made him very remorseful and angry.

Unfortunately, his identity and strength made it impossible for him to avenge Jiang Yun and kill Yu Hanqing and Ku Lao.

Therefore, all he could do was to pass down the order to protect Ji Kongfan and the others.

Although Shura, in the eyes of most Ku Temple disciples, is just one of the reincarnations of the Tathagata, those at the top of the Ku Temple firmly believe that Shura is the Tathagata.

In addition, Ji Kongfan and the others are not Jiang Yun, so everyone is naturally unwilling to offend Tathagata just to cause trouble for these people.

This ensured the safety of Ji Kongfan and others in this suffering temple.

One day later, Xue Danqing and Nan Fengchen came to their residence.

Both of them received the summons from their respective elders and voluntarily withdrew from the competition and joined Ji Kongfan and others.

So far, there are ten people here.

After Ji Kongfan glanced at his ten people, he said to himself: "Except for missing one quasi-emperor, the number of people we have here can fully participate in the competition with the Realm of Illusion."

Although his voice was soft, Jiansheng sitting beside him with his eyes closed heard it.

Jiansheng opened his eyes and said: "If we can really participate in the competition, I can step into the quasi-emperor at any time!"

Jiansheng's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and even his voice was filled with a biting chill.

When he first heard the news of Jiang Yun's death, his bloodline had not been improved, so he could not avenge Jiang Yun like Ji Kongfan.

He originally planned to go on a killing spree through the competition with the geniuses and monsters of the Bitter Territory, but now this wish could not be realized, so the murderous intention in his heart never dissipated.

Ji Kongfan naturally understood his thoughts and said calmly: "Don't worry, there will be a chance!"

At this time, Xue Danqing suddenly walked up to Ji Kongfan and Jiansheng, raised his fists at them and said, "My name is Xue Danqing. Why don't you see my elder brother Jiang Yun?"

Hearing this question, Han Shiru, Immortal Old Man, Spirit Master and others all focused their attention on Ji Kongfan and Jiansheng.

Jiansheng simply closed his eyes and said nothing, while Ji Kongfan said calmly: "He has already rushed to the Huanzhen Realm and will meet us then."

"Thank you!"

Xue Danqing nodded and stepped aside.

Although the ten people were in the same camp, no one continued to speak. They just silently chose a position and closed their eyes to adjust their breath.

Three days passed quickly, and ten people were brought to a huge square by the disciples of Ku Temple, and saw the Eight Ku Pagoda standing there.

In addition to the Ba Ku Pagoda, there are already forty monks standing here.

As Ji Kongfan and others stepped in, the eyes of the forty monks suddenly focused on them.

There was an evil look in everyone's eyes.

Naturally, these forty people were the final candidates selected by Kuyu to compete with Huazhenyu.

Ten of them have already confirmed their participation in the battle, while the other thirty are, firstly, as substitutes, and secondly, because they have good strength and will definitely be the upper-level forces in the Bitter Realm in the future, so give them a chance to go to the Illusionary Realm to observe. Open their eyes.

Ji Kongfan and others were also looking at them.

Their eyes collided in the air, filled with murderous intent.

However, it is naturally impossible for them to fight here.

A moment later, a bald old man walked out of the Eight Pagodas. It was Xuan San who had gone to the Hundred Clans Alliance Realm.

Xuan San glanced at everyone and said calmly: "Although the competition with the Huan Zhen Realm is still a few years away, it is far away because the competition location is near the Eye of Huan Zhen."

"So, we need to set off now, and by the way, we can also familiarize you with the situation in the Illusion Realm."

"Remember, our Bitter Realm and Huan Zhen Realm are natural enemies. Along the way, we will definitely encounter monks from the Huan Zhen Realm and be attacked by them."

"These attacking monks are in the same realm as us. We will take action to deal with them."

"Those who are in the same realm as you need to solve it yourself. Even if you die, we will not avenge you."

Xuan San's words made everyone's hearts tremble.

He knew very well that the competition with the Realm of Illusion had actually started from the moment he left the Realm of Suffering.

However, there was no fear in everyone's hearts.

They seemed to be the strongest group of people under the Great Emperor in the entire suffering realm.

No matter how strong the monks in the Realm of Illusion are, I and others may not lose to them.

Xuan San continued: "Okay, now I will lead you to the Huan Zhen Realm. When you arrive at the Huan Zhen Realm, Kuyin Buddha will come to pick us up."

Xuan San's words made everyone feel relieved.

No matter how strong Xuan San is, he is only an extremely powerful emperor. If you follow him, you can guarantee that he will not be too strong.

But Kuyin, as Kulao's eldest disciple, is a half-step true emperor. With him here, it will be much safer.

"Now, enter the Pagoda Pagoda and set off immediately!"

Everyone filed into the Pagoda Pagoda, and Ji Kongfan and others were the last to enter.

There is a huge space inside the Ba Ku Pagoda, just like a small world.

However, the remaining forty monks from the Bitter Realm climbed to the heights of the pagoda, while Ji Kongfan and the others were left on the first floor.

Ji Kongfan and the others had no objections to this.

As the Eight Pagodas shuddered, the Eight Pagodas soared into the sky and headed towards the Realm of Illusion.

In the Ku Temple, next to Ku Lao, Yu Hanqing raised his head and looked at the Baku Pagoda that was getting farther and farther away. A sneer gradually appeared on his face and said: "Finally left, Ku Lao, how many people are secretly following you this time?" left?"

Ku Lao glanced at Yu Hanqing and shook his head silently.

Originally, he hoped that Yu Hanqing could leave with Ba Ku Pagoda and give up the idea of ​​going to the All Heavens Gathering Area.

But obviously, Yu Hanqing did not give up at all, and was even impatient.

Ku Lao said calmly: "I saw as many as five."

Yu Hanqing nodded and said: "Okay, then I have to pack up and prepare to go to the All Heavens Gathering Area!"

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