Taoist world

Chapter 5461: The Identity of the Old Man

The two questions Jiang Yun asked are not only the biggest secrets of the Ku Temple, but also the entire Ku Territory.

If it were other Ku Temple disciples, there would be no way they would know.

But Kuchen's identity is different. He is a Buddha and has a high status, so he will definitely know some of the inside stories.

It depends on whether Kuchen is willing to say it.

Hearing Jiang Yun's question, Ku Chen fell into silence.

Although he now hates his master, he also knows that once he answers these two questions, it will be tantamount to a complete betrayal of his master.

And the consequences of betraying his master were definitely not something he could bear.

How could Jiang Yun not understand what Ku Chen was thinking, and said with a slight smile: "You have to know, now, looking at the Illusion Realm and the Huan Zhen Realm, the only ones who can possibly compete with your Ku Temple and your master are me and the ancestor of my family. ”

"The more we know about your master, the greater our chances of winning against him, and the less danger you face."

It must be said that Jiang Yun's two words touched Ku Chen.

Although Ku Chen didn't know how Jiang Gongwang got his master to recognize Jiang's status, he had followed his master for so long, and only Jiang Gongwang could make his master give in.

This at least shows that the master is afraid of Jiang Gongwang.

As for Jiang Yun, even though he is still very weak, he is particularly valued by his master.

Especially the ancient inheritance that Jiang Yun obtained is what the master wants to get.

And the relationship between Jiang Yun and Kumiao has become a fight to the death.

Then, as long as Jiang Gongwang and Jiang Yun survive, given time, they will definitely be able to threaten the master.

If they can kill their master again, then they can truly sit back and relax.

Therefore, after thinking for a long time, Ku Chen finally made a decision and said to Jiang Yun: "My master Ku Lao and my senior brother Ku Yin are actually the original Gu."

"As for the Temple of Suffering, it was not created by my master, but by the first Tathagata."

"Master needed to create an identity for himself, so he entered the Temple of Suffering and found the Tathagata."

"As for whether Master and Tathagata had a fight or talked about something, I don't know."

"I only know that after Master and Tathagata met once, the Ku Temple has become Master's possession."

"However, Tathagata is still the Temple of Suffering above the bright surface, and even the strongest person in the Suffering Realm."

"Except for a few people, no one knows about the existence of my master."

Jiang Yun listened to Ku Chen's narration and quickly analyzed it in his mind.

It is not difficult to see that what Ku Chen said must be the truth.

His master, Ku Lao, was the original people of Gu. He betrayed Gu, but he was worried about being known by Gu, so he secretly joined Ku Temple, which always had a transcendent status in the Ku Domain, and hid it perfectly.

Then, in the name of the Ku Temple, he summoned a large number of monks from other forces in the Ku Territory and launched a war against the ancients.

He even planted traitors among the ancient people who fled to Shijingzang.

If one of the traitors hadn't exposed his identity because of fear of death, and other ancient people knew the truth, then Ku Lao would have known about the existence of Sijingzang long ago and reached out to Sijingzang.

After thinking about all this, Jiang Yun then asked: "What happened to the first Tathagata?"

Tathagata is most likely Shura, so Jiang Yun also wants to know about Tathagata.

Ku Chen seemed to be willing to give up and said: "Not long after Master entered the Temple of Ku, the first Tathagata passed away on his own and reincarnated into reincarnation. I don't know where he went."

"When Master started, he asked us to forcibly create new Tathagata one after another as a symbol of the Temple of Suffering, so that all believers would believe that Tathagata has always existed."

"At the same time, we have been looking for the whereabouts of the reincarnation of the first Tathagata until we gradually found some possible people."

"At that time, Master indicated that we could announce the reincarnation of the Tathagata to the suffering realm."

"And those people who may be the first reincarnation of the Tathagata are now in the Temple of Suffering. No outsider can determine who is the real reincarnation of the Tathagata."

"Master also deliberately didn't say anything, just to let the real disciples of Ku Temple and the believers choose the people they think are the most likely, so as to achieve the effect of dividing Ku Temple and weakening the influence of Tathagata."

"Despite the large number of disciples and followers of Ku Temple, the symbol of Ku Temple that most of them believe in is still the Tathagata."

Jiang Yun narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Then you should know who the reincarnation of the first Tathagata is, right?"

Ku Chen nodded and said a name: "Shura!"

"He was brought back by master himself, so it must be him."

Jiang Yun's face was expressionless, but he was secretly sighing in his heart.

At this point, whether Shura admits it or not, it is certain that he is the reincarnation of the first Tathagata.

At this time, Ku Chen said again: "Okay, Jiang Yun, I have told you everything I can say. Now, I am leaving."

"I hope you won't disappoint me!"

After saying these words, Ku Chen turned around and strode away without waiting for Jiang Yun to respond.

Jiang Yun did not call him again, nor did he ask where he was going.

Perhaps, he will stay in the Realm of Illusion, remain anonymous, and remain hidden.

Perhaps, he will also return to the realm of suffering, return to the temple of suffering, and continue to be his aloof Buddha.

But no matter what, there has been a huge crack between him and Ku Lao, and it will be difficult to heal.

As Ku Chen left, Jiang Yun also turned around and walked to Song Juewu and Shengjun.

At this moment, both of them looked a little confused, obviously they did not expect that today's events would end in such a way.

However, this is naturally a good thing for the three of them.

If Ku Chen continues to kill Jiang Yun, even if Jiang Yun has the help of the Lost Tree and the Nameless Gate to rely on, he may still die in his hands.

Jiang Yun glanced at Shengjun first and found that Shengjun's condition had recovered a lot.

Then, Jiang Yun turned his eyes to Song Juewu.

Jiang Yun had a lot to ask about Song Juewu, but now he couldn't find it easy to ask in front of the Holy Lord.

However, Jiang Yun did not ask, but Song Juewu took the initiative and said: "You just asked Ku Chen a question. He couldn't answer it, but I can answer it."

Jiang Yun was startled and said, "What's the problem?"

The Holy Lord also pricked up his ears curiously.

Song Juewu stretched out his hand and pointed around and said: "Whether it is here or the entire Xunzu Realm, it is actually under the jurisdiction of a special group of people."

"This group of people is called the Eye Clan!"

"If someone really deliberately opened the Lost Ancient World and led you here in order to kill you, then this person can only be from the Mu clan."

Jiang Yun had heard about the news about the Mu clan before he entered the Lost Ancient World.

But that was just one of the many rumors related to the Lost Ancient World, so Jiang Yun didn't pay too much attention to it.

But now when he heard Song Juewu say these words, Jiang Yun realized that the rumor was true.

Therefore, Jiang Yun asked: "What kind of ethnic group is the Mu clan?"

"They are not a real ethnic group, and all the tribesmen have no blood relationship with each other."

"To say they are a tribe is better to say they are an organization."

"An organization that exists to protect the Eye of Illusion."

"After becoming a member of this organization, your freedom will be restricted and you can only appear in the Eye of Fantasy and various lost ancient worlds."

"Also, a distinctive feature will happen to them, that is, their eyes will turn white, so they call themselves the Eye Clan."

A flash of light suddenly flashed in Jiang Yun's mind, and he remembered the blurry figure he saw in the sky of Xunzu Realm before entering the bubble world.

The other party just has a pair of white eyes.

Having said that, everything Song Juewu said is also true.

Yu Hanqing can exist in the Huanzhen Realm, so he is naturally not from the Eye Clan, but he is related to the people from the Eye Clan, so he found the other party, opened up this lost ancient world, and attracted himself here.

Understanding the cause and effect of the matter, Jiang Yun nodded and said: "Now, I will return the power of the Lost Tree to it first."

At the same time, another vague figure appeared in the gray sky of Xunzu Realm.

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