Taoist world

Chapter 5439: Ancestral Demon Medicine Garden

Soul, that is the living foundation of any living thing.

After the physical body dies, the soul can still exist, and can even regain the physical body with the help of special methods, such as body snatching, reincarnation, etc.

But once the soul dissipates, no matter how powerful the body is, it will die completely and cannot even enter reincarnation.

Even those who specialize in soul cultivation cannot give up their physical body and live in the world with only their soul body.

Not to mention, this is a world inside a bubble, and it must be full of all kinds of dangers.

Under this situation, absolutely no living being would be willing to give up the physical body and just enter here with the soul body.

Looking at the Holy Lord, Jiang Yun thought of the power that inexplicably poured into his body when he entered this world, and that he has been unable to find until now.

And Rongxing, who also suddenly dissipated due to the influx of power, leaving only a body embedded in the outer wall of the bubble! Jiang Yun suddenly realized! That power is not to make living beings illusory, but to separate the living beings' bodies and souls.

Only the soul can enter this world, but the physical body has to be left outside the world, that is, embedded on the outer wall of the bubble.

As for myself, the reason why I am not affected by this power is because of my body and soul.

They have already been integrated together.

If you want to separate your body and soul, you have to separate your body into countless parts and then separate the body and soul one by one.

Therefore, he can enter this world with his physical body.

Jiang Yun had been worried about that inexplicable power before and didn't know what impact it would have on him. Now that he understood this, he suddenly felt relieved.

"In this way, Rongxing is not dead. It should be that power, which also carries the power of teleportation, causing his soul to be randomly sent to other places."

"Also, I have greater advantages than others in this world."

"Since they enter as souls, once they die, their souls will be scattered and they will never be able to be resurrected."

"I have one more life than them!"

Jiang Yun continued to look at the Holy Lord, and soon discovered that although the Holy Lord's body was a soul body, it was not difficult to see from his flexible leaping movements that the other party's soul body still possessed The power of the physical body.

"The soul body still has the power of the physical body. This is the function of the illusion."

"In other words, they probably don't know that they are just souls entering!"

At this moment, the Holy Lord, who had jumped on the shoulders of the mountain giant, suddenly raised his head and looked at Jiang Yun.

A ball of bloody light suddenly burst out from those blood-filled eyes.

The next moment, the light in the saint's eyes disappeared, he waved to Jiang Yun, and said loudly: "My friend, it's a bit unethical for you to look at me like this!"

"Can you lend a hand? I'll give you half of the benefits of turning back! Hearing these words of the Holy Lord, although Jiang Yun already knew from Rong Xing's mouth that the character of this evil cultivator is extremely unruly and does whatever he wants, but he still Somewhat stunned.

He and I had never met each other before, yet he asked for help directly.

However, how could Jiang Yun fail to see that this holy king is indeed extremely powerful, and it is not difficult at all to deal with this mountain giant.

Therefore, Jiang Yun calmly shook his head and said, "Keep your benefits for yourself. I'm just passing by and I'm leaving now."

After saying that, Jiang Yun turned around and left.

Jiang Yun was not a creature from the Ancestor Realm, and he was not too repulsive to the so-called evil cultivators, but he would not help a demon cultivator that might be a threat to him.

However, seeing Jiang Yun about to leave, Shengjun suddenly said anxiously: "Wait, don't leave!"

After the words fell, the Holy Lord suddenly raised his hand and slapped the mountain giant under him with a very casual palm.

A loud "rumbling" sound was heard, and the huge body of the mountain giant suddenly collapsed and turned into a pile of scattered boulders.

Jiang Yun's pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly.

Because, he could see very clearly that the palm of the Holy Lord seemed random, but at the same time, it triggered the power of space.

It condensed the space around the mountain giant in an instant, as if forming an invisible huge hand, grasped the mountain giant, squeezed it hard, and crushed it to pieces.

Although Jiang Yun also mastered the power of space, he could not crush a mountain giant so easily like the Holy Lord.

It is not difficult to see that the strength of this holy king is indeed extremely powerful.

Jiang Yun thought to himself that if he didn't use some trump cards, he would definitely lose in the fight with the Holy Lord.

After finishing dealing with the mountain giant, the figure of the Holy Lord rose into the sky and came to Jiang Yun.

After looking Jiang Yun up and down for a few times, the Holy Lord smiled slightly and said: "My Holy Lord, my friend seems to be very close to me, he must be a cultivator from the outside world, right?"

Jiang Yun nodded calmly and said, "That's right. I wonder what's wrong with the Holy Lord?"

The Holy Lord grinned and said: "Everything here is weird. For example, I'm afraid you don't know about the mountain giant just now. It was originally from the outside world. It dealt with me several times and was treated docilely by me. Posted."

"I didn't expect that after it ran in here inexplicably now, it would dare to attack me. Do you think it's weird or not?"


While the Holy Lord was speaking, he turned his palm, and a seven-petaled flower appeared in his palm. Each petal was a color, making up the colors of the rainbow.

Especially on the petals, there is a human face with eyes closed.

The Holy Lord smiled and said: "This is called the Human Face Rainbow Flower. As far as I know, it is an extremely precious medicinal material. It was because I picked this flower that I was attacked by the mountain demon."

Jiang Yun took a look at the human-faced rainbow flower. Although he didn't recognize it, he could tell from the appearance of the flower that it was not an ordinary flower.

And this also made Jiang Yun's heart move.

I just saw the equally cherished medicinal material Lan Chaoyan, guarded by a scorpion.

Now the Holy Lord has also found a precious medicinal plant, which is guarded by the mountain demon.

Thinking back to the world that was clearly a place of plants that he saw outside the bubble before, an idea suddenly came to Jiang Yun's mind.

Could this world be a medicine garden?

Medicine from the ancestral demon lineage?

Jiang Yun did not reveal his thoughts, and nodded lightly: "Congratulations to the Holy Lord."

"However, this seems to have nothing to do with me. The Holy Lord is not looking for me just to show off this flower to me, right?"

"of course not."

The Holy Lord put away the flowers and said, "I have said so much just to tell my brothers that this place is very dangerous."

"Meeting is fate, so I want to be your companion and explore this place together."

"Don't worry, I have no hostility towards outsiders. On the contrary, I admire them very much."

"I can also promise my brother that everything I get here, no matter what it is, will be shared equally with my brother."

"Even if it's something that my brother likes, then I won't snatch it from you, how about it?"

Jiang Yun looked at Shengjun and didn't believe what he said at all.

Although the other party looked cynical, he was a Saint King, the Lord of Evil Cultivators, and a powerful man in the Ancestor-Xun Realm that even Rong Xing and the other twelve city lords could not destroy.

Facing me, an external cultivator, the other party showed such a warm attitude and offered such generous conditions. If he was willing to cooperate with me, he must have other intentions.

Therefore, Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "I appreciate the Holy Lord's kindness."

"However, I've always been a loner. If the Holy Lord wants to find someone to cooperate, he'd better find someone else."

Shengjun was not angry at Jiang Yun's rejection.

He smiled slightly and said: "Brother, when you are alone, you have to divide your time and place."

"In this world, for others, it is enough to deal with the various dangers hidden here."

"But for you, brother, you have to deal with not only the dangers here, but also other monks."

"I think eight out of ten of the other monks who entered here probably want to kill you."

"If you and I cooperate, I can't say that I can keep you safe, but at least I can help you share a few opponents and reduce some trouble for you."

"So, Jiang Yun, you might as well consider my proposal carefully!"

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