Taoist world

Chapter 5423: Accompany you

The heat transformed by the Lost Fruit, under Jiang Yun's urging, was gradually integrated into every part of his body.

At first, Jiang Yun could only detect that the Lost Fruit could indeed improve his physical strength, but gradually, Jiang Yun could faintly feel a familiar aura from the heat flow.

However, this aura is too obscure and vague.

With Jiang Yun's spiritual consciousness, he could not accurately capture the position of the breath with all his strength.

This made Jiang Yun feel a little confused.

I have never seen this Lost Fruit before, and I have never even heard of it. This is the Lost Ancient World, an illusion.

How could a fruit born here have an aura that feels familiar to me?

Even when Jiang Yun tried to think about something corresponding to this familiar feeling in his memory, he even found that his body began to become transparent at a speed visible to the naked eye. ! The power of the illusion that was originally slowly affecting Jiang Yun actually accelerated.

If Jiang Yun continues to think, within a few breaths, his whole person will become completely illusory, and he will completely fall into an illusion.

This made Jiang Yun stop thinking in a hurry, and the nine-color mark appeared in his eyes, dispelling the power of the illusion on his body.

"There is a familiar aura in the Lost Fruit. I am not looking for this aura. I am just searching for it in my own memories. This illusion actually tries to stop me!"

Jiang Yun couldn't help but raise his head, looking through the layers of cave walls, seeing the gray sky outside and saying: "Who arranged the illusion here?"

"Is it a nightmare beast?"

The illusion that appeared in the Realm of Illusion, Jiang Yun thought, should have been gradually formed after the power of the nightmare beast itself spilled into the Realm of Illusion.

Since the Lost Ancient World is also contained in the Realm of Illusion, it should also be affected by the shadow of the power of the Nightmare Beast.

However, Jiang Yun felt carefully that there was no aura belonging to the nightmare beast in this ancient world.

But it is undeniable that the person who arranged this illusion has more control over the illusion than Jiang Yun.

Originally, Jiang Yun entered the Lost Ancient World just to find the Phantom Eye Token, but now, it made him curious about the Lost Ancient World and everything behind it.

However, Jiang Yun also knew that with his current strength, it was impossible to know the answers to these questions.

Therefore, he quickly withdrew his gaze and no longer considered what the familiar aura was, but concentrated on stimulating the heat flow transformed by the Lost Fruit.

Although there is only one Lost Fruit, the heat it generates is extremely huge.

According to Jiang Yun's speculation, even he would probably need most of a day to integrate all these heat currents into his body.

After Shui Yuanxiu left Jiang Yun, he returned to his residence angrily and sat down. His mind could not calm down for a long time.

As the son of the clan leader, although he is not taken seriously in Glory City, he is still respected among the mink clan.

However, today he was insulted by an outsider like Jiang Yun, which made it impossible for him to swallow this breath.

Therefore, he began to think about how to kill Jiang Yun and vent his hatred.

"That Shuiyun is really a bit weird. His eyes just now seemed to contain some kind of strange power. It actually made me feel as if my soul was being sucked into them."

"My mink clan has never had such a technique. He must have learned it from an evil cultivator."

"However, since he can save Shui Moyu, he is naturally stronger than me."

"In our clan, I'm afraid only my father and a few other elders can overpower him."

"It's just that if you want to find your father, you must not do anything to him in the clan, nor can you do anything to him in Glory City."

"As long as he leaves Glory City, even if he is within an area of ​​10,000 miles, there will be no trouble in killing him."

"Damn it, I don't know when he will be able to leave."

Shui Yuanxiu was so angry that he trembled when he thought of Jiang Yun eating the lost fruit in front of him.

"That's the lost fruit. If you eat one, it will be worth my month of hard work."

"Shui Moyu, you damn girl, you brought back the Lost Fruit, and you didn't tell me first, and you didn't give me one, but you gave it directly to our ancestors."

"The same goes for our ancestors. Our tribe is already weak and is in urgent need of Lost Fruit."

"Especially for me, if I take a Lost Fruit, I should be able to break through to the ninth level of reincarnation, but you didn't keep it for me, and you gave it to an outsider like Shui Yun!"

"Father is the same. He is too cowardly. His strength is obviously no weaker than that of our ancestors. Why don't we take action? Instead of killing our ancestors, we can abolish our powers!"

"If my father could have the final say in the clan, then I wouldn't be bullied by an outsider like Shui Yun!"

"No, I'll go find my mother and let her come up with a way to make the decision for me!"

Shui Yuanxiu suddenly stood up and walked out.

At the same time, Rong Xing, the city lord of Glory City, looked at Glory City outside the window with a gloomy face and was in an extremely bad mood.

Because, he has already found out that three cities have actually found outsiders! From the moment they heard the ancestral voice, twelve cities, together with evil cultivators, almost simultaneously sent people to look for cultivators from the outside world.

But now, only half a day has passed, and three cities have already found outsiders. This is not good news for Rongxing.

After all, whether it is the legend in the Xunzu Realm or the Jiang Yun that Zuyin wants to kill, it is related to whether he can leave the Xunzu Realm.

Rongxing said to himself: "Wait for one more day."

"If my people still haven't gained anything after one day, then I will make the matter of the cultivators of the outside world public in the city and ask all ethnic groups to send people to find the cultivators of the outside world!"

When most of the day passed, Jiang Yun opened his eyes and finally absorbed all the heat from the Lost Fruit into his body, which also made him clearly feel that his body was a little stronger than before.

Although it sounds like this slight enhancement is nothing, for Jiang Yun, it is too rare.

Jiang Yun entered his own Tao realm again, preparing to continue adding the power of the Five Elements to it.

However, at this time, there was another sound of footsteps outside the cave.

This time, it’s not Shui Yuanxiu who comes, but Shui Moyu! Shui Moyu stopped outside the cave and said softly: "Brother Shui!"

"come in!"

Shui Moyu walked in and said with a smile: "Brother Shui, are you still used to our place?"

Jiang Yun also smiled and nodded: "Yes, very good."

Shui Moyu continued: "I'll tell you some good news. My ancestor asked me to come over and invite you!"


Jiang Yun raised his eyebrows and said, "Has the ancestor already remembered the location of the earth gall?"

"I have no idea!"

Shui Moyu shook his head and said, "But our ancestors made it very clear that when you asked me to invite you over, you must have remembered something."

Shui Moyu bit the word "please" very hard.

To be honest, she was a little surprised when she heard her ancestor say this word.

After all, as an ancestor, it is impossible for him to treat any mink tribesman with such a polite attitude.

Jiang Yun didn't take it seriously, stood up and said, "Okay, I hope my ancestor can give me good news."

After a while, Jiang Yun saw the old woman. This time, the old woman did not sit there, but stood in the cave. When she saw Jiang Yun coming in, she took the initiative to greet her with a smile on her face.

Jiang Yung was about to salute, but the old woman waved her hand and said, "You're welcome, please sit down!"

Jiang Yun naturally noticed that the old woman's attitude towards him had changed greatly.

Although he didn't know why the old woman had such a change, it was indeed good news for him.

After Jiang Yun sat down, Shui Moyu walked to the old woman's side. The old woman said bluntly: "I remembered the location of the earth gallbladder."

"However, I still say that, with your current strength, it is too dangerous to go there."

"So, I decided to go with you!"

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