Taoist world

Chapter 5392 Thoughts on Preaching

Liu Peng, Jiang Yun’s eldest disciple, the true master of formation! Although it is impossible for Jiang Yun to take Liu Peng to this competition with the Huan Zhen Realm, Jiang Yun wants Liu Peng to go to the Hundred Clans Alliance Realm.

For no other reason than to let Liu Peng understand the formation arranged by one hundred and eight families! Jiang Yun didn't want the formation in the Hundred Tribes Alliance, but he hoped that after Liu Peng understood that formation, he could make himself aware of the domain-gathering formation! After all, the Jiyu Formation is too big.

If you only rely on Jiang Yun's soul clone to seize the body formation spirit bit by bit, it will definitely take a lot of time.

It took more than a hundred years for the soul clone to seize one-ninth of the formation spirit. It would take a thousand years to complete all the seizures.

If it weren't for the sharp sword that was always suspended above the Earth Lord of the True Realm, Jiang Yun wouldn't have cared about waiting for a thousand years.

But now, he must speed up and make himself stronger in as short a time as possible.

Whether it was the gathering formation, the Taoist realm he had created, or even the theory of luck reminded by Shura, these were all Jiang Yun relied on to deal with the Earth Lord.

Therefore, as long as Liu Peng understands the great formation of the Hundred Clans Alliance, his soul clone can complete the seizure of the spirit of the gathering domain formation as soon as possible.

Liu Peng, who was studying the formation, heard the master's voice ringing in his ears. He suddenly looked surprised and stood up.

Jiang Yun also borrowed the power of the Territory Lord to bring him directly in front of him.


Although Liu Peng also knew that Jiang Yun didn't like people to kneel down, when he saw Jiang Yun, he still knelt down regardless.

Jiang Yun waved his sleeves and lifted him up. At the same time, his spiritual consciousness swept through his body.

At the beginning, Liu Peng was unable to practice, but Jiang Yun had always used his strong vitality to keep him alive.

Later, because he and the granddaughter of Zhenque Tianzun came together, Zhenque Tianzun allowed Liu Peng to reincarnate directly, gaining a new life and being able to practice.

However, Liu Peng is obviously not very enthusiastic about cultivation, so his current level is really pitifully low.

However, Jiang Yun felt an extremely familiar aura on Liu Peng's body.

road! Liu Peng actually already possesses some Taoism! Jiang Yun was a little surprised at first, but soon understood the reason.

There is always only one path for Liu Peng to take, which is the path of formation! In addition, he practiced cultivation after being reborn, and his cultivation state was still within the scope of Taoism, but he reached the ultimate level of Taoism, so Taoism was born! Seeing Liu Peng also reminded Jiang Yun of Shitian's accusation against him. As the strongest Taoist cultivator with the longest journey, Jiang Yun had not thought about other Taoist cultivators.

"Perhaps, I should find some time to preach to all Taoists, no, to all monks in the Heavenly Gathering Area!"

This idea emerged from Jiang Yun's mind uncontrollably, making him even startled.

Preaching, these two words are easy to say, but the meaning contained in them is extremely profound.

Do you really have the qualifications to preach?

Immediately, Jiang Yun smiled calmly and said: "If I don't have it, no one else in the two realms of illusion and truth will be qualified!"

Yes, Jiang Yun's achievements on the road of Taoism are higher than anyone else's.

In just a few years, the Xunxu monument appeared three times and his name was left on it twice. This is the best proof.

Jiang Yun nodded silently in his heart and said: "Before going to the Huanzhen Realm, I will give a sermon to all the monks in the All Heavens Gathering Realm!"

The reason why he chose to preach before was naturally because Jiang Yun had no idea whether he could come back alive from this trip to the Realm of Illusion.

Then, passing on one's own Tao can be regarded as a contribution to Tao cultivation.

After making up his mind, Jiang Yun told Liu Peng what was needed to break the formation.

Liu Peng naturally had no objections, but was extremely excited.

Jiang Yun smiled and said: "Then go and call your wife.

We're leaving now. "

Going to the Bitter Territory and not being there, Liu Peng will definitely not be able to return to the All Heavens Gathering Territory in a short time.

Jiang Yun himself already owed his wife a lot, and he really didn't want his disciples to do the same again.

However, Liu Peng's face turned red, he shook his head and said, "I won't take her with me."

Jiang Yun was startled and said: "A fight?"

"No no!"

Liu Peng quickly shook his head and said: "Master, you also know that once I start studying formations, I often ignore people for years or even decades."

"Bitter Territory is an unfamiliar place. I have formations to study, which is nothing, but taking her there is better than letting her stay here."

Jiang Yun thought so too.

Liu Peng's wife stayed in the Zhutian Jiyu, and at least she had her father and others accompanying her, which was much better than going to the Bitter Territory.

"Then go and talk to her!"

Jiang Yun sighed and said, "Also, say sorry for me."

Liu Peng said hurriedly: "Master's words are serious!"

Jiang Yun, however, sent him away without giving him a chance to speak again.

While waiting for Liu Peng, Jiang Yun suddenly looked at Fengming Tianzun and said: "Grandpa, can you help me find an ancient thought?"

Fengming Tianzun was stunned and then understood: "Your master's ancient thoughts?"


Jiang Yun nodded.

Gu Bu Lao sealed the four realms, and when he was reincarnated, he had his own evil thoughts.

It is precisely because of the existence of this evil thought that there is an additional ancient clan among the Great Heavenly Lords in the All Heavens Gathering Area.

Later, when Jiang Yun attacked the ancient tribe, Gu Bu Lao's evil thoughts were defeated and escaped.

Jiang Yun originally wanted to find this evil thought, but as a result, the start of the domain war left him no time.

Until today, he was ready to find this evil thought.

Either bring it back to the Bitter Realm and send it to the ancient land, or bring it to the Realm of Illusion and give it to your master to see if it can be of help to your master.

Before the Fate-Sealing Heavenly Lord could speak, Ji Kongfan had already taken the lead and said, "I looked for it, but I couldn't find it."

"Maybe he hid on purpose."

Fengming Tianzun continued: "I will help you look for it now, and I will tell you when I find it."

Jiang Yun also knew that it was very difficult to find an evil thought, even if the angel patrol controlled the entire universe.

After all, under the domain of all heavens, there is also the domain of destruction and the domain of Tao.

Evil thoughts can easily find their way into someone's soul, but they are nowhere to be found.

Ji Kongfan continued: "However, there are some ancient thoughts in the Linggu Domain."

Jiang Yun naturally knew that the ancient thoughts of the Linggu Domain were Gu Ling Fuyi and others.

Jiang Yun also wanted to bring them into the realm of suffering and into the ancient land.

However, he wanted to have a good chat with the spirit master about Yu Wenji's mirror, so he planned to wait until Ji Kongfan and the others were sent to the realm of suffering before going to the ancient spirit realm.

Next, Jiang Yun and others stopped talking and waited patiently for Liu Peng's arrival.

At the same time, in the Bitter Territory, in the gap outside the Prison Suppression Realm, nine figures quietly emerged.

The nine figures were all black, and their bodies were in a twisted state, making it impossible to see through their appearance.

Nine figures are communicating with each other through sound transmission.

A man's voice said: "Everyone, hold on, we have been waiting for more than a month, Jiang Yun should be back soon."

"This time, our target is not Jiang Yun, but the people Jiang Yun brought back from the All Heavens Gathering Area."

"No matter how many people Jiang Yun brings back, it would be best if he can kill them all!"

"If not, then hit them hard no matter what."

"Also, we only have fifteen breaths."

"Ten breaths trapped Jiang Yun. Jiang Yun asked Jiang Gongwang for help. It would take Jiang Gongwang ten breaths at the fastest to get here."

"We save five breaths to save our lives, that is, after fifteen breaths, we will escape immediately regardless of success or failure."

"Finally, if someone is caught or unable to escape, they must blow themselves up. Jiang Yun must not let Jiang Yun know our true identity."

As the man's voice fell, another female voice immediately spoke: "There is no need to be so nervous."

"Jiang Yun and Jiang Gongwang are indeed very strong, but the All Heavens Gathering Area is just a lowly area. Is it possible that everyone can be like Jiang Yun and stronger than the geniuses of our various sects? Monsters?"

"Also, don't forget, the people Jiang Yun found this time are all below the quasi-emperor level!"

"How could we, the nine magicians, not be able to kill just a few monks below the quasi-emperor level if we join forces!"

The man's voice sounded again: "What you said makes sense, but it's always right to be careful!"

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