Taoist world

Chapter 5367 The Power of the Temple of Bitterness

It can be said that the location of the Ku Temple is unknown to everyone in the entire Ku Territory.

Its base camp is an endless temple located in the gap between the boundaries.

Inside the temple, I don't know what it is, exuding a bright but not dazzling golden light, which is particularly conspicuous in the dark gap.

At this moment, this black spear, which is hundreds of thousands of feet long, is suspended above the Ku Temple. Compared to the area of ​​the Ku Temple, this black spear seems extremely small.

Jiang Yun stood up and looked at the huge temple below.

Although he has known the name of Ku Temple for a long time and has dealt with Ku Temple many times, this is the first time Jiang Yun has come to Ku Temple and seen Ku Temple.

Even though he was well-informed, he was quite shocked when he saw the Ku Temple.

All the Jiang clan members had heard Jiang Gongwang's voice, opened their eyes and looked towards the Ku Temple.

Most of them, like Jiang Yun, saw the Ku Temple for the first time, and were naturally shocked as well.

Not to mention anything else, just the size of the Ku Temple and the boundless golden light emanating from it made everyone feel insignificant and ashamed.

In addition, there were faint chanting and the sound of bells and drums coming from the Temple of Bitterness.

Although no one can hear these sounds clearly, when the sounds enter their ears, they inadvertently calm down all the negative emotions such as sadness and anger in their hearts, making their hearts gradually become peaceful, and their faces His facial expression also tends to be intoxicated.

Some people even opened their mouths, trying to echo the chanting sounds that they couldn't hear clearly.

Jiang Gongwang, standing next to Jiang Yun, did not go to see the Ku Temple, but quietly looked at all the Jiang clan members, including Jiang Yun.

Among the tens of thousands of Jiang clan members, only four people always kept their expressions calm.

Jiang Yun, Jiang Shenyin, Jiang Qiuyue, and Jiang Shan! Others, even as powerful as the ancestor of the Jiang family, were trying hard to listen to the voices coming from the Temple of Suffering.

A moment later, Jiang Gongwang's voice suddenly rang in everyone's ears again: "Concentrate carefully and don't be affected by the sounds in the Temple of Pain."

Jiang Gongwang naturally knew that although the actions of some people in Kumiao made him extremely shameful, it was undeniable that Kumiao was indeed extremely powerful.

The sound of bells, drums and chanting, to put it simply, is a defensive formation of Ku Temple, called Dusk Drums and Morning Bells.

This formation can be classified as a type of phantom formation, which uses the power of sound to cleanse the hearts of those who hear it.

Unless you are an extremely determined person, once you hear these voices, you will most likely fall into them and erase all negative emotions from your heart.

Once there are no negative emotions and only a sense of peace, then there is no need to talk about revenge or taking action.

There was even a great emperor who once had a shocking massacre, but after hearing the sound of dusk drums and morning bells, he actually chose to convert to the Ku Temple.

This is the horror of the Temple of Pain.

Conquer the enemy without fighting! However, there are very few people who can still remain firm-willed despite the drums and bells at dusk and morning! In the entire Jiang family, there are only four people including Jiang Yun! However, as Jiang Gongwang's voice sounded, an invisible shield emanated from his body, blocking out the sound of bells, drums and chanting, causing all the Jiang clan members to wake up immediately.

And recalling that they had let go of their hatred just now, everyone couldn't help but feel waves of fear and shame.

However, Jiang Gongwang did not blame them, and continued: "Your spiritual consciousness cannot see the whole picture of this suffering temple. Let me briefly explain it to you."

The area of ​​the Ku Temple is so large that it even exceeds the world. Even Jiang Yun's spiritual consciousness cannot see the end of the Ku Temple, so naturally everyone listens attentively.

Jiang Gongwang's voice continued: "It seems that Ku Temple is just one temple, but in fact, it is composed of countless temples."

"However, there are countless temples that form five large temples."

"There are five temples. The main temple is in the center, and there are auxiliary temples in the southeast, northwest, and northwest."

"The shape of the entire Ku Temple seems to be a rectangle, but if you can fully integrate it into your spiritual consciousness, you will find that it is circular."

"The four auxiliary temples are surrounding and guarding the main temple."

"Other temples enshrine several different statues, which are disciples who have contributed to the Ku Temple in the past generations."

"And inside the main temple, there is only one statue enshrined."

Listening to Jiang Gongwang's explanation, everyone couldn't help but have expressions of understanding on their faces. They really didn't know this.

"There was once a strong man who, after seeing the whole picture of the Ku Temple, said that the Ku Temple is like a bright pearl, unstained by dust."

"It is impossible for outsiders to know how many disciples there are in the Ku Temple and how many people are stationed in each temple."

"Even my spiritual consciousness cannot see through it."

"However, I had a conversation with a great emperor in Ku Temple back then, and he told me that the abbots of the five major temples in Ku Temple are all Zen masters, that is, supreme emperors."

"As for small temples, the strength of the abbots varies according to their different functions, but without exception, they are all great emperors."

"You all already know about the Eight Pagodas."

"It is equivalent to the core of the Temple of Pain, a mobile base camp."

"The Eight Pagodas have eight floors in total, and each floor has a supreme emperor sitting in charge."

"In addition, the Ku Temple also has the Four Great Vajras, the Eight Great Dharma Protectors, etc."

"As for the top experts in the Temple of Suffering, they call themselves Buddhas. I know of three of them."

"Kuxin, Kuchen, and the person who threw this spear should be Kuyin."

"The weakest among them is only half a step to the true level."

Jiang Gongwang's voice was calm and calm, and he carefully explained the power structure of Ku Temple to the tribesmen, making it impossible for people to tell that he was here to attack Ku Temple.

Under Jiang Gongwang's calm voice, all the Jiang clan members were surprised by the power of Ku Temple, but they did not feel much fear or panic.

However, Jiang Gongwang's narration did not end. After pausing for a few breaths, he spoke again: "Except for those people I just mentioned, the strongest people in Ku Temple are the two people I know. .”

"Of these two people, I don't know the name of one and the other is called Tathagata, which is the owner of the only statue enshrined in the main temple of Ku Temple!"

When he mentioned the word Tathagata, Jiang Gongwang seemed to glance at Jiang Yun inadvertently, but the latter had no reaction.

In fact, all the monks in the Suffering Realm know about Tathagata.

Tathagata is the founder of Ku Temple, but it is said that he has been reincarnated, so Ku Temple has always been looking for his reincarnation, and has found many.

However, until now, no one knows who is the real reincarnation of Tathagata.

Therefore, everyone did not care about Tathagata. What they cared about was the powerful man with the same name as Tathagata, whose name even Jiang Gongwang did not know.

The strongest person in the Ku Temple should be the True Level Emperor! Although everyone can imagine that there must be a true emperor in the Ku Temple, at this moment, standing above the Ku Temple, thinking that this true emperor is so close to them still makes their hearts calm. A hint of fear.

Jiang Gongwang suddenly laughed and said, "Are you a little scared when you heard about the power of Ku Temple?"

Although everyone wanted to say that they were not afraid, they could not open their mouths when faced with Jiang Gongwang's gaze.

Only Jiang Yun said calmly: "Don't be afraid!"

Jiang Yun is indeed not afraid. For others, the true emperor is out of reach, but for him, it is normal.

The nine great emperors of the nine tribes and the nine emperors of the troubled times should all be true emperors.

Even if he only comes into contact with their clones, at least he doesn't have any fear of the true emperor.

Jiang Gongwang already knew Jiang Yun's experience, so he naturally understood why he was not afraid. He smiled and said, "Be afraid, there is nothing to be ashamed of."

"However, I want to tell you that today we are going to attack the Ku Temple. The first person we have to face is not the Ku Temple disciples, but - them!"

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