Taoist world

Chapter 5346 Multiple trump cards

The black lotus sank into his body, and Jiang Yun had no time to think of a solution to the lotus. Instead, he retreated directly towards the position where Taishi Minglou was standing.

Tai Shi Minglou glanced at his brother and backed away quickly, not giving Jiang Yun a chance to get close to him. He said bitterly: "Jiang Yun, you are dead!"


As Taishi Minglou's voice fell, two earth-shaking loud noises were heard, almost at the same time.

The voices came from Jiang Yun and the ancestor of the Taishi family! Their bodies suddenly exploded at the same moment.

Two astonishing waves of energy erupted from their bodies, spreading in all directions at extremely fast speeds.

Such a terrifying explosion force caused everyone's expressions to change drastically.

Taishi Minglou fled outside the Hundred Tribes Alliance in a few steps.

In the other three battlefields, the people who were fighting rushed out in a hurry after hearing the loud noise.

There is no way, the power of these two explosions coming together is really amazing.

It gave everyone the feeling that Jiang Yun and the ancestor of the Taishi family had self-destructed at the same time.

In an instant, the air waves formed by the explosion filled the sky and the earth throughout almost the entire Hundred Clans Alliance.

Countless buildings collapsed one after another and turned into dust. Even the mountains, rivers and land were greatly impacted and shook violently, as if the end was coming.

Fortunately, before today's war began, each family had already hid their members in a safe place, allowing them to escape.

Otherwise, such an explosion would kill at least half of the people in the Hundred Clans Alliance.

As for the Jiang clan members, no one was injured because they were protected by mirages.

However, at this moment, the world of the Hundred Tribes Alliance was really covered in smoke and waves.

Even Zen Master Xuan Yi and others could not clearly see the figures of Jiang Yun and the ancestor of the Taishi family in the air waves, and they did not know what their condition was now.

Zen Master Ci Xin looked at Tai Shi Ming Lou, who was in shock, and asked, "What happened just now?"

Taishi Minglou came to his senses and said through gritted teeth: "I saw Jiang Yun feed a ball to my brother."

"And I used my soul to blast the black lotus and hit Jiang Yun!"

The Soul Exploding Black Lotus is a unique Horcrux of the Taishi family, which uses a large amount of souls to condense into a black lotus.

The soul inside it does not have consciousness and has only one function, which is to self-destruct.

As for the power of self-destruction, it is determined by the strength of the souls that make up the Black Lotus.

Taishi Minglou continued: "Even if Jiang Yun possesses the flames that can restrain the soul skills of my Taishi family, since the Soul Explosion Black Lotus has exploded, he must be seriously injured this time if he does not die."

Taishi Minglou is still very confident about his own Horcrux.

After saying that, he said bitterly: "I just don't know what the ball he fed to my brother is. It can also self-destruct!"

Zen Master Cixin said coldly: "We will know soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zen Master Ci Xin had already raised his hand and waved his hand towards the Hundred Clans Alliance.

This seemingly careless wave of the palm immediately set off a strong wind within the Hundred Races Alliance, blowing all the air waves and smoke that covered the sky and the earth outside the Hundred Races Alliance.

Just a few breaths later, all the air waves and smoke had disappeared. Except for those collapsed buildings, the world of the Hundred Clans Alliance had returned to clarity.

Naturally, everyone's eyes and consciousness hurriedly searched for traces of Jiang Yun and the ancestors of the Taishi family.

The ancestor of the Taishi family has completely disappeared.

The ball that Jiang Yun fed to the other party was the self-destructed body of the Dharma-level emperor of the Qiuzhen Sect.

After being swallowed by Jiang Yun with the Yin Spirit Realm Swallowing Map, he turned into a ball.

Jiang Yun stuffed it into the belly of the ancestor of the Taishi family, and the ball exploded.

In fact, a self-destruction of that level would not kill the ancestor of the Taishi family. At most, it would destroy his physical body.

But the Soul Exploding Black Lotus thrown by Tai Shi Minglou also self-destructed at the same time.

The intertwining power of the two explosions doubled the power of the explosion, causing the soul of the ancestor of the Taishi family to vanish into thin air under the explosion.

As for Jiang Yun, they didn't need to look for him at all. Jiang Yun's figure had suddenly walked out of the void and appeared in their sight.

Seeing Jiang Yun, everyone's pupils suddenly shrank, with a look of shock on their faces.

Taishi Minglou, in particular, looked as if he had seen a ghost. His eyes widened and he pointed at Jiang Yun and said: "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

The reason why Taishi Minglou and everyone were so surprised was because Jiang Yun was actually unscathed at this moment! Most of the people present knew the power of Soul Explosion Black Lotus.

Under the circumstances just now, the Soul Exploding Black Lotus thrown by Tai Shi Minglou at Jiang Yun must have been the most powerful.

Even extreme emperors such as Zen Master Xuanyi would definitely suffer serious injuries if they were hit by the Soul Exploding Black Lotus and then exploded inside their bodies.

But Jiang Yun, from top to bottom, showed no injuries at all.

If the Soul Exploding Black Lotus exploded outside Jiang Yun's body, then Jiang Yun might be able to escape the power of the explosion by escaping into the void.

But everyone could see clearly that the black lotus exploded inside Jiang Yun's body, which made it impossible for Jiang Yun to escape.

Under such circumstances, how could Jiang Yun remain unscathed?

Jiang Yun smiled coldly, disappeared from the spot, and appeared next to Jiansheng.

Jiansheng was besieged by nine Dharma-level emperors from the three first-class forces. He persisted until now, but he was gradually exhausted and had a few more wounds on his body.

Thanks to the self-destruction of Jiang Yun and the ancestor of the Taishi family, everyone temporarily stopped fighting, giving him a chance to breathe.

Jiansheng glanced at Jiang Yun and said with a little surprise on his face: "Is everything okay?"

He was also worried about Jiang Yun.


Jiang Yun shook his head and reached out to hold Jiansheng's shoulders. A stream of thick wood power immediately poured into Jiansheng's body, healing him while also helping him regain some strength.

Feeling the huge power of wood sent in by Jiang Yun, Jiansheng believed that Jiang Yun was really fine.

Although he was also curious about how Jiang Yun could remain intact under such a terrifying explosion, he naturally would not ask.

While he was seizing the time to treat his injuries, he said to Jiang Yun via voice transmission: "What should we do next?"

"They still have twelve magic levels and two extreme levels. Your three friends can't hold on any longer."

"With just the two of us, it will be difficult to come back."

"I still have a special move that should be able to kill two to three more spells, but after using it, I will reach my limit."

Jiang Yun responded calmly through voice transmission: "Don't kill anymore. If you find an opportunity later, you can leave first."

"There are several other extreme-level emperors in Ku Temple who should be arriving soon."

"When they come, you won't be able to leave even if you want to."

"You don't have to worry about me, I'm immortal now, and they must think that Second Senior Sister is here too, so they won't embarrass me!"

Jiang Yun had already told Jiansheng how the second senior sister protected him in the Bitter Territory, so Jiansheng understood it as soon as he heard it.

However, he did not respond at all to Jiang Yun's request to leave first.

Although he left Tianwaitian to find Situ Jing, how could he leave Jiang Yun and escape alone when Jiang Yun was in trouble! If something unexpected happened to Jiang Yun, he wouldn't have the shame to see Situ Jing.

Jiang Yun spoke again: "I really didn't lie to you."

"Just now, my body was actually blown to pieces, but I am still alive."

"Do you know why?"

Jiansheng did ask curiously: "Why?"

"Because I have another trump card, which gives me absolute certainty that I can escape safely."

Jiansheng couldn't help but turn his head and glance at Jiang Yun and said, "What's your trump card?"

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