Taoist world

Chapter 5313 Directly Becoming a Master

Jiang Yun didn't know how strong the spirit tree was.

But when Jiang Yun and Zhou Yan fought before, in order to let Jiang Yun understand the use of the power of wood more clearly, the spirit tree temporarily controlled Jiang Yun's body and used a magical power that transformed plants and trees into soldiers.

In an instant, more than a hundred grasses turned into more than a hundred empty-level emperors.

This alone would probably require at least an extremely powerful emperor to do it.

However, now, after seeing that these countless big trees are all spiritual trees, Jiang Yun has a deeper understanding of the strength of spiritual trees.

The spirit tree may have become a true emperor! If it continues like this, is it possible for the spirit tree to eventually become the fourth great master! At this time, the Demon Slaying Emperor seemed to know what Jiang Yun was thinking, and said softly: "It is possible, but the possibility is slim."

"Although we don't know how much power we need to absorb to become a great master, at least the power of the Four Realms is definitely not enough."

"Not only the four realms of storage, but also the gathering realm, the suffering realm, and even the entire illusory realm should be insufficient."

"This is only possible in the True Realm!"

"However, once we enter the True Realm, if what we guessed before is true, there is still no possibility of the Immortal Tree becoming an immortal!"

"To become a respected person, you need to become an emperor first!"

"Because the Immortal Tree was born in the True Domain, even if it becomes an emperor here, it is still considered the emperor of the True Domain."

Jiang Yun nodded silently.

If after becoming emperor, he became the slave of the three deities, then of course the three deities would not agree to allow a fourth great deity to appear in the True Realm.

In this way, it is equivalent to falling into an infinite loop.

The Demon-Slaying Emperor continued: "Because of its special life form, the Immortal Tree is able to disperse its power to other plants and trees."

"But even so, this dispersion is not endless."

"As you just said, you will eventually reach your limit."

"My demon seal can only delay it for a while."

"The Immortal Tree is almost a day away!"

"When the time comes, it will have only two paths, either to become an emperor or to be destroyed!"

"Once the Immortal Tree is destroyed, the Four Realms Storehouse will also be destroyed."

Jiang Yun's heart trembled. These two roads were actually dead ends. No one would choose them.

And if the Immortal Tree really cannot continue to disperse its power, as a mother, it will naturally not want the destruction of Shijingzang, so it will definitely choose to become an emperor! Jiang Yun looked up at the spirit tree and said, "Isn't there a third way?"

The spirit tree did not answer, but the Demon Slayer Emperor still gave the answer: "There is a third way!"

Jiang Yun's eyes lit up and he said, "Which way?"

In front of Jiang Yun, a vague figure suddenly appeared. He pointed at Jiang Yun and said, "I need to ask you about this!"

Jiang Yun was stunned and said, "Ask me?"

"Yes, ask you!"

The Demon-Slaying Emperor nodded heavily and said, "You already have a name on the Xunxiu Monument. Perhaps, you are the only one who can become an emperor directly without becoming an emperor!"

Become a respected person directly! Jiang Yun finally understood why the Demon Slayer Emperor and Lingshu had to tell him the true meaning of not becoming an emperor today.

It turns out that only I can skip the stage of becoming an emperor and directly become a great master.

Because my own path of Taoism is already different from any other known path of practice. It is a brand new and unknown path of practice.

Now that I am at the ninth level, I can fight against the Emperor of the Sky level. But if I reach the 12th level, will I be able to fight the Emperor of the Dharma level?

The Demon-Slaying Emperor followed Jiang Yun's thoughts word by word and said: "If you can defeat the true-level emperor before you reach the quasi-great emperor realm, then it is possible for you to become an emperor directly!"

Jiang Yun frowned slightly and said, "This seems unlikely!"

Although Jiang Yun is still far behind the quasi-emperor, he also knows that the gap in strength between the nine minor realms of the quasi-emperor and even the twelfth level of the Xuankong is actually not that big.

Only after reaching the quasi-great emperor can the gap between the quasi-emperor and the quasi-emperor be widened.

Therefore, the possibility of defeating a true-level emperor before becoming a quasi-great emperor is extremely slim.

"This depends on your suppression of your own cultivation!"

"The harder you suppress it, the more likely it is!"

Jiang Yun frowned and said, "Maybe Ji Kongfan can."

Ji Kongfan is only one level in the air now, and with his clone, Jiang Yun feels that he should also have the strength to fight against the air-level emperor.

Just when Jiang Yun said these words, he did not notice that the Demon Slayer Emperor and Ling Shu looked at each other quietly.

But soon, the two of them withdrew their gazes, and the Demon-Slaying Emperor continued: "Maybe he is also possible, but compared to him, we are still more optimistic about you!"

"Okay, we have said what needs to be said, and this is just the advice we give you."

"What you want to do specifically is still your own business, and we will not interfere."

"In addition, you can also absorb the power of the wood given to you by the spirit tree. This will not only do no harm to it, but will also be beneficial."

After saying that, the figure of the Demon-Slaying Emperor had disappeared, and all the big trees in the jungle had returned to normal, except that there was still a steady stream of wood power covering Jiang Yun's body.

Jiang Yun sat there, not in a hurry to absorb the power of these trees, but recalling what the Demon Slayer Emperor and the Spirit Tree told him.

Although they also said that everything was just their speculation without evidence, Jiang Yun felt that it was very likely.

Even the Demon Slayer Emperor and the Spirit Tree were not the only ones who thought so.

The nine great emperors, including the suppressed Nine Emperors, may all have the same guess.

Especially in the troubled times of the Nine Emperors! The Nine Emperors clearly knew how powerful the Earth Lord of the True Domain was, but they still came to snatch the Earth Lord's achievements regardless, and wanted to confront the Earth Lord, so that they were suppressed by the Nine Clans and became nutrients.

The purpose of their doing this was because they realized the truth about Emperor Cheng and wanted to create a future that would change their destiny.

Shaking his head, Jiang Yun didn't think about this problem again.

After all, these are still too far away from me.

Therefore, Jiang Yun settled down, entered the dreamland, and began to absorb the wood power of the spiritual tree.

Ten days later, Zhou Yan personally came to the spiritual tree and handed a drop of blood to Jiang Yundao: "The Qiong Emperor is already talking about trying to break the Purple Emperor's seal."

"When he has the results, he will let me inform you. When the time comes, if you swallow this drop of blood, he will naturally be able to sense it."

Jiang Yun nodded, took the drop of blood and said, "Where is Emperor Xing?"

Zhou Yan replied: "I told Emperor Xing that we met you here and had a battle with you. In the end, I was the only one who escaped, and you have already left here."

"The Emperor Xing has no doubts and still sent the Great Emperor to find your whereabouts."

Jiang Yun believed that it was not that Emperor Xing had no doubts, but that even if he had doubts, even if he came here in person, under the protection of the spirit tree, he should not be able to discover his existence.

"Thank you for your hard work. If you need anything, please contact me anytime."

After sending Zhou Yan away, Jiang Yun continued his retreat.

In the following time, although Emperor Xing did not give up his pursuit of Jiang Yun, because of Emperor Xing's deliberate concealment, few people in the entire Four Realms Tibet knew about it.

Everything seemed to have returned to calm.

In this way, more than ten months passed. Inside the Tibetan Elders Association, in a black pagoda, Emperor Xing, who was sitting cross-legged, looked at Xing Zhong in front of him with excitement and said: "Second brother, your blood seal has finally been removed." opened?"

Xing Zhong nodded with excitement and said, "Our blood seal was broken a month ago."

"Now, according to what you said, we have secretly recruited some other family ancestors who are unwilling to submit to the Jiang Jiang family to help them unlock the blood seal. It should be almost done."

Emperor Xing's eyes flashed coldly and he said: "Okay, then it's almost time to notify the Ku Temple and let them prepare to destroy the Jiang family!"

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