Taoist world

Chapter 5296: At least a hundred

Nowadays, Xue Jinglong is completely convinced by Jiang Yun, and his life is firmly in Jiang Yun's hands, so he has completely given up the idea of ​​​​escape and resistance.

Faced with Jiang Yun's inquiry, Xue Jinglong did not hide anything and began to tell everything he knew about the Tibetan Elders Association.

"First of all, let me explain that the situation of the Tibetan Elders Association that I know is not comprehensive."

This sentence alone made Jiang Yun realize that what Emperor Xuan said before that the situation of the Tibetan Elders Association was extremely complicated was not to scare him, but to tell the truth.

You know, Xue Jinglong is a half-step emperor.

If this were placed in the Bitter Territory, it would at least be an ancestor-level existence.

However, in the Tibetan Elders Association, they are not even qualified to know the details.

One can imagine how complicated the Tibetan Elders Association is within.

Immediately afterwards, Xue Jinglong's second sentence shocked Jiang Yun even more.

"I don't know how many members there are in the Tibetan Elders Association, but at least it will not be less than a hundred!" How many? "

Jiang Yun stood up directly, with a look of disbelief on his face, wondering if there was something wrong with his ears.

Xue Jinglong smiled bitterly and repeated: "You heard it right, all the members of the Tibetan Elders Association are emperors, at least a hundred of them!"

Jiang Yun stood there blankly, feeling a buzzing in his head.

Although he had thought that there would definitely be many great emperors in the Tibetan Elders Association, in his opinion, twenty or thirty people would be enough.

Unexpectedly, there were actually hundreds of them, and at least! After a long time, Jiang Yun came back to his senses and said, "Why are there so many great emperors?"

Xue Jinglong held out three fingers and said: "There are three types of emperors from the Tibetan Laohui."

"The first type is like Emperor Xing and Emperor Xuan. They are great emperors from the Suffering Realm and are also the earliest members of the Tibetan Elders Association."

"They are the smallest in number, but the strongest in strength. They also firmly control the entire Tibetan Elders Association, and even the Four Realms Tibet."

Jiang Yun was not surprised by this.

If emperors like Emperor Xing and his ancestors were not strong, how could they secretly promote the imperial war and gradually take complete control of Shijingzang.

Jiang Yun asked: "How many emperors are there in the first category?"

Xue Jinglong shook his head and said: "I don't know. I have only met four great emperors: Emperor Xing, Emperor Xuan, Emperor Jiang and Emperor Zi."

Jiang Yun has seen three of these four great emperors, but only Zi Emperor has never seen them.

Therefore, Jiang Yun asked: "How much do you know about this Purple Emperor?"

Xue Jinglong thought for a moment and said, "I haven't seen the Purple Emperor many times, only three or five times. I only know that the Purple Emperor seems to be proficient in seals."

Master the seal! These four words made Jiang Yun's heart move.

He remembered that in addition to the eternal seal cast by his master in the entire Four Realms of Tibet, there was also a great emperor in the Tibetan Elders Association who cast the seal.

The eternal seal prohibits the great emperor of the Tibetan Elders Association from leaving the Four Realms of Tibet.

The seal cast by the great emperor of the Tibetan Elder Society prevented Gu and other living beings from leaving.

Come to think of it, that seal was made by the Purple Emperor.

It is not difficult to see that the Purple Emperor's sealing skills are also extremely powerful.

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Go on."

Xue Jinglong continued: "The second type is some of the original emperors of the Four Realms."

"Although the Imperial War was over when I entered the Tibetan Elders Association, I heard from other people that not all the emperors from the Four Realms Tibet participated in the original Imperial War."

"The Tibetan Elders Association selected some great emperors among them."

"Like the old man I killed before and the beautiful middle-aged woman, they are the original emperors of Shijingzang."

"Their status is the lowest among the Tibetan Elders Association, equivalent to slaves."

Speaking of this, Xue Jinglong took a deep look at Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun understood that these emperors were just like Xue Jinglong, who gave up their freedom in order to survive and were willing to be sent by Emperor Xing and others.

As for the look Xue Jinglong gave him, Jiang Yun also understood what he meant.

Therefore, Jiang Yun said: "As long as you ensure that the Tibetan Elders Association will not take action against me and my friends, I will give you your freedom."

"I may even take you back to your hometown, Yunxi Gathering Area."


Xue Jinglong's eyes suddenly lit up with excitement, and his face showed excitement.

Whether it's freedom or going home, that's the biggest hope in his heart.

If another person had said these words, Xue Jinglong might still feel that the other person was lying to him.

But he believed Jiang Yun could do it.

Jiang Yun nodded heavily and said, "I will never break my promise!"


Xue Jinglong cupped his fist in front of Jiang Yun and saluted, and then continued: "The third type is people like me, which is also the largest number in the Tibetan Elders Association."

"We are all from Jiyu and the Destruction Domain monks under Jiyu."

"Emperor Xing called us mighty. When he found us, he told us that if we follow him, we can break through to the Great Emperor."

"That's why we're all here."

Jiang Yun understood again.

The domain of gathering, the domain of annihilation and the domain of Tao represent three different ways of practice.

The founders of the three ways are all called powerful.

For example, the previous angel patroller in the All Heavens Gathering Domain was the Great Power of Destruction.

A collection domain contains a large number of annihilation domains, and a annihilation domain contains a large number of Tao domains.

Each realm of annihilation is not common to each other, so every realm of annihilation will give birth to a great power.

The number of realms of destruction under the one hundred and eight collection realms is already too large to be calculated. Add in the number of realms under the realm of destruction, and the number is even more unimaginable.

And it is impossible for Emperor Xing to visit every realm of destruction and realm, and not every great power is still alive.

No wonder there are at least a hundred emperors in the Tibetan Elders Association! "etc!"

Jiang Yun suddenly looked at Xue Jinglong and said, "Are the third kind of great emperors like you just the power to gather and destroy domains?"

"Doesn't there be great power in the Dao realm?"

"Dao domain?"

Xue Jinglong asked in confusion: "What is the Dao realm?"

Jiang Yun narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Don't you have a Dao Domain in your Yunxi Gathering Area?"


Xue Jinglong shook his head categorically and said: "There are no Tao realms in other gathering regions."

"I have been a member of the Tibetan Elders Association for tens of thousands of years. We people can also communicate with each other. I have never heard the great powers from other gathering areas talk about the Tao Domain."

Xue Jinglong's words made Jiang Yun fall into deep thought.

The collection of suffering destroys the Tao! Jiang Yun originally thought that all gathering areas would have Dao realms, but now listening to Xue Jinglong's words, it seems that except for the All Heavens gathering area, which has Dao realms, none of the other gathering areas have Dao realms.

There is no Tao domain, which means there is no Tao practice! Jiang Yun suddenly remembered something that he had ignored.

That supreme tablet represents the Taoist side. There are only four names on it, including himself and Taoist Master.

The Supreme Monument covers the entire Suffering Realm, and Taoist cultivators only have four names. This should be enough to prove that except for the Dao Realm in the All-Heaven Gathering Realm, there really is no Tao Realm in other regions.

However, Jiang Yun can be sure that there is not only one Dao Realm in the All Heavens Gathering Area, but there are multiple Dao Realms. For example, Shi Tian, ​​who created the way of division and union, came from another Dao Realm.

Logically speaking, in every Tao domain, there is a monk who created the way of Tao cultivation.

But why does the Supreme Monument only record the names of four Taoist cultivators?

"Could it be that in all Taoist realms, the person who created the Taoist cultivation method is actually the same person!"

"This person not only created the path of Taoism, but he can also freely travel to other Dao realms. In other Dao realms, he also leaves behind the inheritance of his own Taoism path!"

"If so, then this person's behavior is like an experiment."

"He left the seeds of Tao cultivation in all Tao realms, and ignored them. He allowed the monks in the Tao realm to water the seeds and let them grow on their own."

"As a result, except for the monk who pioneered the path of Taoism, of all the Taoist monks combined, only Taoist Master and I are qualified to leave our names on the Supreme Monument!"

"Who is this person and why does he do this?"

"Now, is he still alive?"

Jiang Yun didn't know the name of this person, but as he thought about this question, Jiang Yun suddenly had an idea in his mind and thought of a person.

My own uncle, Dao Wuming! According to the last angel patrol, there is a powerful Taoist cultivator in Dao Wuming's body.

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