Taoist world

Chapter 5273 Let them fight

At this moment, no matter it was the strong men of the Sea Clan and the Zerg Clan, or the members of the Mirage Clan and the Twelve Demon Clan, everyone's eyes were focused on the jade slip in Jiang Haochu's hand.

Although they knew that it was a message slip, no one except Jiang Haochu and Yu Yuankui knew what kind of message was conveyed in the jade slip. So at this critical moment, Jiang Haochu held the jade slip and Jane actually fell into deep thought.

It seemed that the message in the jade slip made him somewhat unable to decide what his mirage clan should do next.

At this time, outside the mirage clan, somewhere in the void that Jiang Haochu's consciousness could not see, a ripple suddenly appeared.

Through the ripples, one can clearly see that there are countless figures densely packed inside.

There were tens of thousands of these figures, wearing uniform armor, like soldiers, and their eyes were shining brightly.

If someone can see these figures, they will naturally recognize them. They are the guards of Tianwaitian! And at the front of this group of guards, stood three people.

Two men and one woman.

Two men, one is old and the other is middle-aged.

The middle-aged man is not the Xing Emperor, but the Heavenly Commander Leng Yichen! The woman is a middle-aged beautiful woman with graceful appearance.

Except for Leng Yichen, the auras emanating from the other two people made the surrounding void become faintly distorted.

It is not difficult to see that these two people are both great emperors! At this time, the old man frowned and said: "In that jade slip, could it be a message from Mo Qinghong, Bai Luofeng, or the world?"

The three names mentioned by the old man were the three great emperors who were born and raised in the Four Realms.

The great emperor of the demon race, Mo Qinghong, the great emperor of the human race, Zhu Tianye, and the great emperor of the spiritual race, Bai Luofeng! The old man and the beautiful woman naturally come from the Tibetan Elders Association.

Everyone's guess was correct. This suppression of the Mirage clan was spearheaded by the Xing Emperor of the Tibetan Laohui.

Although not many people even within the Tibetan Elders Association knew why Emperor Xing chose to suppress the Mirage Clan at this time, they naturally had no objections.

The Tibetan Laohui, as the most powerful force in Si Jing Zang, is just like the Ku Temple in the Suffering Realm. It knows many secrets that even the monks who were born and raised in Si Jing Zang don't know.

Among them, it contains the secrets of the Nine Clans! This is also the reason why the Tibetan Elders Association has secretly attacked the nine tribes one by one over the years.

Firstly, they are afraid of the Nine Clans.

After all, Tianwaitian is related to the Nine Clans.

Only by annihilating the nine tribes or completely controlling them can they rest assured.

Secondly, they naturally want to know the secrets of the nine tribes and gain the power of cultivation of the nine tribes, so that they can completely control Tianwaitian.

Over the years, the other eight tribes have gradually disappeared from Shijing Zang, leaving only the Mirage tribe. Not only is it still standing, but it is also becoming more powerful.

In fact, as early as when Jiang Wanli became the emperor, the Tibetan Elders Association was preparing to attack the Mirage Clan.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Wanli took the initiative to enter the imperial mausoleum.

Although the Sea Tribe and the Zerg Tribe instigated the rebellion among the Mirage Tribe's men and failed, the Tibetan Elders Association did not continue to suppress the Mirage Tribe after losing the great emperor Jiang Wanli.

Therefore, now that Emperor Xing wants to touch the Mirage Clan, the rest of the Tibetan Elders Association naturally have no objections.

Therefore, the Tibetan Elders Association secretly took action. First, Emperor Xing personally came forward to incite the Sea Clan and Zerg Clan.

Then, the territory of the Mirage clan was completely sealed off, and even the teleportation array and teleportation jade slips were not allowed to pass out, in order to prevent the emperors from other ethnic groups from coming to save the Mirage clan.

Just like what happened when they suppressed the other eight tribes.

Now, they have brought ten thousand guards from the outer world, vowing to ensure that the Mirage Clan is exterminated.

Seeing that Jiang Haochu suddenly received some kind of message at this moment, the old man from the Tibetan Elders Association was a little confused and wondered whether Mo Qinghong and others were coming to help Jiang Haochu.

The middle-aged beautiful woman shook her head and said, "Probably not. The jade slip does not belong to Jiang Haochu, but to Yu Yuankui."

"Everyone like Mo Qinghong thinks they are noble. If they really want to help the Mirage Clan, how could they contact Jiang Haochu's men instead of directly contacting Jiang Haochu!"

I nodded and said no more.

And this middle-aged beautiful woman's thoughts, which are also the thoughts of almost everyone at this moment, do not think that the person who sent the message to Yu Yuankui will be of any help to the situation of the Mirage Clan.

Except for one person! Jiang Yuerou! At first she was puzzled as to who had sent the message to Yu Yuankui, and Yu Yuankui hurriedly informed Jiang Haochu with a happy face.

But seeing Jiang Haochu actually lost in thought, Jiang Yuerou's whole body felt like an electric shock, and Jiang Yun's name suddenly appeared in his mind.

Because only she knows best what she and Jiang Yun went through when they went to Yulong City, and she also knows how much Yu Yuankui and his wife respect Jiang Yun.

Now that the Mirage Clan was facing a disaster, someone suddenly contacted Yu Yuankui, who asked Yu Yuankui to go find Jiang Haochu again, which even made Jiang Haochu sigh.

Others don’t understand Jiang Haochu, how can Jiang Yuerou not understand him! As the leader of the Mirage Clan, Jiang Haochu was brave, resourceful, thoughtful, and decisive in killing.

The only person in the entire mirage clan who could influence Jiang Haochu's decision was Linggong Jiang Wanli.

Besides the mirage clan, there is also Jiang Yun.

Because last time Jiang Yun came to the Mirage Clan, everything he did was greatly appreciated by Jiang Haochu.

Coupled with Duke Lin's recommendation, Jiang Haochu didn't say he would listen to Jiang Yun's words, but at least he would consider it, just like now.

Now that Duke Lin has entered the imperial mausoleum and is unlikely to come back, Jiang Yuerou is almost certain that the person who took the initiative to contact Yuan Kui is Jiang Yun! Thinking of this possibility, Jiang Yuerou's body trembled uncontrollably, and she murmured: "It's Brother Yun, it's Brother Yun who's back!"

Jiang Ming, who was next to Jiang Yuerou, didn't hear her words clearly and couldn't help asking: "Yue Yatou, what did you say?"

Jiang Yuerou turned her head, and the sadness on her face had been completely replaced by excitement. She looked at the people in Jiang Village who were watching her, her eyes lit up, and she lowered her voice and said, "Brother Yun, Brother Yun is back!"

Upon hearing this, everyone in Jiang Village was stunned, but then they all showed excitement.

They were about to ask how Jiang Yuerou knew about Jiang Yun's return, but at this moment, Jiang Haochu, who had always been silent, suddenly waved his sleeves.

The old mirage beside Jiang Yuerou suddenly disappeared with a cold light in his eyes.


Immediately afterwards, an earth-shaking roar sounded, and the entire Mirage Clan was shaken.

This sudden change caused the expressions of the strong men from the Sea Tribe and Zerg Tribe to change suddenly.

Even the members of the twelve clans of the Mirage Clan looked shocked.

Originally, they thought it was Jiang Haochu who opened the clan protection formation, but the clan protection formation was to protect the entire Mirage clan.

The members of the Sea Tribe and the Zerg Tribe are already within the Mirage Tribe's territory and have activated a clan-protecting formation, which has little effect on them.

Therefore, this was not the opening of the mirage clan's clan protection formation. Just when they were confused, a breeze suddenly passed over each of them.

Yao Kefa reacted very quickly and shouted: "Everyone, take action quickly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yao Kefa himself swayed and took the lead in rushing towards the members of the Mirage Clan.

Haiminglou also came to his senses and shouted loudly: "All clan members, kill!"

All the strong men from the Sea Tribe and the Zerg Tribe suddenly turned into a ray of light and killed the Mirage Tribe people.

Only Hai Jiuer stood on Kun's back and did not rush out.

Although they don't know what Jiang Haochu did, this is the land of the Mirage Clan, and the Mirage Clan must have other means besides the formation to protect the clan.

Therefore, they must kill as many people as possible before the Mirage Tribe reveals its methods.

Facing the two tribes rushing over, the Mirage Tribe and the Twelve Tribes also burst out with fighting spirit, preparing to meet them.

Although they are inferior to each other in terms of overall strength, they still have the power to fight.

However, Jiang Haochu said calmly: "Don't move, let them fight!"

Jiang Haochu's words clearly reached everyone's ears.

Although the people of the Mirage Tribe and the Twelve Tribes were confused, they all obeyed the order and stood still without taking any action.

And some of the attacks launched by the Sea Tribe and the Zerg Tribe have already arrived in front of them.

But at this moment, something strange happened. These attacks actually passed through the bodies of the Mirage clan members without hurting them at all.

At this moment, the members of the Mirage Clan and the Twelve Clan were already in a dream!

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