Taoist world

Chapter 5263: The Way of Earthly Respect

Dongfang Bo's voice continued: "There was a big war between the nine tribes and the nine emperors at the beginning. That battle caused a sensation in the true domain, so it was called the Nine Emperors Chaos."

Jiang Yun didn't pay attention to his senior brother's words, but fell into memories.

In the restricted area of ​​Jiang's burial place, through several mirage portraits left by the mirage clan on a mountain, he was brought into the former mirage clan, saw the mirage clan's spiritual master with his own eyes, and learned some things.

The Mirage Clan and other nine tribes first received an order from the Earth Lord, asking them to capture nine people, namely Xue Wuchang and other nine great emperors.

At that time, Duke Ling of the Mirage Tribe still felt that Earth Lord’s order was a bit of a fuss.

And on the birthday of the Mirage Clan's Lord Spirit, they once again received orders from the Earth Lord.

Although they were still asked to capture the nine great emperors, they were given another option, that is, they were asked to bring their respective tribesmen and go together! At that time, not only the spiritual master of the Mirage tribe felt something was wrong, but the ancestors of other tribes also couldn't figure out the purpose of Earth Zun's doing this.

As the subordinates of the Earth Lord, they naturally did not dare to disobey orders, so they could only lead their respective tribesmen to capture the nine emperors.

At this moment, combined with the words of his senior brother, Jiang Yun finally understood that the reason why the Earth Lord issued this order was actually to suppress the Nine Clans and the Nine Emperors.

Dongfang Bo sighed and said: "Because there are a lot of people from the nine tribes, Di Zun also temporarily gave the Four Realms to them, so that they can use the Four Realms as a flying magic weapon to capture the nine great emperors."

"In this regard, the nine tribes also felt that something was wrong, but when they entered the Four Realms Zang, they discovered that there was actually another world inside the Four Realms Zang. It was simply a huge world."

"Moreover, there are already a large number of creatures without cultivation in this world."

"Those creatures are naturally the creatures of the True Realm. They were sent into it by the Earth Lord. They are all the most ordinary mortals and beasts."

"Even their memories have been erased, their bloodlines have been changed, and they no longer have any relationship with the True Domain."

"In short, they are a brand new group of creatures without a hometown."

"In the Four Realms, the only spiritual thing is a tree."

"You've seen it too, the spirit tree!"

"The creatures in the Four Realms have no idea that the world they live in is actually inside a magic weapon."

Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly lit up, thinking of the monks in the Four Realms Cang.

Like the Mu family to which his disciple Mu Ming belongs, like the Demon Emperor Mo Qinghong and others.

They turned out to be creatures from the True Realm. They were secretly sent to the Four Realms by the Earth Master, and they have continued to thrive until now.

Even the spiritual tree was sent to the Four Realms by Earth Master.

However, Jiang Yun didn't understand Earth Lord's purpose of doing this, so he asked: " Earth Lord, why did you send those creatures to the Four Realms Tibet?"

Dongfang Bo was silent for a moment, then softly uttered two words from his mouth: "Cultivation."

Recuperate! Jiang Yun frowned, still not understanding the meaning of these two words, but Dongfang Bo immediately continued: "Yangxiu is the name I gave myself."

"Now, combined with your appearance and the fact that you are looking for a repair monument, that is, the name left on the supreme monument, it can be more accurately called - cultivating the Tao!"

"Be it the Nine Clans or the Nine Emperors, they are all nutrients!"

The explanation behind the senior brother's words made Jiang Yun's eyes flash with a cold light, and he already understood it in his mind.

What Pan Chaoyang told Di Zun should be that the Great Zun's path of cultivation was on the wrong path.

At that time, the Earth Master's strength had reached the peak of the True Realm. If he were asked to embark on a new path of cultivation, he would have no way to start.

Therefore, he made the Four Realms Zang a world and planted spiritual trees in it to make the environment of the Four Realms Zang suitable for cultivation.

Then, he quietly got a group of mortals and beasts and sent them to Shijingzang, changing their bloodlines and erasing their memories.

Even, let the four realms of the world carry these creatures away from the true domain and go to an unknown place.

The purpose is to allow them to embark on new paths of practice under unknown circumstances, or to start from scratch.

These creatures are Earth Lord’s experiments.

Di Zun hopes that some of them can find a path of practice that is completely different from the existing path of practice in Zhenyu, and can even surpass it.

And this path, so far, seems to be the path of Taoism that I am taking.

Therefore, the purpose of earthly respect can indeed be called cultivating the Tao, at least for the time being.

Dongfang Bo was always watching the changes in Jiang Yun's expression, and saw a look of understanding on Jiang Yun's face, and then continued: "Although the nine tribes discovered these creatures at that time, they also received orders from the Earth Lord."

"It is to prevent the Nine Clans from coming into contact with those creatures, and not to let those creatures know about the existence of the Nine Clans."

"For this reason, the nine tribes lived in the restricted area, which was later the burial place of your Jiang family."

Jiang Yun nodded.

Dongfang Ling had already told him about the origin of Jiang's burial place.

Jiang's burial ground, together with the restricted area containing the ten mountains of the ten tribes, originally belonged to the Four Realms Zang and were forcibly separated from the Four Realms Zang by the senior brother.

However, the nine tribes who had just entered the Four Realms Zang may have followed the orders of the Earth Lord and did not appear in the Four Realms Zang.

But later, they apparently disobeyed the Earth Lord's orders.

Not only do the four realms have traces of the life of the nine tribes, but to this day, the mirage tribe is still the largest clan among the demon tribes in the four realms.

Thinking about it, it was the great emperors of the nine tribes who, after knowing that Earth Zun was going to suppress them and others in the Four Realms, hurriedly asked their tribesmen to leave the restricted area and integrate into those creatures.

However, they did not reveal their identities. They just disguised themselves as ordinary people and were not discovered by other creatures.

It was not until the arrival of the Tibetan Elders Association that the Nine Clans were targeted, causing the Nine Clans to gradually weaken, and many even disappeared completely.

Of course, this so-called disappearance does not really mean that there is no one left, but that they are sent to the ancient forbidden land, allowing them to explore the ancient existence.

It took Jiang Yun a long time to digest what the elder brother said, and then he asked: "Elder brother, since the purpose of the Earth Master is to cultivate the Tao in the Four Realms Cang, but I am in the Four Realms Cang. No Taoist cultivators were found."

"Tao cultivation should originate from the Tao realm where all heavens gather!"

This time, Dongfang Bo did not give an answer immediately, but fell into silence, and even showed a trace of confusion on his face.

Jiang Yun couldn't help but feel a little strange. He didn't understand why the senior brother was still entangled since he was ready to tell him what happened in the past.

Jiang Yun couldn't speak to urge him, so he could only wait while continuing to sort out his thoughts and doubts.

Doubts, of course there are many.

For example, why did Pan Chaoyang appear in the restricted area of ​​Sijingzang.

For example, the Demon Slaying Emperor came to hunt down the Nightmare Beast, but he somehow entered the Four Realms and hid in the spirit tree.

Furthermore, Jiang Yun remembered that when he was in the forbidden area of ​​the burial ground and entered the land of the Mirage Clan, the weapon spirit of the Mirage Clan told him that all the members of the Mirage Clan had turned into a rune on the Mirage Clan and were all dead. .

What happened to the nine tribes that later appeared in the Four Realms, especially the Mirage tribe?

Could it be that, just like the Nine Clans in the Destruction Realm, they are all a group of creatures chosen by the Nine Clans' holy objects and changed them into the Nine Clans?

While Jiang Yun was thinking, Dongfang Bo finally let out a long breath and said: "The Earth Master wants to cultivate the Tao in the Four Realms, but there are other people who have the same idea as the Earth Master."

"What's more, what he did was even more extraordinary than that of Earth Master, which is unbelievable."

Jiang Yun blurted out: "Nightmare beast!"

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