Taoist world

Chapter 5259: Born with

Jiang Yun couldn't help but be slightly startled by the sudden sound of Senior Brother's voice again.

For a moment, he didn't understand the meaning of his senior brother's words at all.

What does it mean that senior brother is running out of time?

Generally speaking, lack of time means that life is approaching.

The eldest brother's cultivation level is at least that of a supreme emperor.

The lifespan of an extreme emperor is not endless, but it is definitely extremely long.

Although the eldest brother should indeed have lived for a long time, Jiang Yun did not feel the slightest trace of death in him when he saw the eldest brother last time.

Even if she can't feel it, the second senior sister is also beside the eldest brother. If the eldest brother is really nearing his end of life, it is impossible for the second senior sister not to feel it.

Since it's not Shouyuan's problem, Jiang Yun really can't figure out what happened to the senior brother.

However, he had no time to think deeply.

In fact, his heart was already hanging.

The eldest brother can be said to be one of the people Jiang Yun cares about most. Once matters involving the eldest brother are involved, Jiang Yun will naturally be extremely worried.


At this moment, a door of light suddenly appeared directly in front of Jiang Yun.

Dongfang Bo's voice then sounded: "Step into the light door and you can come to me."

At this time, Ji Kongfan and Old Man YuYu also heard Dongfang Bo's voice.

Ji Kongfan had been to the Imperial Tomb before. Although he didn't know the true origin of Dongfang Bo, he at least knew that Dongfang Bo's identity was definitely not just an ordinary monk in the lower realm, so he was not shocked at this moment.

But Old Man Yiwu knew nothing about Dongfang Bo, so he looked at this light door with a look of confusion on his face.

Jiang Yun was thinking about his senior brother and did not bother to explain in detail. He simply said to Ji Kongfan and the others: "You two, I will go to the senior brother's place first."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yun stood up and hurriedly stepped into the light door, and his figure disappeared without a trace.

As Jiang Yun left, the light door shook slightly, then turned into a ray of light and exploded.

Old Man Yu turned to look at Ji Kongfan and said, "Is Jiang Yun's senior brother Dongfang Bo?"

"Where is he now?

Destroy the domain?

He knew Jiang Yun's sect, and even knew Gu Bulao back then.

In his impression, even Gu Bu Lao was just an ordinary monk in the All Heavens Gathering Domain, let alone Dongfang Bo.

But now, Dongfang Bo was not only able to send sounds into the ears of the three of them who were at the eye of the formation, but he was also able to create such a light door silently.

This really puzzled old man Karma.

Ji Kongfan said calmly: "Jiang Yun's senior brother is Dongfang Bo."

"He should be in Shijingzang now!"


Old Man Karma's body trembled heavily. He pointed to the location where the light door appeared before, and said in a slightly trembling voice: "That door leads to the Four Realms Tibet?"

Ji Kongfan nodded and said: "Yes!"

After receiving Ji Kongfan's affirmative answer, Old Man Yu felt that his mind was even more confused.

The master behind him has great magical powers. Even the woman who delivers the message to the master is much stronger than him.

It is inconvenient for them to enter the gathering area, and they have to let themselves and others search for the four realms.

Even though he had found it and told them the location of the Four Realms, they still made no further movement.

However, now, Dongfang Bo is not only inside the Four Realms Cang, but he can also open the entrance at will, allowing Jiang Yun to enter.

Old Man Yu couldn't help but asked again: "Does Dongfang Bo have other identities?"

Ji Kongfan shrugged his shoulders and said, "You have to ask Jiang Yun about this. I don't know who his senior brother is, but he is very powerful."

After saying that, Ji Kongfan ignored the old man Karma and stepped into the dream created by Jiang Yun's clone.

Over the years, Ji Kongfan actually wanted to leave the Zhutian Gathering Area, visit other areas, and go to the Yulu Road to find his own people.

But since he agreed to take up the post of patrolling the sky and became the new angel patroller, to protect the entire All-Heaven Gathering Region, then in the absence of Jiang Yun, he could only stay in the All-Heaven Gathering Region.

Naturally, he would not waste time. He would stay in the dreamland almost all year round to practice and improve his strength.

The former Ji Kongfan was the leader of the Annihilation Clan that dominated the Annihilation Domain, and was a legend.

All the deeds he has done, to this day, no one can surpass him, not even Jiang Yun.

Therefore, at that time, he was also pursuing a broader world, pursuing stronger opponents, and pursuing the ultimate in cultivation.

However, the disappearance of all the Nirvana clan members gave him a fatal blow.

Finding these tribesmen, whether dead or alive, has become his biggest goal.

However, after just hearing Jiang Yun talk about his experience in the Bitter Realm, he had a yearning for the Bitter Realm, and even for the competition with the Huanzhen Realm.

He really wanted to go to the Realm of Suffering and the Realm of Illusion to continue looking for his own people.

However, he also knew that his strength was still not strong enough, so he still had to seize the time to improve his strength.

Looking at Ji Kongfan who no longer paid attention to him, Old Man Yu suddenly felt regretful.

Back then, he found the location of the Four Realms. Although he left the All Heavens Gathering Domain and returned to the Huanzhen Domain, he also missed many things that happened in the All Heavens Gathering Domain.

The sudden increase in Jiang Yun's strength, the change in Ji Kongfan's identity, and the true origin of Dongfang Bo were all things that he could not imagine.

Shaking his head, Old Man Karma sighed, sat down, and continued to ponder these doubts.

At the same time, Jiang Yun was already in a space with faint light, and saw Dongfang Bo sitting there, and a handsome young woman standing behind Dongfang Bo.

Jiang Yun was shocked when he saw Dongfang Bo for the first time.

At this moment, Dongfang Bo was naked from the waist up, and his body was densely covered with strange runes that Jiang Yun didn't recognize at all.

The faint light in the entire space comes from these runes.

Moreover, as if they were alive, they kept swimming back and forth on Dongfang Bo's body, and even drilled directly into Dongfang Bo's body and then came out.

In addition, Dongfang Bo's body actually showed a vaguely transparent state, like a soul, and seemed to disappear at any time.

Although Dongfang Bo was looking at Jiang Yun with his usual smile on his face, deep in his eyes, there was a trace of fatigue emerging from time to time.

The young woman behind Dongfang Bo did not look at Jiang Yun at all. Her face was full of distress, and she just looked down at Dongfang Bo.

Every time she saw those runes entering Dongfang Bo's body, her body would tremble slightly.

This woman is naturally the Eastern Spirit! "Big brother!"

Jiang Yun didn't bother to say hello to Dongfang Ling, and hurriedly walked to Dongfang Bo and asked anxiously: "What's wrong with you?"

"What's going on with these runes?"

Although Jiang Yun is still not sure about the identity of his senior brother and second senior sister until now, he knows that his senior brothers and sisters are extremely powerful, and at the end of the day they are extremely powerful emperors.

In particular, he believed that the senior brother's strength was even higher than that of the second senior sister.

But the eldest brother is clearly suffering from the torture of these runes now, and his condition is extremely poor.

Hearing Jiang Yun's words, Dongfang Bo smiled and said: "Don't worry, it's okay, you won't die."

"Come on, sit down first, I have something to tell you!"

Although Jiang Yun sat down, he still stared at the wriggling runes on Dongfang Bo's body, and continued to ask: "Elder brother, are these runes made by Your Majesty?"

Among all the people Jiang Yun knew, only Your Majesty was stronger than his senior brother, so when he thought about it, he could only take action against his senior brother.

Dongfang Bo smiled and said, "It's not your Majesty."

"These runes are the runes I was born with."


Jiang Yun raised his head, with a look of confusion on his face.

Dongfang Bo pointed at these runes and said, "They are called instrument patterns."

"And I am the weapon spirit, the weapon spirit hidden in the four realms!"

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