Taoist world

Chapter 5245: I deal with him

At this moment, what appeared in front of Yuan Fan and Old Man Yu was a somewhat small area.

The reason why the area is small is because there are so many creatures in this area that even Yuan Fan cannot count them all at once.

But that's not what shocked them both.

What really shocked them was that all the creatures living in this area were strictly divided into one hundred and eight worlds.

And these one hundred and eight worlds formed a formation.

In other words, in addition to these one hundred and eight worlds, the countless creatures living in them are also part of the formation.

As for the specific function of this formation, the two of them are not very clear, but they at least know a little bit.

It was the existence of this formation that blocked their spiritual consciousness and made them think that the All Heavens Gathering Area was a dead area with no one in it.

Although Yuan Fan said before that he could not sense the existence of living beings because his cultivation realm was suppressed and his spiritual consciousness was also affected, in fact, he did not think that there were any people in a mere gathering area. , or what kind of power can block his own consciousness.

But now that he saw it with his own eyes, he finally understood that it was really a large formation blocking his consciousness.

Only then did he feel shocked, shocked by who the person who arranged this formation was! If he hadn't met Old Man Karma, if Old Man Karma hadn't taken him here to have a look, then he would most likely have truly thought that the All Heavens Gathering Area was a land of death and would have turned around and left.

Old Man Karma was naturally also shocked by this formation.

But apart from the formation, what shocked him even more was that the creatures living in this small area were basically all the creatures in the entire universe! In other words, all the creatures that were originally scattered in various places in the All-Heaven Gathering Area gave up their original homes and moved here.

As for this place, it was the original Fengmingtian, the territory owned by Jiang Yun's mother and grandfather.

Old Man Yin and Yang knew very well how much Jiang Yun valued family ties.

That's why he decided to come to Fengmingtian to take a look.

If there are no living beings in the Fateful Heaven, then the All Heavens Gathering Area must have encountered an accident, and all the living beings were either killed or captured.

Seeing this scene now, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and let go of his worries.

Yuan Fan finally came to his senses and asked the old man YuYu: "YuYu, where is this place?"

"How do you know there are living beings here?"

Old Man Yu opened his mouth and was about to answer, but there was a voice that sounded first: "This is the gathering place of the heavens. What are you..." Before the voice could finish speaking, the conversation suddenly changed: "Are you Old Man Karma?"

Hearing this sudden sound once again shocked Old Man Yu and Yuan Fan.

Although the two of them did not deliberately conceal their figures, they thought that it would be impossible for anyone to discover their existence.

Unexpectedly, someone actually discovered it, and the other party directly recognized Old Man Karma! The two of them naturally looked in the direction from which the sound came.

Directly in front of them stood a figure wearing a mask and a blue shirt.

"Sky survey!"

Seeing this person, Old Man Karma immediately called out his name, but then he frowned and said, "No, you are not a sky patroller."

The masked man said calmly: "I am this term's angel patrol!"

The one who appeared was naturally Ji Kongfan! Ever since Jiang Yun was taken to the Bitter Territory by Master Due, Ji Kongfan has always stayed in the All Heavens Gathering Territory.

However, all these years have been calm in the All Heavens Gathering Area.

Not to mention the monks from the Bitter Territory, even the monks from other gathering areas, almost no one has ever been here.

It seems that even the domain war is over.

Although I don’t know what happened, having a peaceful life is naturally a good thing for the creatures in the All Heavens Gathering Area.

Just now, Ji Kongfan noticed the appearance of Yuan Fan and Old Man Yuan, and then he showed up and questioned them.

The old man Yu Yu had a look of astonishment on his face, but a trace of sadness flashed through his eyes as he said: "Have you already fallen since you took up the post of patrolling the sky?"

Ji Kongfan nodded, looked at Yuan Fan beside him, and said in a softer voice: "Who is this?

What do you want to do when you come to the All Heavens Gathering Area? "

Since Yuan Fan and Old Man Yuan appeared together, then Jikong Fan thought they must be companions.

Ji Kongfan also knew a little about what happened between Old Man Yu and Jiang Yun.

Especially when Jiang Yun was not strong enough, it was Old Man Karma who left a warning that made all the Great Heavenly Lords, including the previous Angel Patroller, dare not take action against Jiang Yun again.

Therefore, Ji Kongfan's hostility has naturally decreased.

Old Man Yin and Yang did not answer, but also looked at Yuan Fan, who was always looking at Ji Kongfan.

After a long time, Yuan Fan finally spoke: "My name is Yuan Fan, and both Karma and I come from the Realm of Illusion."

"May I have your name?"

Hearing that Yuan Fan took the initiative to ask Ji Kongfan's name, Old Man Yu couldn't help but be a little surprised.

With Yuan Fan's status, even in the Realm of Illusion, there are few people worthy of him asking for their names.

When he came to the All Heavens Gathering Area, he was condescending.

However, now he actually asked the name of the angel patrol in front of him, which showed that he valued this angel patrol very much! Although he was shocked, old man Qiu didn't say anything.

Because he also doesn't know who this term's angel patrol is.

Ji Kongfan didn't hide it at all and said his name: "Ji Kongfan!"

Old man Karma was surprised again.

He had been to the Nirvana Territory, so he naturally knew the famous leader of the Nirvana Clan.

However, he did not expect that the leader of the clan in the extermination domain would now become the angel patroller of the gathering domain! Yuan Fan nodded and said: "Ji Kongfan, I remember your name."

"Originally, I thought that in this gathering of heavens, there was at most only one Jiang Yun who could make me remember his name."

"But it seems that I underestimated the All Heavens Gathering Area."

"There are at least three people here who can make me remember your names."

Ji Kongfan didn't have any reaction to Yuan Fan's words, but Old Man Yu was extremely emotional.

If the monks in the Realm of Illusion heard Yuan Fan's words, they would definitely be extremely jealous of Ji Kongfan and Jiang Yun.

Ji Kongfan did not ask who the other name was, but repeated the previous question: "What do you want to do when you come to the All Heavens Gathering Area?"

Yuan Fan said calmly: "Jiang Yun caused a huge disaster and provoked people who shouldn't be provoked."

"Now, I am entrusted by others to bring all the living creatures in your Heavenly Gathering Domain back to the Realm of Illusion and hand them over to others."


Old Man Yin and Yang suddenly changed color, and in a flash, he was already standing next to Ji Kongfan. He stared at Yuan Fan and said, "Senior Yuan, this kind of bullying of the small by the big is really inconsistent with your identity!"

Although Ji Kongfan couldn't see the expression on his face, his voice still remained calm and said: "I don't care what your identity is, if you want to capture all the creatures in my All Heavens Gathering Domain, you have to see if you have We no longer have this strength.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Kongfan raised his hand, and a wind of death swept away from his palm toward Yuan Fan.

For Ji Kongfan, he doesn't care about Yuan Fan's identity at all. Even if the opponent is the master of the true domain and dares to attack the All Heavens Gathering Domain, he is an enemy.

Ji Kongfan's decisive action made Yuan Fan smile slightly and said: "Courage is commendable, but the strength is still far behind."

He casually grabbed the Wind of Nirvana in his hand, squeezed it gently, and disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, the old man Yu Yu also hurriedly sent a message to Ji Kongfan: "You are no match for him, he is the master of the Realm of Illusion."

Ji Kongfan acted as if he hadn't heard anything. He waved his sleeves and a huge round wheel appeared above his head.

But at this moment, a voice rang in his ears: "Senior Ji, he is indeed very strong. Let him enter the formation and I will deal with him."

At this moment, at the center of the great formation in Fengmingtian, there was a somewhat illusory figure sitting cross-legged, looking up at Yuan Fan!

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