Taoist world

Chapter 5228 The third son of the Xing family

"Will it be in danger if I return to the All Heavens Gathering Area?"

Jiang Yun was stunned by Wang Lao's words.

In the All-Heaven Gathering Area, where even the Great Emperor has to suppress his own strength, the strongest can only remain at the level of a quasi-Great Emperor.

Not to mention, there is no comparison at all between the quasi-emperors and quasi-emperors in the Gathering Region and the quasi-emperors and quasi-emperors in the Suffering Region.

And with his current strength, he can kill even the real emperor, so what dangers can there be when he returns to the All Heavens Gathering Domain?

If Wang Lao refers to the four realms of Tibet, it is even more impossible.

There are brothers and sisters hidden in the four realms.

I am afraid that looking at the illusory realm and the real realm, the Four Realms Hidden is the safest place for me.

So where does this danger come from?

Wanglao naturally knew Jiang Yun's doubts and said with a smile: "The danger will naturally not come from the collective domain, but from the illusory domain, or even the true domain."

"I think you should also know that there are also some powerful people who do not belong to the Jiyu hidden in the Jiyu."

"Although their realm is suppressed by the Great Emperor, it does not mean that they do not have the strength to kill you."

"For example, you are only in the Hanging Realm, but you can kill the Emperor for the same reason."

Wang Lao's explanation reminded Jiang Yun of the old man Apocalypse in the first Tiangang domain, and the old man Karma who had left the All Heavens Domain! According to their own speculation, they come from the Realm of Illusion, and their true realm should all be Great Emperors.

I just don’t know whether it is the empty level or the legal level.

Especially the old man Tianqi, although he was always friendly when facing him, he had evil intentions.

The real purpose is to hope that he will allow him to enter the realm of the heavens.

If I go back this time and see him, he will most likely do something to him.

Wanglao continued: "Of course, the thing you need to be careful about the most is the nightmare beast!"

Nightmare beast! Jiang Yun looked at Wanglao in confusion and said: "Master, the Nightmare Beast has been divided into one hundred and eight parts, and it has always been suppressed by the Bitter Territory and is in a deep sleep."

"Even if it wants to attack me, I can't defeat it, so I should be able to escape!"

Wang Lao's voice suddenly became serious and said: "Yun'er, your strength has improved very quickly recently, and your actions have been too smooth, which makes you a little forgetful!"

"Never underestimate your opponents, especially nightmare beasts!"

"The Nightmare Beast is an existence that all the strong men in the entire Bitter Territory can't contend with if they join forces."

"Even if it is divided into one hundred and eight parts, you must not underestimate it."

"For those who are really strong, even if it is just a drop of blood or a hair, they will have unimaginable strength!"

After Wang Lao's words fell, Jiang Yun had no reaction. Xue Wuchang, who was hiding in Xue Danqing's body, couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said: "Well, you Lao Wang, I haven't told Jiang Yun to be careful about you yet, so you should go first Remind Jiang Yun to be on guard against me."

Wang Lao's words indeed made Jiang Yun immediately think of Xue Wuchang.

Xue Wuchang relied on a drop of blood to cultivate to the half-step level in just a few hundred years.

Even though the soul of the nightmare beast was divided into one hundred and eight parts, in terms of volume alone, it was much larger than a drop of blood.

And its existence time will not be shorter than that of Xue Wuchang, so its true strength should at least be much stronger than that of Xue Wuchang! After understanding this, Jiang Yun suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

I really thought that the nightmare beast was very weak, and even when facing the nightmare beast, I didn't have the slightest fear.

In fact, if the Nightmare Beast wanted to kill him, he would not even be the scum left.

Jiang Yun looked at Wang Lao and said, "Master, do you mean that the Nightmare Beast has been deliberately showing weakness?"

Wanglao shook his head and said: "I don't know, I'm just saying, it's possible!"

"When I entered the All Heavens Gathering Domain, although I suppressed my realm, my true strength was also extremely strong."

"But facing the nightmare beast, I didn't even have the strength to resist, and my body was shattered by it, leaving only a wisp of soul."

"That's why I remind you to be careful."

"Although you have now become the leader of the Hundred Clans Alliance and have more than a dozen magic-level emperors under your command, compared to the Nightmare Beast, whether it is strength, age, or even brains, they are far behind."

Jiang Yun nodded in agreement, and said somewhat depressedly: "Could this nightmare beast be that lord?"

This is purely Jiang Yun's complaint.

The reason why he had such an idea was because the Nightmare Beast was too strong.

And for such an ultimate existence, perhaps only the identity of that lord is more suitable.

Wang Lao did not pick up the topic from Jiang Yun, but continued on by himself: "It turns out that the Nightmare Beast may not care about you. It just treats you as a little brat, and you can do whatever you want."

"But now that everything you have gained in the Bitter Realm is no longer just a matter of effort, it has become your own true potential."

"Even if we don't say it can threaten it, it is at least possible that it will attract its attention."

"That's why I suggest you to improve your strength as much as possible before returning to the All Heavens Gathering Area."

Jiang Yun fell into deep thought, and he naturally understood that his master was doing it for his own good.

However, the problem facing him now is lack of time.

Three years later, he will go to the Huanzhen Realm, and he doesn't know how long it will take to go to the All Heavens Gathering Realm and the Four Realms.

For him, improving his strength is far less important than bringing the creatures from the All Heavens Gathering Area back to the Bitter Territory, so he wants to return to the All Heavens Gathering Area first.

After bringing them all back to the Bitter Realm, I have nothing else to do and can calm down and improve my strength.

Then at the end of the three-year period, no matter how much his strength has improved, he can at least walk away.

But what Master said makes sense.

Therefore, Jiang Yun thought carefully for a long time and said, "Master, I can only give myself one year."

"One year later, regardless of whether I can improve my strength, I will attack the Shadow Pavilion and return to the All Heavens Gathering Domain."

Wang Lao smiled slightly and said, "Then it's up to you."

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Then I'll go say hello to Great Ancestor and the others."

As Jiang Yun left, Xue Wuchang immediately appeared in front of Wang Lao and said: "Lao Wang, tell me, is it really possible that the Nightmare Beast is your Majesty?"

Wang Lao said calmly: "How do I know? I only know that the Nightmare Beast must also have an agenda."

"The simplest evidence is that it cultivates the power of all living beings!"

"If its one hundred and eight souls are all cultivating the power of sentient beings, and if it was originally a true emperor, then once it fuses all its souls, it will gather one hundred and eight areas at once. The power of all the living beings born this time are all integrated together..." Wanglao closed his mouth and did not say any more, but Xue Wuchang blinked his eyes and continued for him: "Then it, even if it is not the three One of them can be on an equal footing with those three."

"If it is one of those three, then it is possible for it to be promoted again!"

Wanglao nodded and said: "In addition, Yun'er has triggered the Supreme Monument twice in a row. Regardless of whether the Nightmare Beast is the Supreme Monument or not, he will definitely be tempted."

Xue Wuchang frowned and said: "However, in just one year, the strength Jiang Yun can improve is not enough for him to compete with the nightmare beast!"

In response, Wanglao just smiled slightly, but did not answer any more.

At the same time, in the hall of the Xing family, two French-level emperors were sitting there with gloomy expressions on their faces.

An old man suddenly slammed the table and said: "Mr. Wen left unexpectedly, and now we have become Jiang Yun's subordinates again. Our Xing family has been trying to tolerate it for so many years, but in the end we got the advantage of Jiang Yun for nothing. I'm really angry to death." .”

The man in green shirt on the side waved his sleeves, and a curtain of light covered the entire hall. Then he spoke to the old man and said: "Do you feel that Jiang Yun made us swallow that drop of blood, thereby making us sacrifice our lives for him?" , does it sound like the blood slave technique that Lao San mentioned?"

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