Taoist world

Chapter 5209 Must die

After saying these words, the statue closed its mouth, and the colorful light emitting from its body disappeared without a trace, turning into a dead object again.

But all the creatures in this world, including Jiang Yun, also seemed to have turned into statues. They all stood in place, their minds echoing what the statue had just said.

Not just this world, but the entire Suffering Realm, all worlds, including the vast seams of the world, have the same voice of words echoing at this moment.

This is the proclamation issued by the Ku Temple, the most transcendent existence in the Suffering Realm, to all the creatures in the Suffering Realm.

Naturally, the creatures in the suffering realm are no strangers to the competition between the suffering realm and the illusory realm.

Even Kuyu has indeed begun to select powerful monks to prepare for the competition.

Logically speaking, this competition will take hundreds of years at the earliest.

But now, suddenly it has been shortened to only ten years.

Ten years, for a monk, is just a blink of an eye.

Therefore, in this way, it can be said that the entire Bitter Territory, all the monks who are qualified to participate in this competition and the forces behind them, have all had their original plans disrupted.

How could they not be shocked.

——At the same time, seven figures appeared next to the Eight Pagodas of Ku Temple, led by Zen Master Ci Xin.

Not to mention outsiders, even the senior officials of Ku Temple were shocked when they heard the news, so they came one after another to ask the Zen masters in Ba Ku Pagoda what was going on.

Zen Master Cixin was so confused that he didn't even care about etiquette and said directly to Ba Ku Pagoda: "Brothers and sisters, why did the competition time suddenly come so far in advance?"

From the Baku Pagoda, Zen Master Xuan Yi's voice came out: "We just received a message from the Yuan family not long ago."

"They reminded us that the glazed mist outside the Eye of Illusion suddenly has a tendency to become lighter."

"According to their calculations, in about ten years, the mist of the Glazed Realm will be thin enough to allow entry."

"You also know that the key to whether you can enter the Eye of Illusion lies in the density of the mist in the glazed world."

"Now that it has begun to fade, no matter what the reason is, it is an opportunity to enter the Eye of Illusion, which cannot be missed."

Although these people, including Zen Master Ci Xin, have never actually entered the Eye of Huan Zhen, they have heard about it and know that there is a glazed mist covering the periphery of the Eye of Huan Zhen all the year round.

No one knows the origin of this mist, but it has extremely terrifying power of bewitching.

Once in contact, even the emperor will be easily bewitched by it, lose his mind, and become lost in the mist of the world. He will become a part of the mist of the world and cannot leave again. He will not return until the day when his life span is exhausted. The ruins are integrated with the boundary mist.

Fortunately, although this glazed mist will not completely dissipate, it will become thinner every once in a while.

At that time, it was the only chance to enter the Eye of Illusion.

Of course, even if the mist of the world becomes thinner, there is still the possibility of being lost if you enter it.

This is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is the monks who have lost their minds. They will take the initiative to attack any living thing that enters the mist.

In short, there are many dangers if you want to enter the Eye of Illusion.

After listening to Zen Master Xuanyi's words, the doubts of Zen Master Cixin and others were answered, but more questions followed.

Zen Master Ci Xin continued: "Ten years is really too short."

"Not to mention those monsters from other forces, even the few disciples of my Ku Temple, it is difficult for them to improve their strength in such a short period of time."

"Doesn't this mean that the probability of us winning this time will become even smaller."

Zen Master Xuanyi said calmly: "We only have ten years, and the monks in the Huanzhen Realm also only have ten years to prepare."

In the Huanzhen Realm, not only the Yuan family is paying attention to the changes in Liuli Realm, but there are also people in the Ku Temple.

Therefore, Zen Master Xuan Yi and others clearly knew that Jie Miao had indeed begun to fade in the past few days, and the Yuan family also notified Kuyu as soon as possible.

Since both domains knew it at the same time, there was actually no change for the monks on both sides.

Zen Master Cixin hesitated for a moment, then asked: "What about Jiang Yun?"

"Should we give him a spot or not?"

Kumiao has not forgotten that there is an extremely powerful quasi-emperor in the Huanzhen Realm, who wants to fight Jiang Yun by name.

Regarding this question, Zen Master Xuanyi did not answer immediately, but asked the other six people to retreat, leaving only Zen Master Cixin. Then he said: "Last time I asked you to inform Huanzhen Realm that Jiang Yun would be killed The news spreads.”

"Why has it been so long and no one from the Illusion Realm has come yet?"

Zen Master Ci Xin shook his head and said, "I asked Shan Shan and he indeed gave the task to Zeng Hui."

"This is not the first time Zeng Hui has collaborated with us. Logically speaking, it should have been spread."

"It's probably because the monks from the Huanzhen Realm don't have much interest in Jiang Yun."

Zen Master Xuanyi was silent for a moment and said: "If they are not interested, then find a way to make them interested!"

Zen Master Cixin said with a wry smile: "Before, we could still get them interested."

"But now, since there are only ten years left, I'm afraid those monsters in the Realm of Illusion will also focus all their energy on the competition."

Zen Master Xuanyi said calmly: "After all, the number of monsters participating in the competition is limited. Among the remaining monsters, some of them may be interested."

"The rest of the monsters..." Zen Master Cixin shook his head and said: "Jiang Yun can now kill ordinary emperors. His strength cannot be measured by the realm of our suffering realm."

"Even though the Realm of Illusion is stronger than our Bitter Realm, it's still only too strong."

"So, it probably doesn't make much sense to expect those ordinary monsters to kill Jiang Yun!"

Zen Master Xuan Yi sneered: "Who said it doesn't mean much anymore!"

"It would be best if they can kill Jiang Yun, but if they can't be killed, then let them die in Jiang Yun's hands."

"Any evildoer who dares to come to the Bitter Realm to kill Jiang Yun must have some background in the Huanzhen Realm."

"If Jiang Yun kills them, their family will definitely come to Jiang Yun for revenge!"

"I want to see if his senior sister can still protect him at that time!"

"Cixin, remember, it doesn't matter whether you give Jiang Yun a place or not. What matters is that if Jiang Yun dies in the Huan Zhen Realm, the ancient inheritance will also be lost in the Huan Zhen Realm."

"If we want to obtain the ancient inheritance, it will be even more difficult!"

The reason why Xuan Yi and the others wanted to kill Jiang Yun was not because of any hatred towards Jiang Yun. In the final analysis, it was because of Jiang Yun's ancient inheritance.

Zen Master Cixin clasped his hands together and said, "I understand!"

"Perhaps, Jiang Yun will come to Ku Temple like other qualified people. In that case, it will be easier for us to attack him."

Zen Master Xuan Yi said: "Anyway, I'll leave this matter to you. Jiang Yun must die in ten years!"

Just as Zen Master Cixin accepted the order and left, in a world in the Suffering Realm, a young man with a sinister eyebrow and a stern eye scratched his head and said, "Why is the time for the competition so early?"

"It's bad, I haven't sent the news of Jiang Yun's murder back to the Realm of Fantasy yet."

"Damn it, it's all that Jiang Yun's fault. Where did he hide? I've even been to the Jiang clan, but I still haven't found him."

"However, it's already too late anyway. I won't go back. I'll just continue searching in this miserable realm!"

Naturally, this man is Zeng Hui from the Realm of Fantasy.

Because he was greedy for the huge benefits he could gain after killing Jiang Yun, he did not follow the Kumiao's request and spread the news of Jiang Yun's killing in the Huanzhen Realm.

He chose to stay in the Bitter Territory, wanting to see if he could kill Jiang Yun and swallow these benefits.

Unfortunately, during the time he was looking for Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun changed his appearance and entered the Hundred Tribes Alliance, making it impossible for him to find him.

And he would not have thought that precisely because he did not send the news of Jiang Yun's murder back to the Huanzhen Realm, he had invisibly helped Jiang Yun a lot.

At this moment, Jiang Yun, after taking a deep look at the statue, did not step into the teleportation array. Instead, he stepped to a deserted place and took out a jade slip for communication.

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