Taoist world

Chapter 5203: Finally Became the Alliance Leader

Kun Shiji stared blankly at the drop of blood in his palm. Although he said nothing, his palm was trembling slightly.

Everyone is well aware that it is indeed an extremely difficult decision for a Dharma-level emperor like Kun Shiji to hand over his life and freedom into the hands of the enemy.

Especially the families within the Hundred Clans Alliance are different from the families outside.

Most of the families in the outside world have a large number of people.

Like the Jiang family, when they were at their lowest, there were more than 100,000 members of the clan. The family had reached a certain scale and strength, so that there were strong men like the third ancestor of the Jiang family who didn't care about the descendants of the family at all. life.

At this moment, if Jiang Yun were facing the Dharma-level emperor of the Taishi family, he would crush the blood and walk away without hesitation.

However, the families in the Hundred Clans Alliance are all reclusive families and are not prosperous.

If there are thousands of clan members, it is considered a big family.

So as the ancestor of a hidden family, he must shoulder the burden of the family. Not only to make the family stronger and revitalized, but at least to ensure the inheritance of the family and not to let the family be ruined in his own hands.

Therefore, Kun Shiji is so entangled at this moment.

Jiang Yun also understood Kun Shiji's thoughts, so instead of urging him, he sent a message to him: "Senior Kun, I know that if I say anything now, you will think that I am lying to you."

"But I still want to tell you that becoming a vassal of my Jiang family has risks, but there are also many opportunities."

Now that things have happened, Jiang Yun no longer needs to hide his true intentions, and clearly tells Kun Shiji that his purpose is not to become the leader of the Hundred Tribes Alliance, but to make the Kun family become a vassal of the Jiang family.

Moreover, Jiang Yun was telling the truth.

If everything goes well, it won't be long before the Jiang family becomes a superpower on par with Kumiao.

Naturally, the status of all the family forces that vassalized the Jiang family will also rise.

Hearing Jiang Yun's voice transmission, Kun Shiji did not react at all, still just staring at the drop of blood.

Of course he wouldn't believe Jiang Yun's words, he was just immersed in his own thoughts.

After a long time, he moved his eyes away from the blood and looked down at the Kun family members who were watching him.

Finally, he raised his hand and swallowed the drop of blood into his mouth.

For the sake of his own people, Kun Shiji had no other choice.

Below, another Dharma-level emperor of the Kun family, after seeing Kun Shiji's actions, closed his eyes, opened his mouth and sucked, and the blood in front of him also fell into his mouth.

"That's it!"

The voice of Xue Wuchang also sounded in Jiang Yun's ears.

Naturally, the two drops of blood given by Jiang Yun were actually derived from the blood slave technique taught by Xue Wuchang.

As long as they swallow Jiang Yun's blood, Kun Shiji and the two of them will become Jiang Yun's blood slaves.

At this time, Kun Shiji had an extra token in his hand and threw it to Jiang Yundao: "This is the token given by Ku Temple."

"From now on, you, Jiang, are the leader of the Hundred Tribes Alliance!"

After taking the token, Jiang Yun handed it directly into the hands of the Great Ancestor without even looking at it. He nodded and said, "Kun Shiji, maybe one day you will be glad that you made this decision today!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yun ignored Kun Shiji and looked at the emperors of other families.

As Jiang Yun looked over, the faces of these people immediately showed alertness and vigilance.

Now that Jiang Yun has subdued the Kun family, will he start to subdue himself and others next?

However, Jiang Yun flicked his sleeves, and all the thunder in these people's bodies immediately flew out and fell into Jiang Yun's hands, allowing them to regain their realm.

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said, "Don't panic."

"Thanks to your support, I, the Jiang family, have become the leader of the Hundred Tribes Alliance."

"Originally, I was supposed to hold a banquet to entertain you all, but unfortunately my Jiang clan members haven't arrived yet."

"After my Jiang clan members arrive, I will host a banquet for you all and entertain everyone well."

"Now, if there is nothing wrong with you all, please forgive me and send you off a short distance away."

Hearing Jiang Yun's words, many great emperors couldn't help but look at each other. They didn't expect Jiang Yun to let him and others go.

After coming back to their senses, everyone was afraid that Jiang Yun had changed his mind, so they hurriedly greeted Jiang Yun with clasped fists and said, "Congratulations, leader, I'll take my leave now."

Before the words could be heard, everyone was already leaving in a hurry.

Jiang Yun also politely returned the gifts one by one, watching everyone leave with a smile.

In fact, Jiang Yun didn't want to subdue these great emperors and all the families, but he also knew that this was simply unrealistic.

He was able to subdue the Kun family entirely because he caught everyone off guard.

In addition, these families all had different thoughts and were simply a mess, so they just stood by and watched Jiang Yun's attack on the Kun family, and even Na Luo Tong did not help.

However, after witnessing the Kun family's subjugation, if Jiang Yun attacks them now, they will most likely unite together.

There are fifty or sixty emperors in the entire Hundred Clans Alliance. Once they unite, Jiang Yun and the Great Ancestor will not be a match at all.

What's more, only one or two people from these families came, and the other clansmen were all in their own clans, which was too scattered.

Therefore, Jiang Yun could only let them go first and think of a solution later.

As these people left, Jiang Yun looked back at Kun Shiji, who was still standing there blankly, and said, "Senior Kun, Nan Fengchen of the Nan family should be in your Kun family."

"She is my good friend, can you send her out?"

Kun Shiji glanced at Jiang Yun coldly and said, "I can't bear the word "senior".

"Since the leader of the alliance has an order, how dare I disobey it."

While speaking, Kun Shiji directly raised his hand and grabbed the Kun family that had become useless.


The ground suddenly cracked open, and a figure flew out from it and appeared in front of Jiang Yun.

It's Nan Fengchen! Compared to the two Nan family women from the Tang family, although Nan Fengchen also looked haggard, she had no injuries.

Obviously, the Kun family imprisoned her but did not make it too difficult for her.

Nan Fengchen was brought out suddenly. He didn't understand what happened at all, and had a confused look on his face.

Until her eyes caught sight of Jiang Yun, her whole body trembled slightly, her eyes suddenly widened, and she couldn't believe it at all.

Jiang Yun solemnly raised his fists to Nan Fengchen and said, "Miss Nan, I'm sorry."

"You have suffered so much because of my broken promise."

"Fortunately, we have finally fulfilled our trust and the Nan family is fine."

Nan Fengchen, who had just come back to his senses, was stunned again by Jiang Yun's words.

Jiang Yun smiled and said: "Miss Nan, let's go back to Nan's house first. When we meet Senior Nan Jin, you will understand everything."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yun said to Kun Shiji: "Mr. Kun, please appease the Kun family first!"

"I'll come find you later!"

"Besides, I didn't kill anyone from your Kun family!"

Jiang Yun's last words made Kun Shiji suddenly raise his head and look at Jiang Yun.

And Jiang Yun had already turned around and left with Nan Fengchen.

Kun Shiji hurriedly scanned the descendants of his family with his spiritual consciousness.

Just now, he only had anger in his heart and had no time to take a closer look at the situation of his people.

Now when he looked carefully, he realized that all the clan members who fell on the ground were, as Jiang Yun said, still alive! "call!"

Kun Shiji let out a long breath, turned his head and looked in the direction of the Nan family, and felt a little more relaxed.

——At the same time, in the Ku Temple and the Eight Ku Pagodas, Zen Master Xuan Yi looked gloomy.

As the backers of the Hundred Clans Alliance, in addition to supporting the Kun family, they also secretly supported other families, so now they already know about Jiang Yun becoming the leader of the Hundred Clans Alliance.

Zen Master Xuan Yi said in a deep voice: "Jiang Yun has now become the leader of the Hundred Tribes Alliance. I am afraid that the next step will be to annex other families and completely take over the Hundred Tribes Alliance as his own.

"What do we do now!"

Zen Master Xuanliu's voice then sounded: "Contact Senior Yu again!"

Xuan Yi took out a message slip and waited quietly for a long time, but there was still no response.

Just when he was about to give up, a hoarse voice suddenly came from the jade slip: "What's the matter!"

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