Taoist world

Chapter 5198: Extremely Strict Rules


Jiang Yun turned around with a smile and walked out, leaving behind the great ancestor of the Jiang family who was still deep in thought.

In the sky above the Nan family, stood the big man who had just arrived from the Kun family.

Seeing Jiang Yun appear in front of him with a smile on his face, the big man became more and more convinced that Jiang Yun would never dare to take action against him.

He even thought that what Kun Shiji said about the Zhou family emperor being almost killed by Jiang Yun was just a deliberate lie to him.

In addition, the big man knew that Zen Master Cixin and others were watching here with their spiritual consciousness at this moment, so he deliberately raised his chin and said to Jiang Yun: "Where is your master!"

Although the big man knew that the person who came was Jiang Yun's ancestor, he deliberately called him Jiang Yun's lord, which meant to tell Jiang Yun that in my eyes, you are just a little guy who hasn't even grown hair yet. You are not qualified to talk to me at all.

Jiang Yun was not angry at all, and still maintained a smile and said: "My elders are too old. They have traveled all the way here and are a little tired. They are resting and will be here soon."

The big man smiled coldly and said, "Rest?"

"Your lord, you have a lot of airs!"

At this point, the big man suddenly straightened his face and said: "Nanfeng Bridge, seven days ago, Zen Master Cixin made it very clear that when your adults arrive, they should go to see him immediately."

"Now that your elders have arrived, why don't you dare to rest here if you don't go to see Zen Master Cixin immediately?"

"It seems that you didn't turn a deaf ear to Zen Master Ci Xin's words at all!"

"Now, I'll give you three breaths, and quickly ask your adults to come out and follow me to see Zen Master Ci Xin."

"Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

Before Jiang Yun could speak, the Great Ancestor's figure had already appeared. He bowed his hands to the big man and said with a smile on his face: "Brother, don't be surprised, the little old man is here."

Seeing the great ancestor's attitude that was even more groveling than his own, Jiang Yun couldn't help but praise in his heart: "As expected of the great ancestor, he is so cunning!"

Jiang Yun had already learned about the great ancestor's scheming.

He also believed that the great ancestor would be able to understand what he meant quickly.

As expected, the Great Ancestor not only figured it out, but also acted more realistically than himself.

As for Nan Jin, who didn't show up, she was looking up in stunned silence at the two people who had lowered their posture to the extreme. Her mind was completely confused.

Is this Jiang Yun, with a sincere smile on his face, really the Jiang Yun who wiped out the Tang family in a flash seven days ago?

The big man was also shocked by the attitudes of Dazu and Jiang Yun.

Originally, he thought that with Jiang Yun's arrogant character, his ancestor's temper would not be much better.

Even if Jiang Yun relents, Jiang Yun's ancestor will definitely be tougher.

But now, these two people are so groveling that they don't know how to deal with it.

Not only Dahan and Nan Jin were confused, everyone in the Kun family and even the entire Hundred Clans Alliance who were watching here with their spiritual consciousness had the same feeling.

Only Zen Master Cixin smiled and said nothing.

When he thought about it, Jiang Yun must have been frightened by that finger that day, so his attitude changed so quickly.

Zen Master Cixin reached out and knocked on the table in front of him, and said to Kun Shiji with a smile: "You see, they can't make any waves now."

Kun Shiji came back to his senses, gave a thumbs up to Zen Master Ci Xin and said, "That's also thanks to the Zen Master sitting here."

This flattery made Zen Master Ci Xin very happy and he laughed without saying a word.

At this time, the great ancestor of the Jiang family had already continued: "Brother, please show us the way. We are going to see Zen Master Cixin."

Don’t hit the smiling person with your hand!

Since the two people in front of him were so knowledgeable, the big man couldn't say anything else. He could only snort and turn around and walk towards Kun's house.

Seeing this, most people withdrew their consciousness and stopped looking.

Jiang Yun and Dazu naturally followed the big man closely.

However, neither of them looked at the big man, but at the Hundred Clans Alliance.

Especially the Great Ancestor, there was a sense of scrutiny in his eyes.

The Great Ancestor has indeed understood Jiang Yun's plan, and also believes that Jiang Yun's plan is very feasible.

There are experts from the Huanzhen Realm who are even more powerful than the Ku Temple, Jiang Yun’s senior sister is backing him up, and even Jiang Yun’s master is also in this realm. If the Jiang family still can’t subdue the Hundred Tribes Alliance, then It's really such a waste.

Therefore, in his eyes, this Hundred Clans Alliance world is their own territory. Of course, he must first understand everything here so that he can have an idea.

Then wait until the other Jiang clan members arrive so that they can make arrangements immediately.

Although the Baizu Alliance Realm is much smaller than the original Jiang Clan land, it is still more than enough to accommodate tens of thousands of Jiang Clan members.

Once the Hundred Clans Alliance is subdued, the Jiang family will have many opportunities to expand its territory in the future.

While the Great Ancestor was watching, he also sent a message to Jiang Yun: "Yun'er, that valley is in a good location. It is very suitable for a burial site."

"Also, that mountain is very majestic, and the ancestral realm will be placed there when the time comes."

Jiang Yun naturally nodded repeatedly.

Although the Jiang family, as one of the formation bases, must live in the original location of the Tang family, this does not mean that all the Jiang family members really have to take root there.

As long as the formation is not affected, Jiang can do whatever he wants within the Hundred Clans Alliance.

Jiang Yun even had a bolder idea, that is, after the Jiang family grew stronger, he would immediately take over the people from the All Heavens Gathering Area.

When the time comes, let Liu Peng do nothing and just stay here and study this formation.

The large formation in Jiyu covers an area so large that even Jiang Yun's consciousness cannot completely cover it. It is naturally impossible for Liu Peng to do it, so he cannot break the formation.

But the formation here is within one boundary. With Liu Peng's formation skills, he might be able to study the entire formation thoroughly.

Then, if you go to the Gathering Formation and add half of your soul, you may even take that formation as your own.

By that time, even the power of the Nightmare Beast will belong to Jiang!

Just as Jiang Yun was enjoying the beauty of the future, the three finally arrived at Kun's house.

The big man deliberately asked Jiang Yun and the others to wait outside, and he entered Kun's house first.

The two waited for half an hour before they heard a voice coming from the Kun family: "Come in!"

Jiang Yun and Grand Ancestor looked at each other and stepped into the Kun family's door with smiles on their faces.

After entering the door, there was no one to lead the way. The two of them could only use their spiritual consciousness to arrive outside a large hall.

In the main hall, the banquet was still going on. Zen Master Cixin and Kun Shiji, a total of more than thirty emperors, were also sitting in their respective seats with leisure, drinking and chatting happily.

No one paid any attention to Jiang Yun, just pretending they didn't exist.

Looking at these more than 30 great emperors, the great ancestor's eyes were shining, and he said to Jiang Yun: "Yun'er, don't do it yourself when it comes to subduing them later, just leave it to us. .”

Jiang Yun asked in confusion: "Why?"

The Great Ancestor gave him a look and said: "You kid, you can't do anything lightly or harshly. If you do it, I don't know how many great emperors you will kill."

"These will all be my subordinates in the future. The death of any one of them will be a huge loss!"

Jiang Yun scratched his head, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

Finally, Kun Shiji looked at the two of them and said coldly: "What are you two standing there for?"

"According to the rules of our Hundred Clans Alliance, newly joined tribes, no matter how powerful they are, or how prominent their status was in the past, must first kneel down and pay homage to all other families."

"Still not kneeling down!"

There was no such rule in the Hundred Races Alliance. It was simply Kun Shiji who deliberately wanted to give Jiang Yun a blow.

Jiang Yun was still not angry, and ignored Kun Shiji at all. He just stared at Zen Master Cixin with burning eyes and said, "It's okay to kneel down, but the rules of our master's sect are very strict."

"In addition to parents, elders and

"If I want to kneel down, then my senior sister will probably appear immediately."

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