Taoist world

Chapter 5180 The Liu Family Begins

Although the Tang family was not the real mastermind behind the Nan family, behind the Tang family there were the Kun family and possibly even more powerful families, but in any case, it was the Tang family who proposed a marriage with the Nan family.

What's more, Nan Fengchen also married into the Tang family, and now he doesn't know whether he is alive or dead.

Therefore, Jiang Yun decided to use the Tang family as a target to establish their prestige and as a stepping stone for the Nan family's rise within the Hundred Clans Alliance.

It just so happens that by disturbing the Tang family, we can also use this opportunity to see what the attitude of the Kun family and other families behind them is.

Regarding Jiang Yun's ideas, Nan Jin and the other four would definitely disagree with them before.

But now, whether it is Jiang Yun's own strength or Wang Lao's support, they will no longer have any objections.

Nan Jin pondered and said, "Then little friend Jiang, rest here first."

"In two days, after our cultivation has recovered a bit, we will go to the Tang family with you."

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said: "To deal with a mere Tang family, we don't need the help of several seniors. I alone am enough."

Upon hearing this, Nan Jin hurriedly shook his head and said, "No, it would be too dangerous for you to go alone."

Jiang Yun continued to smile and said: "The strength of the Tang family should not be comparable to that of the Blood Clan or the Taishi Family!"

Upon hearing this, Nan Jin and the other four people immediately shut their mouths.

The Taishi Family and the Blood Clan are the most powerful forces in the Bitter Territory.

The Tang family has no qualifications to compare with these two great families.

Jiang Yun went deep into the territory of these two tribes alone. Not only did he escape unharmed, but he also fought against these two tribes and paid a huge price.

Going to the Tang family naturally has no problems.

Jiang Yun continued: "However, once I go to the Tang family, the other families in the Hundred Clans Alliance will definitely know about the rise of the Nan family."

"Therefore, to be on the safe side, Senior Nan please secretly inform the Nan family members who are outside so that they must return to the Nan family as soon as possible no matter what reason they use."

"Lest in time, other families will detain the Nan family to threaten us."

There are still thirty or forty members of the Nan family scattered among other families, working as slaves and maids.

If they are not allowed to come back, they will become the Nan family's weakness.

Nan Jin nodded quickly and said, "Jiang Xiaoyou is still thoughtful. I will have someone notify them immediately."

After the words fell, Nan Jin had already called Nan Fengqian and told her Jiang Yun's intention.

After hearing Nan Jin's request, Nan Fengqian said with a troubled face: "Mom, they are scattered in various families. Let alone informing them, even if you want to reach each family in a short time, it is difficult to do so."

"We, we all have no way to pay for the teleportation array."

The Hundred Clans Alliance covers a huge area, and the locations of each family are extremely scattered.

In addition, the young members of most families are not very strong, so going to some families requires passing through the teleportation array.

The Hundred Clans Alliance also set up teleportation arrays near each family.

Just pay the fee and you can use it.

After hearing Nan Fengqian's words, before Nan Jin could speak, Jiang Yun had already thrown out a storage magic weapon, which landed in Nan Fengqian's hands.

"There are some bitter stones here. Miss Nan, please take them first and use them."

Looking at the number of bitter stones in the storage instrument in her hand, Nan Fengqian couldn't help but open her mouth wide and said in surprise: "This, this is too much!"

Jiang Yun never had a big idea about things like spirit stones and bitter stones, and he had always been generous.

In addition, he just took away all the things of the vampires from the vampires not long ago, so he didn't even look at them and just took out some at random.

Jiang Yun smiled and said: "If there are too many, just keep them for the Nan family!"

Nan Fengqian wanted to say something else, but Nan Jin on the side had already taken the lead and said: "Qian'er, since this is Jiang Xiaoyou's wish, you should accept it first."

Since Jiang Yun is Wang Lao's disciple, Nan Jin also knows that there is no need to be polite to him over these small things.

Nan Fengqian looked at her mother and whispered: "But here, there are at least hundreds of millions of bitter stones, as well as a large number of emperor's source stones."

The expressions of Nan Jin and the three ancestors of the Nan family suddenly froze.

They thought that there would be at most tens of thousands of pieces of bitter stone among the storage artifacts, but they didn't expect that the number would be so huge! Nan Jin looked at Jiang Yun and said: "Little friend Jiang, this is too much..." Jiang Yun smiled and interrupted Nan Jin's words: "I said, if there are too many, just treat them as for the Nan family, and it is also my filial piety. , I hope you won’t refuse.”

Nan Jin smiled bitterly and said, "Okay, then I'll thank you."

"Qian'er, go quickly!"

With her mother's consent, Nan Fengqian nodded and said, "Okay, then I will inform the clan members outside."

Jiang Yun suddenly spoke again: "Miss Nan, please keep my true identity a secret first and don't tell anyone else."

"If anyone asks, just say I am your clan brother Nanfeng Qiao."

Jiang Yun is not ready to reveal his true identity yet, and still wants to use Nanfengqiao's identity as a member of the Nan family to help the Nan family establish its prestige.

After all, his reputation is too loud. Once the Alliance of Hundred Clans or other forces know that the Nan family has a relationship with him, even if the Nan family can solve this trouble, I am afraid that Jiang Yun will be attracted to him in the future. More trouble.

This is what Jiang Yun realized after experiencing the death of Xue Danqing's mother.

He didn't want the people of the Nan family to be implicated by him.

"I see!"

Nan Fengqian nodded, cupped her fists and saluted everyone, then turned and left.

Nan Jin said: "Jiang Xiaoyou, let me briefly tell you about the situation of the Tang family."

This time Jiang Yun did not refuse, nodded and said: "Okay!"

The Tang family has a population of five to six hundred people, including three great emperors and nearly ten quasi-emperors.

For a small family, this kind of strength is already extremely powerful, so it can be favored by the Kun family and embrace the Kun family's lap.

Just when Nan Jin was halfway introducing Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun suddenly waved his hand and said, "It should be someone from the Liu family who has arrived."

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Yun's figure disappeared from the place.


The newly repaired door of Nan's house was once again broken into pieces, and a group of people walked in menacingly.

There were forty or fifty people in this group, and each of them deliberately released their own aura. When mixed together, it was quite strong.

Almost everyone in the Nan family gathered in the courtyard to confront everyone.

Those who came were from the Liu family, and naturally they came for their third young master Liu Zhe, who had not returned for a long time.

The leader, a middle-aged man, had a gloomy face. After scanning all the Nan family members, he suddenly exuded a strong pressure. The Nan family members felt like a mountain was pressing down on them, and they immediately staggered back. Some people even got kicked directly. Sitting on the ground.

This man is a powerful quasi-emperor and is considered the top person in the Liu family.

Facing the pressure he unleashed, how could everyone in the Nan family resist it.

The man then said coldly: "Where is my third young master!"

None of the Nan family members spoke.

Some are angry, some are scared.

At this moment, Jiang Yun, who was standing in the sky and watching everything below, suddenly remembered the day when he was sixteen years old in this life.

That day, the gate of Jiangcun was also breached.

Jiang Yun still remembered that those people were from the Wind Clan, and they came here to catch him.

At that time, I was the object of protection by everyone in Jiang Village.

Now, it is his turn to protect his master's family.

"Forget it, let's start with your Liu family first!"

As Jiang Yun muttered to himself, he raised his hand, and did not use any powerful spells. He just used his own blood power to condense into a huge blood-colored palm, and suddenly moved toward the Liu family's. Everyone pressed it.


Among the people in the Liu family, only the quasi-emperor felt the fall of his palm, his expression suddenly changed, and he exclaimed.

However, before his voice could fall, Jiang Yun's palm had already fallen from the sky, as if the sky was collapsing, covering the entire Liu family.


After the loud noise, Jiang Yun withdrew his palm, without even looking at the result of his palm. He just sent a message to Nan Jin and the other four people: "I'm going to the Tang family now!"

Jiang Yun's voice and the person disappeared together.

And at the gate of the Nan family, there were corpses everywhere!

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