Taoist world

Chapter 5154 Stepping into the Sea of ​​Blood

In the eyes of these vampires, Jiang Yun is their enemy, but their strength is not as good as Jiang Yun, and they dare not directly fight Jiang Yun, so they can only use their best to ridicule and abuse to satisfy their appetite.

This approach is actually understandable, but it's a pity that they don't understand Jiang Yun very well.

They directly insulted Jiang Yun, and Jiang Yun didn't even bother to argue with them.

However, they dared to insult Jiang Yun's senior sister! In Jiang Yun's heart, apart from his grandfather and master, the three senior brothers and sisters he cared about the most were his.

Especially senior sister, as a woman, how could Jiang Yun remain indifferent to being so insulted by the vampires! Therefore, at the same time as Xue Wuchang's words fell, the Cauldron of Tribulation Sky had already rushed out of Jiang Yun's body.

Without giving the vampires any time to react, countless thunderbolts and more than 100,000 souls rushed out of the mouth of the Cauldron of Tribulation! "Go and kill as many as you can!"

In Jiang Yun's words with overwhelming murderous intent, these souls, together with the thunder, immediately swept towards the Vampire clansmen in all directions.

Jiang Yun's attack was so sudden that even the Dharma-level emperors like Xuedong, let alone the ordinary Vampire clan members, did not react for a moment.

This is the territory of the Blood Clan, and Xuedong still holds the life of Xuedanqing's mother in his hands.

Jiang Yun came here to save Xue Danqing's mother.

However, under such circumstances, Jiang Yun actually dared to take the initiative and go on a killing spree! The Cult of Calamity and the more than 100,000 souls are no strangers to the monks in the Bitter Realm nowadays.

Soon after, near the ancient land, Jiang Yun used this cauldron, together with more than 100,000 souls, to kill thousands of geniuses, quasi-emperors, and even great emperors from various forces in the Bitter Territory.

As for the vampires who gathered nearby and dared to watch the excitement, although their strength was not weak, how could they compare with those geniuses?

Therefore, those spiritual thunders did not enter their bodies at all to restrain their cultivation. They used the power of thunder to quickly spread a thunder net, covering an area of ​​at least 100,000 feet in radius.

There are thousands of vampires in this area.

Facing the double attack of spirit thunder and soul, how could they be their opponents.

By the time others came to their senses, most of the people here had almost turned into corpses.

"Jiang Yun!"

Xuedong suddenly let out a loud roar, reached out and grabbed Xuedanqing's mother's neck, lifted her up and said, "I'll kill her."

Jiang Yun gave him a cold look and said, "Kill him!"

"Kill her and I won't have any worries anymore."

While speaking, Jiang Yun's figure suddenly disappeared from the place and appeared in front of the vampire who had insulted him and his senior sister before. He grabbed the man's head with one hand, and a black weapon appeared in the other hand. The dagger began to slowly cut off pieces of flesh from the person's body.

But Jiang Yun didn't look at this person, but stared deeply at Xuedong.

This is clearly provoking Xuedong! "ah!"

The vampire clan member could not move at all and screamed in pain. He could only watch his own flesh flying out of his body.

Jiang Yun's sword was extremely fast. In just a few breaths, half of this vampire's body had turned into bones.

As for Xuedong, listening to the screams of his tribe and looking at Jiang Yun, although he was still holding Xuedanqing's mother's neck, he could crush her with just a little force.

However, his palms did not dare to use force at all.

Because Jiang Yun is right.

Jiang Yun came to save Xue Danqing's mother.

If Xue Danqing's mother dies, then Jiang Yun will no longer have any scruples. Not to mention that he can really kill all the vampires, but it is very likely that he will turn around and leave and never step into the ancestral sea again! In that case, all the ambush of my blood clan today will be in vain, and these dead clan members will also sacrifice in vain, and what they get in exchange is just the life of the mother of an insignificant blood painting! This deal is too uneconomical for the vampires.

Fortunately, at this moment, a ball of black flame suddenly surged out of Jiang Yun's hand, wrapped around the body of the vampire, and threw him aside, letting him continue to roar and ignore it.

Jiang Yun stretched out his hand and made a move. The more than 100,000 souls and countless thunderbolts immediately retreated into the Cauldron of Sky Tribulation like a tide, and flew back to the top of Jiang Yun's head, suspended without moving.

It wasn't that Jiang Yun was really threatened by Xuedong, but because four Dharma-level emperors appeared around him.

Two of them were from the Vampire Clan. Although Jiang Yun had never seen them before, from the way they were dressed, it was not difficult to guess that one was from the Taishi Family and the other was from the Shadow Pavilion.

They may not dare to take action against Jiang Yun, but they will definitely take action against those souls, and may even take away the Cauldron of Sky Robbery, so Jiang Yun has to guard against them.

As for being able to see the Emperor of the Taishi Family and the Shadow Pavilion in the Vampire Clan, Jiang Yun didn't think it was any surprise.

These three major forces have already been working together.

Although Jiang Yun took back the Tribulation Sky Cauldron, at least a thousand members of the Vampire Clan had died in their clan territory in just a few breaths of killing.

More than 100,000 souls, coupled with the power of the spiritual thunder, really caught them off guard.

At this time, the many monks crowded outside the Vampire Clan were all dumbfounded.

Jiang Yun, as an outsider in the Vampire Clan, went on a killing spree so unscrupulously, killing so many Vampire Clan members easily.

But the vampires had nothing to do with him.

The two Vampire Emperors, as well as the other Vampire tribesmen around them, all stared at Jiang Yun with murderous intent, wishing to cut Jiang Yun into pieces.

But the emperor cannot take action. Once the rest of the tribe takes action, even the quasi-emperor will not be Jiang Yun's opponent.

Taishi Mingchen looked around, a sneer flashed on his face.

At the beginning, Jiang Yun also went on a killing spree in Taishi's family, which brought shame to Taishi's family.

Now, the Blood Clan was finally the same as the Taishi Clan, which gave him a lot of balance in his heart.

Jiang Yun did not kill any more vampires, but waited until the vampire who had insulted his senior sister was burned away by the soul fire, then he put away the Dragon Tribulation Cauldron and walked towards the ancestral sea of ​​the vampires.

The reason why he suddenly took action now, just as Xue Wuchang said, was because the Vampire clan members wanted to die on their own.

At the same time, this can be regarded as a way for him to recover some interest for Xue Danqing's mother.

Even though he asked Xuedong to kill Xuedanqing's mother, he was actually a little uneasy, worried that Xuedong would actually do it.

If Xue Danqing's mother was really killed because of what he said, then he would have no shame to see Xue Danqing again.

However, Jiang Yun also knew that he still had to find a way to rescue Xue Danqing's mother first.

Therefore, he quietly said to Xue Wuchang: "Senior Xue, is there any way you can save Xue Danqing's mother?"

Xue Wuchang pondered for a moment and then said: "Of course there is, but the prerequisite is to enter the Ancestral Sea."

"Have you noticed that the Vampire Clan has not activated their clan-protecting formation? They just want you to step into their ancestral sea."

"That is to say, there must be some ambush for them in Zuhai."

Jiang Yun smiled coldly and said: "Zu Hai, that is your home court, Senior Xue!"


Xue Wuchang was obviously very pleased with Jiang Yun's flattery. He couldn't help but laugh loudly and said, "Don't worry, Xue Danqing's mother's safety is guaranteed by me."

Soon as the two people were talking, Jiang Yun finally came to the sea of ​​blood and stopped! At this time, the faces of all the vampires showed excitement, and their eyes were staring at Jiang Yun.

In their hearts, they screamed vigorously, hoping that Jiang Yun could quickly step into the sea of ​​blood.

Jiang Yun did not disappoint them. He only stayed slightly, then rose into the sky, turned into a stream of light, and rushed directly towards the location of Xue Danqing's mother.

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