Taoist world

Chapter 5117 Colorful

Everyone present is familiar with the Heavenly Tribulation.

The so-called heavenly tribulation, whether it is as big as appearing in the gap between the realm of suffering or as small as appearing in a world, to put it simply, it means that the monk's cultivation has touched some kind of rules or laws.

As a result, the space in which it is located will use the various forces existing in it to launch an attack on the tribulation breaker.

This kind of attack uses Jie Yun as the medium, and mostly uses thunder as the means of attack.

As for Jie Yun, it itself does not have any power attributes, it is just used to carry other powers.

However, at this moment, looking at the calamity clouds coming slowly from all directions, every monk felt the familiar power attribute from these calamity clouds.

This scene is so similar to the previous scene when Jiang Yun condensed the empty phase for the first time! And such a catastrophe is also beyond their cognition, and they cannot understand what kind of catastrophe it will be! A monk couldn't help but whispered: "Judging from Jiang Yun's qualifications, the terrifying loud noise before, and the red thunder that killed Tai Shiwu, it stands to reason that Jiang Yun's catastrophe, It should be an empty phase calamity!”

Heavenly tribulations also have levels.

The Sky Tribulation is the highest level of Heavenly Tribulation for monks who have broken through to the Suspended Realm.

The heavenly tribulation no longer appears in the form of the usual tribulation thunder, but in the form of your emptiness.

No matter how many types of empty phases you have, the robbery cloud will condense the corresponding types of empty phases and carry out targeted attacks.

Jiang Yun is no stranger to empty phase tribulation.

When he broke through the Hanging Realm for the first time, he was faced with the Hollow Phase Tribulation in the All-Heaven Gathering Area.

However, in that sky tribulation, because he condensed twelve kinds of emptiness, several of which originated from the true domain, so that even the tribulation in the set domain could not condense the same emptiness.

Someone else continued: "Whether it's the empty phase tribulation or not, the question is Jiang Yun, how to overcome the tribulation?"

When breaking through to the sky tribulation, even if the sky phase is successfully condensed, the monk himself still does not have the cultivation level.

Therefore, the tribulation of the Heavenly Lord is not to be overcome by the deity himself, but rather the deity needs to send his soul power into his empty phase and control the emptiness phase to deal with the tribulation of the heavenly deity.

Since the disaster has arrived now, it means that Jiang Yun has successfully condensed the empty phase.

But until now, no one has seen Jiang Yun's empty appearance.

Without the emptiness, how can we survive the tribulation?

If Jiang Yun himself was allowed to go through the tribulation, there would be no need to go through the tribulation at all. A small thunder can easily make Jiang Yun disappear into ashes.

The third monk said: "Also, have you noticed that the speed at which the calamity clouds are gathering is a bit too slow!"

The tribulation cloud may cover a wide area, but the speed at which the tribulation cloud gathers should be very fast.

Once the catastrophe of other monks begins, it can be as fast as an instant or as slow as a few breaths. The tribulation cloud will basically appear completely and reach the level of overwhelming the sky and the earth.

But the calamity clouds that appear now are indeed amazing in number, but the speed at which they move is really very slow, as if they are unwilling to appear.

Just as everyone was talking about it, the voices of their elders and teachers rang in their ears: "Everyone, immediately retreat to a million feet, no, tens of millions of feet..." "No, retreat to the place covered by the calamity clouds. Out of range!”

Although the calamity clouds move slowly, their number is extremely large. They gather from all directions and have covered an area of ​​tens of millions of feet.

Moreover, there are more calamity clouds coming from further places.

Even a top expert like Tai Shi Minglou, who has used his spiritual consciousness to the extreme, cannot see where the boundary of Jie Yun is.

It gave them the feeling that the entire Bitter Territory seemed to have been covered by these calamity clouds.

The power of this calamity will definitely not be weak. In order to protect their descendants and disciples from being affected by the calamity, they can only retreat outside the calamity cloud.

If it hadn't been for Tai Shi Wu's death just now, the monks present might not have been willing to retreat. They all wanted to see how Jiang Yun could survive such a catastrophe at close range.

But with Tai Shiwu's example, those in the reincarnation realm, the suspended realm, and even the powerful quasi-emperors immediately retreated towards the direction of the tribulation cloud.

Soon, the only ones left near Jiang Yun were the Great Emperor, Liuyu, Chu Guancheng, and the five evildoers including Ren Ran.

As for Xue Danqing and Jiang Shenyin, Jiang Gongwang had directly recruited them behind him and protected them.

Now, everyone's eyes were firmly focused on Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun's eyes were looking at Jie Yun, with a faint smile on his face.

Naturally, everyone didn't know what Jiang Yun was laughing at. Only Jiang Yun knew clearly that the reason why he only heard the sound of this tribulation, but didn't see the tribulation cloud, and arrived late, was similar to the situation when he had overcome the tribulation last time.

Because, this Heavenly Tribulation in the Bitter Realm also doesn’t know what kind of power to use to attack itself! Even though Tai Shiwu's attack on him was considered a provocation to the Heavenly Tribulation, he really shouldn't have been killed so easily.

The key is that Tianjie became angry because he didn't know how to attack him, and then he vented his anger on Taishi Wu. A thunderbolt directly killed Taishi Wu! Now, although the calamity clouds have appeared, looking at their moving speed so slowly, it is obvious that they still have not figured out how to use the calamity on them.

But regardless of whether it thought about it or not, when a large number of calamity clouds finally accumulated above Jiang Yun's head, a "rumbling" sound of thunder was heard coming from the calamity clouds.

Immediately afterwards, a colorful thunderbolt, about ten feet thick, came straight towards Jiang Yun! Looking at this thunder, the expressions on everyone's faces were extremely strange.

Such a huge calamity made them all think that Jiang Yun's calamity would definitely be an empty calamity.

Unexpectedly, now, just a bolt of thunder fell.

Thunder is the most common attack method used by Heavenly Tribulation.

Throughout the ages, although thunder has been distinguished by color, they have never seen such colorful thunder.

However, they can understand that the color of thunder comes from at least dozens of powers contained within it! This made the weird looks on the faces of many strong men become even stronger.

Thunder, naturally the power of thunder, how could it contain so many other powers?

This is somewhat similar to the empty phase that Jiang Yun condensed before.

However, when these forces were gathered together, they were extremely powerful, causing their eyes to look at Jiang Yun hurriedly.

No matter how weird this calamity is, now that he has finally begun to display his thunder, Jiang Yun needs to show his empty form if he wants to survive it safely! However, everyone was shocked again.

Facing the colorful thunder falling from the sky, Jiang Yun stood still, motionless.

It seemed that he was not prepared to make any resistance at all, so he had to rely on his own body to catch the thunder.

This made Jiang Gongwang's heart suddenly hang in the air.

The power contained in this thunder is complex, but powerful.

Even in Jiang Gongwang's opinion, it was no weaker than the thunderbolt that had just killed Tai Shiwu.

Jiang Yun himself has no cultivation at all. He doesn't dodge or dodge, and he doesn't summon the void form. How can he deal with this thunder?

Suddenly, a thought came into Jiang Gongwang's mind: "Is this boy really planning to let those guys from the Ku Temple take action to help him survive this calamity?"

Not only Jiang Gongwang had this idea, Zen Master Xuanyi, as well as the strong men of the Ku Temple in the Eight Pagodas, couldn't help but become nervous, and even prepared to take action! "Boom!"

Finally, the thunderbolt fell straight on Jiang Yun's body, and the colorful light exploded, completely engulfing Jiang Yun's body in an instant.

"You're really looking for death!"

Jiang Gongwang's face was solemn, and he was about to rush over to save Jiang Yun.

But as soon as he moved, he heard Jiang Yun's voice suddenly coming from the light: "The Heavenly Tribulation of the Bitter Territory is nothing more than this!"

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