Taoist world

Chapter 5014 It’s just the beginning

Everyone near the Ancient Flower of the Bitter Realm looked at Jiang Yun with blank expressions.

Today, Jiang Yun is still protected by the light of the mirage.

But behind him, there was nothing! Three consecutive explosions caused Jiang Yun's only remaining physical body to disappear without a trace.

Jiang Yun was not able to condense the empty phase at all.

Without the empty phase, it naturally means that Jiang Yun's process of breaking through the suspended realm has failed! Originally, such a result should make almost all the monks present excited and happy.

Jiang Yun is their enemy, and they don't want Jiang Yun to successfully break through.

The weaker Jiang Yun was and the greater the blow he suffered, the happier they were.

However, at this moment, none of them could get excited.

There was only deep confusion and confusion on their faces, just like when they saw Jiang Yun's countless empty phases before.

Because they really couldn't believe that Jiang Yun would fail to break through! Although they really wanted to kill Jiang Yun, even the evildoers such as Liuyu and Chu Guancheng had to admit that Jiang Yun's qualifications and strength were definitely no weaker than their own.

Moreover, this was Jiang Yun's second time breaking through the Hanging Realm.

Such a person would actually fail in the process of condensing the empty phase?

Jiang Gongwang's face was as dark as water, and he stared at Jiang Yun without saying a word.

Just when Taishi Minglou and others laughed at Jiang Yun, he noticed the trembling of Jiang Yun's physical empty phase, and realized that Jiang Yun's empty phase condensation was not completed, so he scolded Taishi Minglou and the others unceremoniously.

So now, Jiang Yun, whose physical body has exploded and has lost his empty phase, has really failed, or will there be other unexpected changes?

This is not only the doubt of Jiang Gongwang, but also the doubt of top powerhouses such as Zen Master Xuan Yi.

Jiang Gongwang still holds on to a glimmer of hope! The source of this hope is Jiang Yun, who has calmed down.

Jiang Yun's face was full of pain just now, but now the explosion of the only empty phase has made his face calm again.

Sitting there, the whole person felt extremely peaceful.

Everyone remained silent and continued to wait, waiting to see if anything unexpected would happen to Jiang Yun.

Time passes little by little! After a full hour passed, looking at Jiang Yun who still had no reaction and no empty phase appeared, someone in the crowd finally couldn't help but whispered: "Jiang Yun, it must have failed, right?"

Although this person's voice was soft, it was like a huge stone smashing into the calm water. It immediately caused huge waves and quickly affected everyone.

Someone immediately echoed: "Yes, it's been so long and he still doesn't respond. The breakthrough must have failed."

"I think he knows it well, but because there are so many of us watching here, we don't dare to open our eyes at all, so we can only pretend to continue to work hard to break through."

"Doesn't he want to wait until we are all gone before he comes out?"

"Hahaha, he is covered by that light, just like he is hiding in a turtle shell. If he doesn't come out, there is really nothing we can do against him."

"It doesn't matter, we'll just hang out with him here and see when he comes out."

So far, almost everyone has concluded that Jiang Yun failed to break through the Hanging Realm. They just felt too embarrassed and did not dare to open their eyes, let alone step out from under the protection of the mirage's light.

Tai Shi Minglou looked at Jiang Gongwang, smiled slightly and said: "Jiang Gongwang, I don't know who he is, he has eyes but no eyesight!"

Jiang Gongwang slowly turned his head and glanced at Taishi Minglou. The undisguised murderous intent in his eyes made Taishi Minglou's heart tremble.

Although he knew that he was no match for Jiang Gongwang, it was not easy for Jiang Gongwang to kill him.

What's more, if Jiang Gongwang really dared to attack him because of his taunting, Zen Master Xuanyi and others would not stand idly by.

However, before Jiang Gongwang could react, there was another voice that responded to Tai Shi Minglou's words.

"The one who is blind is of course you!"

The one who spoke was clearly Jiang Yun! Jiang Yun opened his eyes, looked at Taishi Minglou calmly, and continued: "My empty phase condensation has just begun. It's ridiculous that not only can't you see it, but you are still jumping up and down here."

"What my ancestor said about you is absolutely correct."

"Not only are you short-sighted, but you've also cultivated yourself like a dog!"


Jiang Gongwang, who originally looked murderous, couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard Jiang Yun's words: "Well done, well done!"

When Jiang Yun pointed at his nose and scolded him, Taishi Minglou's eyes suddenly shone with a cold light. However, relying on his identity, of course he couldn't scold Jiang Yun. He just smiled coldly and said: "Okay, Jiang Yun, there is no need to film here. Your ancestor is flattering."

"If you fail to break through, you will fail. There is no shame in it."

"Didn't you just say that the ancient inheritance is yours? Then come out quickly. There are many people here waiting for you!"

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "Don't worry, I will come out after I finish condensing the empty phase. I won't keep you waiting for too long."

After the words fell, Jiang Gongwang and others suddenly widened their eyes.

Because, they saw that behind Jiang Yun, where the physical body exploded, runes appeared one after another.

These runes are extremely small, but their number seems to be endless and densely packed.

Moreover, they seemed to have a life of their own, constantly wandering around there, until they slowly crawled towards Jiang Yun's body.

They climbed up Jiang Yun's limbs, climbed up Jiang Yun's face, climbed up Jiang Yun's head, until Jiang Yun's whole body was completely submerged.

"What rune is this?"

Everyone stared at the runes, with the same doubts popping up in their minds.

Regardless of their identity or strength, no one can recognize this kind of rune at this moment.

Only from the Eight Pagodas, an old voice came out and said: "This is a bit like the Dao pattern, but it is different!"

Dao pattern! This word is unfamiliar to most monks in the Bitter Realm.

Only a few people know that behind the Tao patterns is Tao, which is the same way of practice as suffering. But in their eyes, Tao practice is far inferior to hard practice.

They are not arrogant, but have really studied the methods of Taoism and came to this conclusion.

For example, the strong man from Ku Temple who spoke at this moment even vaguely remembered that the runes wrapping Jiang Yun at this moment were somewhat similar to Dao patterns.

However, there is a difference! At this time, an unknown space.

Although this space is also dark and deep, similar to the Boundary Seam, here there is no world with all kinds of strange shapes. There are just pieces of gravel of different sizes and huge spherical objects.

On top of one of the spherical objects, a handsome-looking middle-aged man suddenly appeared.

It's Pan Chaoyang! He looked into the distance, frowned and said, "Oh no, Jiang Yun's breakthrough this time has actually reached this level."

"Although it's not the Golden Body of the Great Dao, it's not far from it, so much so that it broke the Dao meaning I left on that tablet."

"In this case, I'm afraid it will attract that person."

"If I had known earlier, I should have let him break through directly. With me there, I could help him hide from that person."

"Even if I go there now, it's too late. What should I do?"

After pondering for a long time, Pan Chaoyang scratched his head and said: "Seeing as he is not a short-lived person, he should be able to escape this disaster!"


Almost at the same time Pan Chaoyang finished speaking, a monument suddenly appeared out of thin air not far from Jiang Yun in the Bitter Territory.

Supreme monument! Looking at the Supreme Monument, everyone's expressions changed again, and they all looked over.

Although they saw the Supreme Monument, they did not see that there was a pair of eyes in the void above the Supreme Monument, staring deeply at Jiang Yun.

"Jiang Yun!"

Except for the realm of suffering, in the Dao realm of mountains and seas, a sharp shout suddenly came! Dao Wuming, with wide eyes and a ferocious look on his face, gritted his teeth and said: "Jiang Yun, everything about you should belong to me!

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