Taoist world

Chapter 5071 The strong man takes action

The Third Ancestor entered the restricted area much earlier than Jiang Yun.

The reason why he completely betrayed the Jiang family and took refuge in the Ku Temple in exchange for the opportunity to enter the burial ground was because he had assimilated Dao Tianyou's bloodline, and the fusion made his own bloodline concentration infinitely close to that of Jiang Gongwang.

As Jiang Yun saw, he used his own blood to enter the restricted area through the door left by Jiang Gongwang.

However, he has nothing to do with the Nine Clans.

Apart from entering an illusion once in the cave of the Mirage Clan, there was no other gain.

He couldn't even enter the valley where Pan Chaoyang was previously imprisoned.

This of course made him unwilling to give up, so he searched the ten mountains here almost bit by bit, hoping to find something useful to him.

As for Jiang Yun, he didn't look for it at all.

Because he knew that Jiang Yun would definitely enter the restricted area, he simply stayed here and waited.

At this moment, when he heard the collapse of the Tenth Mountain, he naturally realized that it must be Jiang Yun, so he swayed and appeared on the mountain, and saw Jiang Yun at a glance.

But then, his eyes turned to the valley surrounded by ten mountains.

When he came before, the valley was pitch black.

He also tried to enter the valley, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't.

And he was also planning to wait until he had searched the ten mountains before returning to this valley to find a way to enter.

But now, the darkness in the valley disappeared, revealing the situation inside the valley.

Although he didn't know what happened, he was sure that it must be Jiang Yun.

In other words, whatever is in the valley has been obtained by Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun was standing in the air at this moment, his whole body was stunned.

He never thought that this tenth mountain would completely collapse due to his arrival.

In his opinion, since the mountains of the Mirage Clan were well preserved, the same must be true for other mountains, including this tenth mountain.

Xue Wuchang's voice sounded: "This tenth clan is too cunning!"

"They deliberately kept the mountain as it was, waiting for others to stand on it before it completely collapsed. In this way, they completely erased their own traces, making it impossible to find them again."

Jiang Yun woke up, but shook his head and said: "This should not be done by the Tenth Clan, but by someone else."

"After all, the ancestor must have been to this tenth mountain before."

"When he came, the tenth mountain was fine, but when I came, the mountain collapsed."

"The most likely thing is that Pan Chaoyang did it!"

"I suspect that the reason why he was able to escape from the blockade of the Ten Clans was that the person who really helped him was the Tenth Clans."

"Therefore, he repaid this by collapsing the tenth mountain and concealing the identity of the tenth clan."

Jiang Yun had seen clearly before that the nine chains inserted into Pan Chaoyang's body happened to originate from the Nine Clans.

The chain broken by Pan Chaoyang belonged to the tenth clan, so Jiang Yun made this assumption.

At this moment, Xue Wuchang finally noticed the aura of the Third Ancestor and hurriedly said: "Your Third Ancestor is here!"

Jiang Yun's figure immediately retreated towards the rear.

The Third Ancestor had also withdrawn his gaze from the valley, looked at Jiang Yun who was escaping, and said coldly: "There is no need to run away. You can't escape from my grasp here."

Jiang Yun's figure stopped, knowing that what the Third Ancestor said was true.

Although he has recovered some cultivation, he is still no match for the Third Ancestor. Even if he uses bloodline transformation, or even breaks through to the Suspended Realm immediately, causing a catastrophe, it will be useless.

Jiang Yun turned around and saw the Third Ancestor standing behind him, looking at him with a sneer.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Yun took the initiative and said, "Where is Dao Tianyou?"

The Third Ancestor smiled slightly and said: "You are already on the verge of death, yet you still have thoughts about others."

"If you want to see him, it's very simple. Just follow me."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Third Ancestor suddenly took action and grabbed Jiang Yun.

Although the Third Patriarch was sure that Jiang Yun could not escape, he was also worried that another accident would happen, so he decided to capture Jiang Yun first.

At the same time as the Third Ancestor took action, Jiang Yun was also preparing to throw out the mirage.

As long as the power of the mirage can make the Third Ancestor enter the dreamland, even a few breaths of time will be enough for him to escape.

However, before Jiang Yun could throw out the mirage, he suddenly felt a breath wrapped around his body, leading him back, avoiding the palm of the Third Ancestor's grasp.

And then, the powder of the tenth mountain that had just collapsed suddenly rose up automatically without wind, and condensed into a ten thousand-foot-tall sand giant at an extremely fast speed! The sand giant raised his hands, grabbed the retreating Jiang Yun with one hand, and clenched the other hand into a fist, hitting the Third Ancestor hard.

Jiang Yun naturally knew that another strong man in the burial ground had taken action.

To be honest, Jiang Yun thought that the other party was not going to pay attention to him at all.

Unexpectedly, the opponent actually attacked the Third Ancestor at the critical moment while protecting himself.

The third ancestor's expression suddenly changed. He had never known that there was such a powerful existence in the burial ground, so he couldn't figure out what was going on, so he could only hurriedly raise his fists to greet him.


The fists of the two collided, making an earth-shattering sound.

The sand giant's body staggered backwards.

Even before he could stop, the sand giant had already turned around and bolted towards the outside of the restricted area.

The sand giant is clearly trying to escape.

This time, it was Jiang Yun's turn to be stunned.

The strength of this strong man gave me the feeling that it was almost the same as that of the ancestor Jiang Gongwang. How could he not be the opponent of the third ancestor.

Could it be said that the true strength of the third ancestor is already comparable to that of the first ancestor?

Fortunately, at this time, Xue Wuchang gave the answer: "Your third ancestor has something sent by Ku Temple, which enhances his strength."

After hearing these words, Jiang Yun finally understood.

The real strong man in the Ku Temple is the one who always monitors the Jiang family. He should be stronger than the ancestor.

Since the Third Patriarch had taken refuge in the Ku Temple, and the Ku Temple even personally put pressure on the First Ancestor and forced the First Ancestor to allow the Third Ancestor to enter the burial site, the Third Ancestor must be given some means of self-defense.

At the same time, the Third Ancestor also came back to his senses, looked at the sand giant who had fled far away, and said with a sneer: "Originally, I thought I would return empty-handed when I entered the burial ground."

"But I didn't expect that I would get an unexpected bonus like you."

"You can't escape!"

As soon as the words fell, the figure of the Third Ancestor disappeared from the place and followed closely after the sand giant.

Although the Third Ancestor does not know the origin of the sand giant, there is such a strong man hidden in the burial ground. As long as he is caught and taken out, it will be a worthwhile trip.

"Boom boom boom!"

Although the sand giant didn't have any physical skills, he was huge in size, and every step he took was thousands of feet away, so after a few steps, he had already stepped into the sea.

Those huge feet stepped on the sea surface, like thunder, setting off layers of huge waves! The Third Ancestor also followed closely and came to the sea, and the distance between him and the sand giant became smaller and smaller.

Just when he was about to catch up with the sand giant, the huge waves suddenly hit him in layers, slapping away.


And under the pounding of the huge waves, another huge figure stood up in the sea water.

This is a water giant made entirely of sea water! "boom!"

The Third Patriarch slapped away the waves falling in front of him with one palm. When he saw this water giant, he couldn't help but be startled again.

But immediately, he regained his composure, and the cold light in his eyes suddenly said: "There are so many secrets in this burial ground!"

"Come on, come on, if there is anything else, come out and I will deal with you all at once!"

As if to satisfy the Third Ancestor's request, Jiang Yun, who was still being driven away by the sand giant, heard the loud "rumbling" sound in his ears again.

However, this time the sound did not come from the sand giant, but from the distant land.

Three huge figures appeared far away at the end of Jiang Yun's sight.

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