Taoist world

Chapter 5067 Known as God’s Calendar

If he saw this middle-aged man in other places, let alone nine chains, even if he was chained by nine hundred chains, Jiang Yun would not feel much.

However, this is the burial place of the Jiang family, a magic weapon belonging to a master from the True Domain, and is home to ten powerful ethnic groups.

And the one who locked this middle-aged man was the Nine Clan! The aura emanating from each chain is exactly the power belonging to the nine clans.

The strength of the nine tribes in the True Domain is so powerful.

Using the power of nine clans to lock one person, Jiang Yun simply couldn't imagine that person's strength.

Therefore, Jiang Yun was asking about Xue Wuchang at the moment, and at the same time, he was also considering whether he should leave the burial place quickly! "Senior Xue, do you know this person?"

Xue Wuchang's voice quickly sounded: "I don't know him, but this person's strength is probably not weaker than that one."

"Besides, he is not the owner of those eyes!"

Jiang Yun's pupils shrank slightly.

I always thought that this man was the owner of the eyes that had always looked at me.

Unexpectedly, it was not the case! In other words, there are at least two powerful beings in this burial place.

At this time, the man suddenly said to Jiang Yun: "Little friend, come down and have a chat!"

"Don't worry, I don't mean any harm. If I wanted to kill you, you would have been dead long ago."

While speaking, the man stretched out his hand, and a chain suddenly appeared in his hand out of thin air.

He held up the chain and raised it towards Jiang Yun and said: "The number of chains that originally locked me was ten."

"Ten chains did keep me immobile, but now there are only nine left, so it won't be too difficult for me to kill anyone here."

Jiang Yun stared at the chain in the man's hand, and it turned out to be a broken chain.

It seems that what the man said is true.

It was the Ten Clans that locked him up at the beginning, but he himself didn't know what method he used to break free and regain some power of movement.

However, Jiang Yun still did not go down, but said: "Senior, if something happens, it's the same thing."

The man smiled and shook his head and said: "You are still very vigilant, forget it, I will be offended!"

After the words fell, the man raised his hand again and pointed towards Jiang Yun.

Although Jiang Yun had already been prepared for the opponent to take action, all his preparations were too late to be launched.

At the touch of the man's finger, his body fell downwards involuntarily, appearing right in front of the middle-aged man.

The man smiled slightly and said: "Sit down and chat!"

At this time, Jiang Yun also knew very well that even if he took out all the sacred objects of the nine tribes, he would not be able to be his opponent.

Moreover, what the other party said is true. With the hand he just showed, it is really easy to kill him.

Since he didn't kill him, it meant that he had no ill intentions towards him at least for the time being.

"Does he want me to let him go?"

Jiang Yun looked at the nine chains on the man's body.

Although the chain formed by the power of the nine clans is indeed very strong, it would be impossible for anyone else to break it.

But Jiang Yun has the sacred objects of the nine tribes on his body, and he is the leader of the nine tribes. Maybe there is a way to unlock these nine chains.

Just as Jiang Yun was thinking about it, the man smiled again and said, "Little friend, you don't have to worry that I'm going to force you to let me go."

"I want to leave. There are many ways. I just want to see and chat with my little friends."

Although Jiang Yun's face didn't show anything at the man's words, he was shocked in his heart.

This man is not only powerful, but also mentally intelligent. He can actually see through what he is thinking at a glance.

Jiang Yun calmed down and stopped thinking about anything. He sat down opposite the man and said, "I'm sitting down. Senior has also seen me. If you have anything to do, you can tell me now."

The man looked at Jiang Yun up and down, then suddenly sighed and said, "Oh, your personality is a bit like one of my brothers."

"I haven't seen him for a long time and I don't know how he is doing now."

Jiang Yun did not answer the other party's words, but just stared at the other party, waiting for the other party to get down to business.

After a moment of silence, the man finally continued: "I can see that you have a lot of doubts. Can you tell me about your experience?"

"Perhaps I can answer your questions!"

Jiang Yun frowned. The other party called him down. He didn't say anything. Instead, he wanted to hear his own experience first and answer his questions?

Jiang Yun really didn't know what kind of medicine the other party was selling in his gourd. Of course, he couldn't tell his own experience. He could only say perfunctorily: "Senior, I have no doubts and no experience."

"I am just an ordinary little monk. Following the order of the ancestor of my family, I came here to look for some opportunities, and I happened to meet the senior."

The man smiled slightly and said, "Well, since you don't want to say it, let me tell you."

"What I am going to say next may be beyond your imagination, and you may not believe it, but what I say is true."

"I came to your universe..." At this point, the man suddenly paused and changed his words: "You and I are not from the same world. I come from another world."

"And I walk between different worlds, firstly to find two people, and secondly to find one thing."

"Those two people, one is my young master, the other is a monk, and we can be considered brothers."

"A long time ago, the two of them left our world together and were never heard from again."

"In addition to looking for these two, I also want to find a kind of Hongmeng Qi."

"I found a lot of this Hongmeng Qi at first, but then it became more and more difficult to find, until I came to your world."

"Although the Hongmeng Qi has not been born here yet, I can sense that this world may be born."

"More importantly, when I was here with you, I noticed that the monk I was looking for actually left something here."

"Obviously, they have been here before, so I will stay in your world for the time being."

Jiang Yun couldn't help but said: "Senior, our place is called the Bitter Territory. Just say that you are from the True Territory. I know the existence of the True Territory."

The other person spoke like a tongue twister, giving Jiang Yun a headache.

But when Jiang Yun thought about it, since the other party was locked by the Ten Clans, he must be from the True Domain, so he simply pointed out that he knew the True Domain without having to always use "heaven and earth" instead.

"No no no!"

However, the man shook his head and said: "I am not from the True Domain, and the True Domain is just a part of your world."

Jiang Yun's heart moved. The true domain, in the other party's words, was only a part of "heaven and earth". Doesn't that mean that the true domain and the imaginary domain together constitute a complete world?

The other party also said that he came from another world. Could it be that there are more realms besides the real realm and the illusory realm?

The man continued, "After I stayed, I met a strong man here and became friends with him."

"As a result..." The man smiled bitterly and shook his head: "As a result, I have been shrewd all my life, and I am known as a god of fortune, and I know all the plans, but I didn't expect that he was plotting against me. I capsized in the gutter and ended up like this. It’s been trapped here for countless years.”

"Fortunately, I was lucky. Someone helped me, and I gradually regained some mobility, and I was able to understand some things happening in the outside world."

"In addition, I also know a little bit about divination. I know that the little friend will come today, so I specially wait for the little friend here, meet with the little friend, and remind the little friend a few words."

The words the man said sounded completely ambiguous to Jiang Yun.

It seems that he said a lot, but actually when he thought about it carefully, he said nothing.

However, Jiang Yun was not surprised by this.

Anyway, the strong men I met all spoke in a mysterious and confusing way.

Therefore, Jiang Yun cupped his fists at the opponent and said, "Senior, if you have any reminders, just tell me and I will bear them in mind."

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