Taoist world

Chapter 5062: The Seal of Reincarnation

The appearance of this voice made Jiang Yun feel as if he had been struck by lightning. His body couldn't help but tremble heavily, and he suddenly raised his head, looking for the direction from which the voice came.

Yunwazi! Looking at the four realms of Kuji Mie Dao, only the villagers of Jiang Village would call themselves this.

But now, in this illusion, I also heard this title.

Moreover, the voice of the person speaking was clearly that of his grandfather Jiang Wanli! Although this illusion was also created by the Mirage Clan, and it might even be a scene that had happened within the Mirage Clan, Jiang Yun never expected that here, he would actually hear his grandfather’s voice, and hear his grandfather calling him "Yunwazi"! And this also made an incredible idea pop up in Jiang Yun's mind.

In addition to mastering the power of dreams, the mirage tribe also possesses a special seal called the reincarnation seal.

The so-called reincarnation seal means that it can completely seal a person's cultivation memory and so on from life to life, and wait until you are reincarnated to appear on your body.

As long as you can unlock this seal, you can gain access to all your past life cultivation and memories.

Although this reincarnation seal is extremely magical, there is only one person in the entire mirage clan who can possess this seal.

This person is the Spiritual Duke of the Mirage Clan! The nine tribes that Jiang Yun met in the Shanhai Dao Domain had a theory.

Among the nine clans, the overall strength of the Mirage clan is not the highest, but in terms of individual strength, the strongest one is definitely the Spiritual Duke of the Mirage clan.

Because everyone else's cultivation was achieved in one lifetime, but the spiritual master of the Mirage Tribe had the accumulation of cultivation in all lifetimes, so that no one knew how powerful he really was.

At this moment, the thought that came to Jiang Yun's mind was that the person who just spoke must be the spiritual master in this illusion.

In fact, he was still his grandfather... This idea was so incredible that Jiang Yun himself could not believe it or accept it.

After all, the mirage clan in this illusion existed an unknown number of years ago, and should be located within the true domain.

At that time, how could the spiritual master of the True Domain Mirage Clan be his grandfather! "wrong!"

Jiang Yun suddenly shook his head and said: "There is another possibility that the caster of this illusion can peek into my memory."

"Then, based on my memory, he created such an illusion specifically for me."

In fact, the possibility that Jiang Yun thought of was the real way to arrange the illusion.

For example, Jiang Yun's self-created reincarnation technique is to find what others fear most in their hearts.

Then, this thing is infinitely enlarged and a corresponding illusion is arranged, so that people can be deeply trapped in it and immersed in this terrifying illusion forever, making life worse than death.

Jiang Yun really couldn't accept the idea that the spiritual master of the True Domain Mirage Clan was his grandfather, so he felt that the latter idea was the most reasonable explanation.

As this idea emerged, Jiang Yun quickly calmed down and said, "I have nothing to do. I just want to go find you, Duke Lin!"

The old voice let out a hearty laugh and said: "Then come!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Yun felt that a soft force had wrapped around him, and he disappeared from the place and appeared in a medicine garden.

Jiang Yun didn't bother to look at the scene around him, and looked directly in front of him.

In front of him, stood an old man who looked exactly like his grandfather, Jiang Wanli! Although Jiang Yun was mentally prepared, when he saw his grandfather in front of him, he could not control his expression of excitement, and even almost blurted out the word "grandpa".

Naturally, this person is the Spiritual Duke of the Mirage Clan! Linggong had a kind look on his face, he was dressed very simply, and his body was slightly stooped, so it was hard to tell whether he was high or low in cultivation.

He looked at Jiang Yun and said, "Yunwazi, why are you a little nervous today?"

"It seems like today is my birthday. I'm not even nervous yet. Why are you nervous here!"

Jiang Yun took a deep breath and warned himself in his heart: "This must be the person who arranged the illusion. He spied on my memory, so he made the mirage clan spirit master appear in the image of grandpa!"

"He is definitely not grandpa!"

Jiang Yun came back to his senses, calmed down his emotions, and then said with a smile: "I heard that some big shots will be coming today, so I am naturally a little nervous."

Duke Ling smiled and shook his head and said, "You are someone that even my Majesty has met. What other big shot can make you nervous?"

"Come on, come and walk with me!"

After finishing speaking, Linggong stepped into the medicine garden.

Jiang Yun was repeating the word "Your Majesty" in his heart.

He knew very well that this lord should be the one that Xue Wuchang dared not even say his name.

Even someone with an identity like the Spiritual Duke of the Mirage Clan would call the other person your lord.

In his heart, apart from His Majesty, no one else can be considered a big shot.

It can be imagined that the strength and status of that lord are so high.

Seeing that Linggong had already walked away, Jiang Yun hurriedly followed him.

The area of ​​​​this medicine garden is huge, far exceeding the medicine garden of the Mu family, another disciple of Jiang Yun in the Four Realms Cang, Mu Ming.

Jiang Yun took a quick glance and found that he actually recognized many of the medicinal materials inside.

In other words, these medicinal materials grew in the original Shanhai Dao Domain and the Destruction Domain.

This made Jiang Yun even more certain that this illusion was arranged based on his memory.

Otherwise, how could the medicinal materials in the True Domain be the same as those in the Shanhai Dao Domain.

Suddenly, the spirit of the mirage clan walking in front of Jiang Yun said: "Yun Wazi, after this birthday, I may have to leave for a while."

"So, when my birthday is over, I will hand over the sacred objects to you. I hope that you can protect the family on my behalf when I am away."

"I know that you are still young and it is too early for you to hand over the burden of the family to you."

"But apart from you, there is no one else in the family who is more suitable to control the sacred objects."

Although Jiang Yun had just learned from the young man that Duke Linggong might hand over the mirage to him, he was still a little surprised to hear Duke Linggong's words and couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Linggong, Where are you going?"

After Duke Lin was silent for a moment, he sighed leisurely and said: "It's not that I'm going anywhere alone, but that all the old guys from our ten tribes are leaving to carry out a mission assigned to us by your Majesty!"

An old fellow from the Ten Tribes! Jiang Yun's heart moved. Before he could speak, Xue Wuchang suddenly exclaimed: "Catch us. Their mission is to catch us!"

Jiang Yun couldn't help but stop, and thought of the nine great emperors of the nine races in the world, and the nine people including Xue Wuchang who were suppressed by the nine great emperors! The mission of Duke Ling and the others might really be to capture and suppress Xue Wuchang and the others.

However, since all ten clans are going, why are there only nine clans from beginning to end?

Where did the tenth tribe that disappeared go?

More importantly, if the ten tribes really set out to suppress Xue Wuchang and the others, wouldn't it mean that the Great Emperor of the Mirage Tribe is the Lord Spirit in front of him! Naturally, Lord Linggong didn't know what Jiang Yun was thinking right now. He looked back at Jiang Yun who stopped and said, "What are you doing there?"

Jiang Yun hurriedly took two steps and walked to Duke Lin's side. Duke Lin then continued on by himself: "There are some things that you shouldn't know in the first place."

"But since I have handed over the important responsibilities of the family to you, I still have to tell you these things."

"After you hear it, just know it for yourself. Don't tell anyone else, lest everyone else will have ideas."

After a pause, Linggong continued: "Although the mission sent by Your Majesty this time is not difficult in our opinion, Your Majesty's attitude is a bit thought-provoking."

"So we have to prepare for some of the worst-case scenarios."

Having said this, Duke Lingyun suddenly turned around and pointed towards Jiang Yun's eyebrows.

Jiang Yun couldn't dodge at all, so he could only let Duke Lin's finger fall on his eyebrows.

A kind of seal has flowed into Jiang Yun's mind along the fingertips of Duke Lin.

At the same time, Duke Ling spoke again: "This is a new seal that Your Majesty just passed on to me not long ago, called the Reincarnation Seal!"

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