Taoist world

Chapter 5053 Monkey fishing for the moon

Jiang Yun couldn't help but be greatly surprised by these last words left by Jiang Liangyu's ancestor! Obviously, the strong man she met in this burial place should be the strong man who used the spirit-giving technique to turn the forest into a tree man.

And for some unknown reason, the strong man gave her instructions, and the instructions must have been about the power of water that she had been practicing.

But this kind of advice not only made the ancestor doubt his own cultivation path all the way to the Great Emperor, but also led him to become possessed and hastened his death! You know, for monks to practice, in addition to qualifications and their own efforts, they must have a firm heart! Especially in the later stages of cultivation, when Jiang Yun is in the current reincarnation state, when he is about to condense the void phase, or even about to become the great emperor, this kind of determination is even more important.

The simplest thing is that you need to choose what kind of power and what kind of path as your own path to the Great Emperor, so that you can be confident enough to break through to the Great Emperor.

Once a choice is made, there is really almost no possibility of changing it.

Even if you are wrong, you must keep going.

If you decide to choose the power of fire today, but want to change to the power of water tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow you feel that the power of wood is more suitable for you, you will never become the Great Emperor.

This ancestor Jiang Liangyu only practiced the power of crossing water throughout his life.

And according to her own words, she had a smooth journey along the way, with almost no bottlenecks. She easily became the Great Emperor, and even created her own Great Emperor method.

That was enough to show that her choice was correct. The power of water was the most suitable cultivation path for her.

According to Jiang Yun's previous speculation, since the strong man at the burial ground would not take the initiative to harm Jiang's clan members, his advice to Jiang Liangyu would at least be malicious.

He might even mean well.

Perhaps he felt that Jiang Liangyu was destined to him, and wanted to use his guidance to help Jiang Liangyu reach a higher level, thereby gaining more longevity and continuing to live.

But who would have thought that this strong man's advice would backfire and have the opposite effect, accelerating Jiang Liangyu's death.

This had to make Jiang Yun seriously consider whether he wanted to obtain the inheritance left by Jiang Liangyu.

Jiang Yun never thought that his qualifications were so incredible.

For powerful emperors like Jiang Liangyu, it is difficult to escape the result of being obsessed, which leads to confusion in her artistic conception. So if it were him, he would probably be the same as her.

If you didn't die in the hands of the enemy, but ended up dying because you were trying to gain inheritance, then your death would be unjust.

Moreover, over the years, many members of the Jiang clan must have passed here and stepped into this inheritance, but none of them have obtained this inheritance, which means that no one has the courage to take such a risk.

"You don't dare either?"

At this moment, Xue Wuchang, who also heard Jiang Liangyu's last words, sounded again: "If that powerful existence wants to kill you or harm you, do you think it is necessary to go to such trouble?"

"Since he specifically reminded you that this inheritance may be helpful to you, he must have considered it. You should not be obsessed with it like this woman."

After listening to Xue Wuchang's reminder, Jiang Yun pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll give it a try!"

Jiang Yun didn't believe that the strong man would not harm him, but believed in the impermanence of blood! Xue Wuchang, when I wanted to imitate myself in the past, if I gave myself any benefit, I would inevitably dig a hole and force myself to jump into it.

Otherwise, even if he is about to die, he will not speak out and give any advice.

But now, he has received the promise from his senior brother and no longer expects himself to help him out of trouble.

He still persuaded himself again and again to accept this inheritance, which showed that he not only had some understanding of this inheritance.

Even, I am afraid that I know a little bit about the identity of that strong man.

When I asked him if he knew the identity of the strong man, he was silent for a long time and then suddenly changed the subject.

Probably because he didn’t want to tell himself! The blood is impermanent, and it is unlikely to harm yourself if you seek help from your senior brother.

Therefore, Jiang Yun decided to look at the facts.

Now that he had decided, Jiang Yun no longer hesitated and released his consciousness, spreading directly towards the water droplet.

It was still the same as every time he received the inheritance. The water droplet fell from the sky without any hesitation and fell into Jiang Yun's body, which also caused a picture to appear in Jiang Yun's mind.

The picture was completely dark, with only a middle-aged beautiful woman standing there, none other than Jiang Liangyu.

Jiang Liangyu frowned, lowered his head, and stared at the darkness at his feet with dull eyes. He seemed to be in some kind of confusion and was thinking hard.

After a moment passed, Jiang Liangyu raised his head, looked straight ahead, and said as if looking at Jiang Yun: "Water, in my opinion, is nothing more than the most rigid, soft and broad."

"The so-called supreme strength means perseverance, even drops of water can penetrate a stone."

"The so-called softest water means that water has no permanent shape, avoids heights and tends downwards, and controls the flow according to the ground."

"The so-called vastness is just like my Jiang family's bloodline, which embraces all rivers and can accommodate all things."

After saying these words, Jiang Liangyu closed his mouth and frowned again.

Jiang Yun himself had mastered the power of water as early as when he was in the world of mountains and seas.

I agree very much with Jiang Liangyu's words.

These six words summarize the characteristics of water.

After a few more breaths passed, Jiang Liangyu continued: "However, not long ago, a senior told me that water has more than just these characteristics."

"He showed me some pictures, but I won't tell you my own understanding, so as not to confuse your judgment."

"I will show you the scenes he displayed at that time. You can see and think for yourself!"

After the words fell, Jiang Liangyu raised his hand and waved, and the picture in Jiang Yun's mind also changed.

This time, what appeared was no longer darkness, but a surging river with rapid currents and splashing water.

It looks like this is an ordinary river.

However, after just one glance, Jiang Yun recognized that this was no ordinary river at all, but the river of time! The flowing thing seems to be water, but it is actually time! This made Jiang Yun frown slightly. Time is like running water, but it is just a description and does not represent the real water inside.

Is it because of this that Jiang Liangyu thinks that water can also represent time?

As this thought emerged, Jiang Yun's heart suddenly moved. Why can't water be related to the power of time?

Next, the screen changes again.

This time, what appeared was a pool of stagnant water! The water surface is calm, even if the wind blows, there is not even the slightest ripple.

Likewise, at first glance, there is nothing special about this stagnant water.

But Jiang Yun still quickly saw that there was a strong death aura in this pool of water! Jiang Yun frowned even more tightly and said to himself: "This is the power of death!"

The picture also changed for the third time.

What appeared this time was still a calm lake, but it was no longer stagnant water.

Because the water surface is sparkling, the breeze blows, causing ripples, especially reflecting the full moon in the sky.

At this time, a monkey suddenly appeared in the picture, stretching out its paws to fish out the moon in the water.

The claws entered the water, causing ripples in the water. The full moon suddenly became incomplete, as if it had been shattered.

Naturally, the monkey raised its palm from the water, and only a drop of clear lake water flowed from the gap between its claws, but the palm was still empty.

Jiang Yun closed his eyes slightly, opened them again and said, "This is the power of illusion!"

Next, the picture changes for the fourth time.

A barren meadow, covered with some dry grass.

The grass was leaning here and there, clinging to the ground and looking weak, obviously dying.

At this time, it suddenly started raining heavily. The rain fell into the soil, and the dead grass gradually regained its vitality and stood up one by one.

Jiang Yun murmured: "This is the power of life!"

The picture ends here!

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