Taoist world

Chapter 5027: The sword is not old yet

As this voice sounded, the huge Jiang clan suddenly trembled heavily.

A vast force surged out from the nameless door, and in an instant, it completely enveloped the entire clan.

Dark Star, who was about to rush out of the Jiang clan, felt a huge resistance suddenly coming from the front, pushing him back.

This made his expression change again, and he had to give up the idea of ​​leaving, and turned to look at the nameless door.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were fixed on the Nameless Gate, especially the fat old man of the Ku Temple and the leader of the Qiuzhen Sect, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Because they recognized that voice! That belonged to... At this moment, a tall figure finally walked out of the open door.

This is an old man, tall and tall, with white hair that is combed extremely neatly.

Those two sunken eyes are extremely deep, and the gaze in them is even more fierce, like a king, overlooking everyone here.

Seeing this old man, the ancestor of the Jiang family first cried out sadly: "Greetings to the ancestor!"

The old man who walked out of the nameless door was clearly the ancestor of the Jiang family, Jiang Gongwang! As the voice of the Great Ancestor sounded, the Jiang Pavilion Elder, the Second Ancestor, the Sixth Ancestor, and all the Jiang clan members immediately knelt down to the old man and shouted loudly: "Meet the First Ancestor!"

At this moment, almost every member of the Jiang clan was in tears, and their bodies were trembling slightly uncontrollably.

Jiang Gongwang is Jiang’s heaven! Ever since Jiang Gongwang disappeared, the Jiang family has begun to decline and have been divided by others. It is still surviving and is about to face the danger of annihilation.

Especially at this moment, these top powerhouses in the Bitter Territory are standing on the Jiang family's clan, unscrupulously discussing how to take away the Jiang clan's descendants and bully the Jiang clan's no one.

But now, the ancestor of his family has appeared.

For the people of the Jiang clan, this is finally the time when they have found a backer and someone who can support the Jiang clan! One can imagine how excited they were.

However, not all the Jiang clan members were worshiping Jiang Gongwang, there was one person who was not worshiping him.

This person is naturally Jiang Yun! Jiang Yun did not grow up in the Bitter Territory, unlike other tribesmen who grew up listening to the deeds of their ancestors.

Although Jiang Yun has been famous for Jiang Gongwang, the ancestor, for a long time, and also has admiration for him, he does not have almost blind worship.

He just felt puzzled as to why this large formation, which was similar to the altar of heaven and earth, allowed Jiang Gongwang to walk out of the door after performing the art of worshiping the heaven.

You must know that whether the elder brother told Jiang Yun or Jiang Yun himself performed the real heaven-sacrifice technique, what was summoned was only a powerful force, not a certain person.

Moreover, according to the senior brother, the source of that power is a place that even he does not know.

So now that the ancestor has been summoned, does it mean that the ancestor has actually entered that place?

And the formation he left behind that has the ability to sacrifice to the sky is actually a teleportation formation. Can it summon him back from that place?

Or, in fact, this door and this grand formation are simply a deception.

In fact, this door is just an ordinary space.

When the ancestor left, in order to prevent any accidents from happening to the Jiang family, he left a clone behind and hid it in this door, waiting for future generations to summon him?

Also, is the ancestor who appears now his true form, or just a clone?

Just when these doubts emerged in Jiang Yun's mind, Jiang Gongwang's eyes finally stopped on him.

Looking at Jiang Yun, Jiang Gongwang had a look of surprise on his face, and he said, "What is your name, and what generation of clan are you from?"

Jiang Yun then cupped his fists and saluted Jiang Gongwang and said, "I have met the ancestor. My name is Jiang Yun, and I am a seventh-generation clansman."

At this time, the Great Ancestor continued what Jiang Yun said: "Ancestor, Jiang Yun is the eldest brother of the seventh generation, and is also a descendant of the current Jiang family!"

"Clan son!"

Jiang Gongwang repeated these two words, nodded and said: "Yes, the blood concentration is the same as mine, and he is indeed qualified to become a clan member."

Obviously, Jiang Gongwang had already seen the concentration of Jiang Yun's blood.

Then, Jiang Gongwang continued to ask: "What state were you originally in?"

Jiang Yun replied: "Suspended Level 2!"

Seeing Jiang Yun answering every question and answering so simply, the Great Ancestor had no choice but to continue to say for him: "First Ancestor, he is a cultivator who can transcend the forbidden realm and can fight against the fourth-level quasi-emperor."

Originally, the Great Ancestor thought that Jiang Gongwang would be extremely shocked, but Jiang Gongwang just nodded calmly: "Not bad."

"You just performed the bloodline transformation, and your level has dropped a bit. Please take a rest first!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Gongwang waved his sleeves, and a force enveloped Jiang Yun and sent him aside.

Then, Jiang Gongwang looked around again, smiled slightly and said: "It seems that my Jiang family has reached the end of the road!"

"Brother Gongwang!"

At this time, the others finally came to their senses. The leader of the Qiuzhen Sect hesitated and said, "I..." Just as he started to speak, Jiang Gongwang's eyes suddenly looked at him and interrupted him unceremoniously. Said: "Did I let you speak?"

With one word, the expression on the face of the leader of the Qiuzhen Sect suddenly froze, and the fierce light in his eyes, one empty and one real, skyrocketed.

He had met Jiang Gongwang before. Although his strength and status were not as good as Jiang Gongwang's back then, he is now one of the top strong men in the Ku Domain, and he can be regarded as equal to Jiang Gongwang.

However, now he was scolded by Jiang Gongwang as if he were a servant, without giving him any face, which naturally made him furious.

However, the cold light in his eyes quickly subsided, he smiled faintly and stopped talking, as if he didn't mind Jiang Gongwang's attitude just now.

He had no choice but to know whether Jiang Gongwang was his own person or his clone and how powerful he was, so naturally he didn't want to be the first to provoke him.

Jiang Gongwang snorted coldly, and stretched out his hand again. The great ancestor, who had been grasped by the dark palm, suddenly felt his body loosen, and the palm collapsed, and he flew to Jiang Gongwang's side. .

Jiang Gongwang looked at the great ancestor and said, "I want to see what is happening here!"

The Great Ancestor naturally understood that this was the First Ancestor's search for his own soul, and he nodded quickly: "Yes!"

Jiang Gongwang stretched out a finger and touched the center of Dazu's eyebrows, but Dazu didn't feel anything at all.

After just a few breaths, Jiang Gongwang withdrew his finger, looked at the great ancestor in front of him, his face darkened and said: "Xiao Jiu, you, great ancestor, have failed so much!"

The Great Ancestor suddenly made a frightened "Plop" sound, knelt down and said: "Grandpa, Xiao Jiu is guilty."

Jiang Gongwang waved his sleeves, lifted him up and said, "I'll talk about your business later, so as not to be laughed at."

"Wait for me to settle today's matters first."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Gongwang suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the leader of the Qiuzhen Sect.

Although Jiang Gongwang made a sudden move, the leader of the Qiuzhen Sect knew that once Jiang Gongwang searched for his soul, he would know that he was the culprit that caused the Jiang family to fall to this day, and he would definitely not let him go, so he was always on guard.

At this moment, when Jiang Gongwang raised his hand, two rays of light were already shooting out of the eyes of the leader of the Qiuzhen Sect.

One virtual and one real, intertwined, suddenly condensed into a sword, piercing Jiang Gongwang's palm.


Unfortunately, with a roaring sound, the sword had turned into nothingness and could not stop Jiang Gongwang's palm at all.

Jiang Gongwang's palm, unscathed, instantly came to the front of the Qiuzhen Sect leader and fell directly.


There was another loud noise, Jiang Gongwang raised his palm, and the figure of the leader of the Qiuzhen Sect had disappeared without a trace.

Jiang Gongwang suddenly slapped the leader of the Qiuzhen Sect to death.

Jiang Gongwang also retracted his palm, glanced at all the top powerhouses present again and said: "You should be able to see that I still have a sword that is still young!"

"Now, let's talk about what happened today and how you are going to give me an explanation!"

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