Taoist world

Chapter 5000: Cannibalism

For the Jiang clan to be able to enter the burial ground, the prerequisite is that a large number of clan members need to die! People are basically selfish.

Sacrificing oneself to fulfill others, not many people can do it.

However, Jiang's burial place is a huge treasure house, which exudes strong attraction and temptation to almost all Jiang's clan members.

So, if you are not willing to sacrifice yourself to help others, but also want to enter the burial ground, the simplest and most direct way is to kill other tribesmen and use the lives of other tribesmen to open the door to the burial ground! Therefore, after understanding this point, the Jiang clan's first reaction was naturally to guard against their own clan members.

Seeing that the Jiang clan members who were originally standing together were now scattered, Jiang Yun couldn't help but turn his head and look at the Great Ancestor, and asked again through voice transmission: "Great Ancestor, is this true or not?" Fake?"

Although the Great Ancestor had just told Jiang Yun that he was completely lying to Jiang Yun by saying that Jiang Yunna and the First Ancestor had the same concentration of blood and could open the burial ground, Jiang Yun felt that the Great Ancestor's words, He is the one who lied to himself.

To open Jiang's burial place, in fact, all you need is your own blood.

And the reason why the Great Ancestor now said that the sacrifices of the Jiang clan are needed, his real purpose should be just to find out those clan members of the Jiang clan who have betrayed him.

However, this formation and the nameless door do not look like they were temporarily arranged by the Great Ancestor, but should have existed for a long time.

Therefore, Jiang Yun is really confused now, not knowing which method can really open Jiang's burial place.

Not only Jiang Yun, but also Mr. Ge also had the same doubts as Jiang Yun.

As a second-generation clan member, he knows as much about the secrets of the Jiang family as his great ancestor.

But the only thing he didn't know was whether he had secretly seen the great ancestor when he disappeared.

If there is, then whether it is the Nameless Gate, this formation, or the method of opening the burial ground mentioned by the Great Ancestor, it is possible that it is true! "Second brother, you!"

At this moment, a scream filled with anger suddenly came.

Jiang Yun followed the sound and saw a middle-aged man lying in a pool of blood among the Jiang family.

His eyes widened with disbelief on his face as he stared at the young man in front of him who looked somewhat similar to him.

The young man's face was pale, and he was holding a sword in his hand. His whole body was trembling slightly, and his lips were trembling, as if he wanted to say something.

But in the end, he didn't say anything. Instead, he picked up the sword in his hand and stabbed the fallen man in the forehead again.


The sword easily penetrated the man's brow and soul, causing the man's physical and mental destruction in an instant.

And from between his brows, there was a stream of light that shot up into the sky and disappeared directly into the great formation that covered the entire burial ground.


The speed of the formation suddenly sped up.

Seeing this scene, the young man's pale face suddenly showed a touch of excitement and said: "Haha, it's true, it can indeed open the burial..." "Bang!"

Before he could finish his voice, a hammer hit his head hard from behind.

Not only did he interrupt his voice, but he also smashed his head into powder.

The man's body fell to the ground, and another stream of light rose into the sky and disappeared into the formation.

After a moment of dead silence, among the Jiang clan members from all directions, there were suddenly more clan members, launching attacks on the clan members around them.

A series of shrill screams continued to sound, streams of golden blood rose into the sky, figures fell one after another, and streams of light rushed into the formation.

The Jiang family started killing each other! The collateral clan members killed the direct clan members, the father killed the son, the elder brother killed the younger brother...not just the ordinary clan members, but even five of the twelve clan elders killed each other without hesitation. clan elder.

At this moment, the Jiang clan members were no longer relatives with the same blood, but became sworn enemies! In an instant, at least a thousand members of the Jiang clan, including two clan elders, died on the spot, both physically and mentally destroyed.

It's not that their strength is not as good as the other's, it's that although they are on guard, they are only on the tribesmen who are more distant from them.

They never thought that the people closest to them would suddenly attack and kill them.

They calculated mentally but not intentionally, and they knew each other very well. Naturally, they could not be each other's opponents, so they were easily killed.

Looking at the killings that had begun below, even though Jiang Yun did not regard the Jiang family as his home or the Jiang family members as his relatives, he was still greatly shocked in his heart.

And his consciousness immediately locked onto the descendants of Jiang Shan, Jiang Qiuyue, Jiang Qiuchen, and the previous big clan elder and three clan elders without hesitation.

These people are the people he cares about most in the Jiang family.

They have now been attacked by people around them.

What surprised Jiang Yun even more was that the hundreds of descendants of the previous rich clan leader were also killing each other.

This made Jiang Yun not know who to save even if he wanted to save him.

"Great Ancestor!"

Jiang Yun suddenly turned his head, looked at the Great Ancestor, and yelled: "Why?

Why test their humanity? "

Human nature is the least able to withstand the test! The Great Ancestor was also watching the people of the Jiang clan fighting. His face seemed expressionless, but the gentle trembling of his cheeks from time to time showed that he was actually experiencing great ups and downs in his heart.

Hearing Jiang Yun's roar, he turned his head and looked at Jiang Yun and said, "I'm not testing their humanity, but they themselves have made their choice long ago."

The Great Ancestor's words shocked Jiang Yun's heart, and he suddenly turned his head and looked at the monks from other forces! Whether it was Tai Shiqi or Shadow Pavilion, these monks from other forces, faced with the Jiang family's sudden cannibalism, had either a look of indifference or a look of ridicule on their faces.

They were just like spectators, watching an extremely lively show! Jiang Yun finally understood.

Those clan members who betrayed the Jiang family suddenly rebelled against their relatives at this moment.

In addition to the fact that they are bound to enter Jiang's burial site, it is also because they are the pawns secretly supported by other forces! Those forces most likely gave them orders to kill each other just now.

When they chose to collude with people from other forces, they should have thought about today's rebellion and made preparations for it, so they were able to take action! Even Jiang Yun knew that his guess was half right.

No matter whether the method of opening the burial place requires the sacrifice of the Jiang clan, at least the plan that the ancestor has been brewing for so long is to force the traitorous clan members to reveal their true colors.

And, he really did it.

The Great Ancestor's voice sounded in Jiang Yun's ears again: "Although this is cruel, I told you that the Jiang family is rotten to the roots and to the bones."

"Even I can't tell which ones still remember that they are members of the Jiang family, and which ones have completely betrayed the Jiang family."

"Therefore, I can only use this method to pick them out one by one."

"Injuring the enemy a thousand times will certainly cost you eight hundred, but it is better than dying together!"

Although Jiang Yun did not agree with the Great Ancestor's approach, he could not refute it.

Indeed, if the great ancestor told this plan in advance, it would most likely be known to the traitorous tribesmen.

If you lose eight hundred, you will still have at least two hundred left. If you die together, then the Jiang family will have nothing.

Jiang Yun no longer bothered about how to open the burial ground, and said with murderous intent in his eyes: "Now, as a clan member, should I also kill those traitorous clan members?"

What Jiang Yun hates most is betrayal, so he really wants to kill someone.

However, the great ancestor shook his head and said: "No."


"Because, you and I have stronger enemies!"

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