Taoist world

Chapter 4981: Life and Death

At this moment, Jiang Yun naturally heard Jiang Xing'an's call to him.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes slightly, but then opened them, turned to look at the great ancestor beside him, and said calmly: "It doesn't matter why he came to the Ku Temple, anyway, it will be a while." We’ll find out.”

"Great Ancestor, it's my turn!"

The Great Ancestor also glanced at Jiang Yun, who had completely calmed down. He also temporarily put aside the doubts in his heart, smiled slightly and said: "I still have to make some preparations, so I won't go out with you."

"But don't worry, I will protect you secretly!"

How could Jiang Yun place his own safety on others? Even though he knew what the Great Ancestor said was true, he didn't care.


Jiang Yun agreed, and the formation stone he had long held in his hand suddenly shattered, and his figure disappeared from the place without a trace.

Looking at the position where Jiang Yun was standing before, the smile on the Great Ancestor's face slowly faded, replaced by a solemn look on his face.

He said to himself: "Why didn't the Third Patriarch and the others show up?"

There are some things about the third ancestor that the great ancestor has never told Jiang Yun or anyone.

In the eyes of all Jiang clan members, as well as outsiders, they may think that the most powerful person in the entire Jiang clan today is either the two second-generation ancestors such as Mr. Ge, or his great ancestor.

But in fact, the Great Ancestor always suspected that the strongest person in the Jiang family should be the Third Ancestor! For no other reason than the Third Ancestor awakened 90% of his bloodline! Even though the elders such as the Great Ancestor and Elder Ge were members of the first three generations of the clan, they had entered the burial ground and had their bloodlines transformed.

But in the entire Jiang family, before Jiang Yun appeared, the blood concentration of the third ancestor had always been the highest, even close to the first ancestor.

In addition, the qualifications of the third ancestor are also excellent. Otherwise, how could he awaken his bloodline and become one of the ancestors of the Jiang family.

Therefore, although the Third Ancestor always said that his strength was not as good as that of the Great Ancestor, not as good as the Second Ancestor, and even less powerful than Elder Ge, the Great Ancestor did not believe it.

In fact, last time the Third Patriarch suddenly fled without a fight after the Great Patriarch spoke out, it was possible that he was trying to spread suspicion.

Especially when he left, he took Dao Tianyou with him.

If he can really assimilate Dao Tianyou's bloodline into his own, then he will be the new ancestor, and his strength will increase even more.

Maybe, they all created their own great emperor method.

Therefore, the great ancestor has been looking for the whereabouts of the third ancestor.

But even after searching Jiang Jingxi's soul, the Great Ancestor still knew nothing.

There is no information about the Third Ancestor in Jiang Jingxi's soul. From this point, it can be seen that the Third Ancestor is cautious in doing things.

And this made the third ancestor's last escape without a fight seem a bit deliberate.

In addition, the Great Ancestor is also worried about whether there are people from other forces behind the Third Ancestor.

If so, who would it be! The reason why the Great Patriarch announced this grand ceremony so solemnly was to draw out the Third Patriarch.

The Great Ancestor also believed that with the Third Ancestor's coveting of the burial site, once he heard that the burial site was about to be opened, he would definitely come.

But until now, the Third Ancestor still hasn't shown up, which makes the Great Ancestor a little worried.

After sighing leisurely, the Great Ancestor said to himself: "Jiang Yun is right, the answers to all questions should be known soon!"

"All I have to do now is wait!"

In the new world, although all the people from other forces present had long known that the descendant of the Jiang family would definitely be Jiang Yun, they were always worried whether the Jiang family would deceive everyone.

He deliberately announced with great fanfare that he would hold a clan canonization ceremony and open the burial place, but in fact, he secretly hid Jiang Yun and would not open the burial place.

Even the traitors they planted in the Jiang clan were sure that Jiang Yun never left the Jiang clan after returning to the Jiang clan and stayed in the practice pavilion. However, they could not feel at ease unless they saw Jiang Yun with their own eyes.

Therefore, when they heard Jiang Xing'an shout Jiang Yun's name, their consciousness and gazes could not wait to sweep in all directions.

Then he saw a beam of teleportation light lighting up next to Jiang Xing'an.

Although the light has not receded, those with sharp eyes have already seen the figure standing in the light, it is Jiang Yun! This finally let them breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as Jiang Yun shows up, their visit today will not be in vain.

Jiang Yun walked out of the light and appeared in front of everyone, but he did not look at the crowd. Instead, he cupped his fists and saluted Jiang Xing'an: "Jiang Yun, I have met the clan leader!"

These short six words, even if they were acting, represented that Jiang Yun finally recognized his identity as a member of the Jiang clan.

Jiang Xing'an's face showed a look of relief, and he personally stretched out his hands to lift Jiang Yun's body and said, "No need to be polite."

After Jiang Yun straightened up, Jiang Xing'an said in a deep voice: "Jiang Yun, let me ask you, are you willing to become a son of my Jiang clan?"

Originally, there were more words and more questions in these words.

For example, he would ask Jiang Yun if he was willing to live and die with Jiang, and if he was willing to shoulder Jiang's burden.

However, under the instruction of the Great Ancestor, Jiang Xingan omitted all other words and only asked this sentence! Facing this extremely simple question from Jiang Xing'an, Jiang Yun remained silent.

Originally, Jiang Yun really regarded this grand ceremony as an act.

But at this moment, when he really stood here, standing in front of all the Jiang clan members, bearing the gaze of all the Jiang clan members.

Especially the expectant looks from his aunt and uncle made him feel a little pressure, making him unable to simply regard this ceremony as a drama.

And Jiang Yun always keeps his promises! If he answers yes at this moment, then from now on, he will be a descendant of the Jiang family! As a clan member, he couldn't just watch Jiang's demise without lending a helping hand.

As a clan member, he must do his best to save the Jiang family, which is rotten to the core.

This is like a patrolling angel in the heavens. It is not a beautiful job, but an extremely heavy burden.

But if he said he was unwilling, it would mean that he, the Third Ancestor, the Seventh Ancestor, and those clan members who betrayed the Jiang Family also betrayed the Jiang Family.

Even though there was a reason for his betrayal, every member of the Jiang clan had their own reasons for betraying him.

At this moment, Jiang Yun's evaluation of the Great Ancestor appeared in Jiang Yun's mind for the third time. He was so cunning! He even suspected that the great ancestor must have thought that once he stood in this position, he would have no way to refuse or act.

Finally, after a long silence, Jiang Yun finally spoke in a deep voice and said word by word: "I am willing to become a descendant of the Jiang family!"

Hearing Jiang Yun's words, the Great Ancestor in the ancestral world, Jiang Xing'an in front of Jiang Yun, the Sixth Ancestor not far away, as well as Jiang Qiuyue, Jiang Qiuchen, Jiang Shan and the elders of the great clan among the crowd The clan members all had smiles on their faces.

Jiang Xing'an also announced to the surroundings with an excited voice: "From now on, Jiang Yun is my Jiang family...!"


At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, interrupting Jiang Xingan's words: "The Jiang family should be a member of the Jiang family after all, right?"

"As far as I know, Jiang Yun seems to have not recognized his ancestors and returned to the clan. He is not considered a member of my Jiang family at all. How can he become a descendant of the Jiang family?"

"This is not in line with the rules of my Jiang family. The name is unfair and the words are inconsistent!"

Everyone's eyes immediately turned to the direction where the voice came from. The speaker was the clan leader of the Chenzi lineage of the Jiang family! Obviously, this Jiang clan member whose son was killed by Jiang Yun had long planned to cause trouble for Jiang Yun and the Jiang clan at this grand ceremony.

Although he also knew that his troubles could not prevent Jiang Yun from becoming a clan member, but he wanted to embarrass Jiang Yun and embarrass the Jiang family.

Sure enough, as his words fell, someone among the other forces watching the ceremony suddenly laughed and said, "Is there such a thing?"

"Jiang Yun, you still haven't recognized your ancestor and returned to your clan?"

"Although the Jiang family is in decline, it was once glorious. Why don't you even lose face?"

Looking at the triumphant but murderous eyes of the leader of the Chenzi lineage, Jiang Yun's ears suddenly heard the voice of the great ancestor: "The clan leader has the power of life and death!"

"Jiang's rebirth should be baptized with blood!"

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