Taoist world

Chapter 4965: Powerless

The Great Ancestor's words made Jiang Yun feel a dull pain in his head.

Jiang's situation is really too complicated.

The first ancestor sealed the burial place, and the second-generation ancestor stole Guantian Palace and ran to Sijingzang, never to come back.

And Elder Ge may want to do harm to himself, or even want to destroy the entire Jiang family, just to take possession of the burial place for himself.

However, just as the Sixth Patriarch and his aunt had warned him, Mr. Jiang didn't know who he could trust.

These ancestors have completely disregarded the life and death of the Jiang clan. They only care about their own interests and only want to enter the burial ground.

Even including the Great Ancestor in front of me, although it seems that he is completely sincere to me and everything he does is for himself, he still doesn't know whether he should trust him or not!

Shaking his head, Jiang Yun forced all these messy things to be put aside for the time being, and then asked: "What about the second reason?"

The Great Ancestor looked at Jiang Yun and said: "The second reason is that I also need to think carefully about whether to let you enter the burial ground."

Jiang Yun then asked: "Why don't you want me to enter the burial ground?"

The Great Ancestor lowered his head and said, "Because there may be some people still alive in the burial ground."

"To put it nicely, they are alive, but to put it worst, they are lingering and waiting to die."

"But when they reach their level of strength, no one wants to die."

"They entered the burial ground not willingly, but because their life span was approaching, so they hoped to find a way to increase their longevity in the burial ground and allow them to continue living."

"I don't know if they were found or if they are still alive."

"But if there are still people alive among them, and if you enter the burial ground, then they may regard you as their support for survival."

"Because your bloodline concentration is the same as that of your ancestor, even if they just take your body away, even if they know that taking your body away will not increase their lifespan, they may still try."

Jiang Yun was also not surprised by these circumstances. Who wouldn't be afraid of death?

The longer you live, the stronger you become, and the less willing you are to die.

Therefore, even if there is only a slim hope, no matter how dangerous it is, those who are about to die will not hesitate to try it.

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Then why did the great ancestor decide to open the burial ground again?"

The Great Ancestor said calmly: "Because, let alone the development and growth of the Jiang clan, if we want to continue to exist, we must undergo a major blood change. We need to uproot and eliminate all the clan members who have been controlled and bribed by others. go out."

"Only when the burial ground is opened will the forces behind these people take action and their true colors will be exposed."

"And when the time comes, I will enter the burial ground with you to protect you."

"If there is anyone alive in the burial ground and really wants to do harm to you, then even if I die, I will die first!"

Although Jiang Yun was a little moved by the great ancestor's words, he could only respond with a wry smile when he couldn't tell who he could trust.

The Great Ancestor said calmly: "I know, no one can believe you now."

"But you don't need to trust anyone. You just need to stay with the Jiang family for half a month until the clan son's canonization ceremony begins."

"Regardless of whether we can uproot those people this time, if you want to enter the burial ground then, I will accompany you into the burial ground."

"If you don't want to enter the burial ground, then I will also send you out of the Jiang clan."

"Of course, you can also choose to leave now."

"After all, the clan canonization ceremony is when my Jiang family is turned upside down, and even when my life and death are at stake."

"No matter how well prepared I am, I still can't be completely sure that I can protect you."

If he didn't know that Jiang's burial place might actually come from the Huanzhen Realm and the Real Realm, then Jiang Yun might really choose to turn around and leave now and never care about Jiang's affairs again.

But now, it's impossible for him to leave.

Jiang Yun looked at the great ancestor and said: "Since we have reached a deal, I am not a treacherous person, so I will stay with the Jiang family temporarily until the clan canonization ceremony."

The Great Ancestor smiled slightly and said: "Then you can't be idle during these half a month."

Jiang Yun was stunned and said: "What else do you want me to do?"

The Great Ancestor smiled and said: "Although the clan son canonization ceremony is just a show, in order to be more realistic, it is best for you to really become a clan son of the Jiang family."

"And according to the ancestral teachings, my Jiang family's eight practice pavilions need to get at least the first place in the four rankings to be qualified to become a clan member!"

"Besides, I have been following you during this period and have seen you take action several times."

"I can feel that you possess a variety of powers, and you should be trying to find the one that is most suitable for you among these powers."

"I don't know if you have found it, but you will definitely have a lot of doubts."

"Also, your understanding of emptiness is also equivalent to nothingness."

"The answers to the questions you are looking for can be found in the eight practice pavilions of my Jiang family, so I suggest you go to the practice pavilions. You will definitely gain something!"

Looking at the great ancestor with a smile on his face, Jiang Yun's mind once again reflected on his original evaluation of the great ancestor, he was so cunning!

Once he truly becomes a member of the Jiang clan, even if he no longer acknowledges his relationship with the Jiang clan, he will still be acknowledging his ancestors and returning to the Jiang clan.

Although I can be tougher, I would rather act when the time comes than go to those eight training pavilions.

But the Great Ancestor pointed out what he needed most now, so he had to go to the eight training pavilions.

Jiang Yun said angrily: "To enter the practice pavilion, you need a contribution."

The Great Ancestor shook his head, spread his hands and said, "There's nothing I can do about this."

"Don't say you are not a clan member. Even if you really become a clan clan member, the family cannot provide you with contribution points in vain. Therefore, you still need to earn the contribution points yourself."

Jiang Yun stared at the Great Ancestor and said, "What's going on with that God's Blessing?"

The Third Ancestor said with an innocent face: "He is supported by the Third Ancestor, and the Third Ancestor has already escaped."

"Furthermore, Dao Tianyou only asked for some cultivation resources and has not entered the cultivation pavilion."

"If you need cultivation resources, I can also give you some in my own name."

Jiang Yun gritted his teeth and said, "Even if I earn contribution points, the ceremony is only half a month away."

"The Great Ancestor thinks that in such a short period of time, I have to earn contribution points and have to practice in the practice pavilion. Is the time enough?"

"Time is indeed a bit tight!" The Great Ancestor said with a deliberately pensive look on his face: "Well, I will announce to the public that the ceremony will be postponed a little longer, but it cannot be more than three months at most."

"If it takes more than three months, I'm worried that those forces will lose their patience."

"As for earning contribution points by doing tasks, it is indeed not enough, but if you can break through a practice pavilion, you can get a lot of contribution points."

"You are physically strong, you should have no problem making it to the physical list!"

Jiang Yun gritted his teeth and said, "You also need contribution points to get into the physical body list."

The Great Ancestor nodded and said: "Jiang Shan has a good relationship with you, right?"

"I heard that the last time you met Mr. Ge, it was the contribution he lent you."

"By the way, when I gave the Taishi family's cultivation techniques to Jiang Shenyin for you, although he didn't say anything, he must be quite grateful to you."

"He has the most contribution points. You can ask him. Maybe he will lend you some contribution points."

"Also, your aunts and uncles will be back soon, you can borrow them from them!"

Jiang Yun suddenly stood up and said: "Please, Great Ancestor, send me away!"

"Okay, okay!"

The Great Ancestor waved his sleeves, and Jiang Yun was already in the gap between the boundaries.

Looking back at the ancestral world, Jiang Yun forcibly resisted the urge to curse and turned to leave.

Looking at Jiang Yun's figure, a cheerful smile gradually appeared on the Great Ancestor's face!

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