Taoist world

Chapter 4961 A poor monk is polite

Jiang Yun was initially confused about the appearance of the Great Ancestor and what kind of clan canonization ceremony he was talking about.

Because in his understanding, the Great Ancestor and Elder Ge were already the top beings of the Jiang family.

Then, it is enough for the elder Ge to follow him secretly and protect himself. The great ancestor should not also follow him secretly.

What's more, the great ancestor also made it very clear to him.

He needed to stay in the Jiang clan to prepare for the opening of the burial ground, so how could he leave the clan and follow him, and he also appeared here.

He also announced to everyone inexplicably that he was going to hold a clan canonization ceremony.

Although Jiang Yun knew that this so-called clan member must be him, he had never admitted it, let alone thought about becoming a clan clan member of the Jiang family.

However, after the Great Ancestor finished his last words, Jiang Yun suddenly discovered that whether it was Tai Shi Chong and the other three, or some other Great Emperors around him, a light shone in the eyes of each of them!

This gave Jiang Yun a sudden flash of inspiration, like an enlightenment, and he suddenly understood.

The various forces in the Bitter Territory are supporting the Jiang clan and treating the Jiang clan as pawns. Their real purpose is——

In fact, it’s all for Jiang’s burial place!

In addition, the great ancestor also said that there are some places in Jiang's burial place that even he and Elder Ge have never set foot in.

This further proves that Jiang’s burial place may not only be used to bury Jiang’s ancestors.

The secrets hidden in it are extremely important, and have even attracted the covetousness of some forces in the Bitter Territory!

Jiang Yun thought in his heart: "What secret is it that can arouse the covetousness of so many forces?"

"Could it be that the thing that Senior Xue noticed is related to the Four Realms Zang?"

"However, no matter what other forces covet in the burial ground, they are not just one or two forces."

"Since so many forces are interested in the Jiang family's burial place, why not just join forces to destroy the Jiang family and take over the Jiang family's burial place as their own?"

"With so many forces joining forces, let alone the now declining Jiang family, even the Jiang family at its peak cannot be their opponent, right?"

At this time, the Great Ancestor continued: "Of course, if you still insist on taking Jiang Yun away today, then I, the Jiang clan's clan's canonization ceremony, will have to give up."

Jiang Yun's heart moved again.

The Great Ancestor was clearly threatening the emperors in front of him.

The great ancestor has not finished speaking. These great emperors will not care at all if the clan son canonization ceremony is not held. However, if there is no clan son ceremony, then naturally there will be no opening of Jiang's burial place.

Sure enough, as soon as these words were said, Tai Shi Chong and the other three strongest emperors looked at each other, their eyes flickered, and they nodded calmly.

Immediately afterwards, Taishi smiled lightly and said: "The Jiang family has been in decline for so many years and still has no descendants of its own."

"Now that Jiang Yun's clan has finally appeared, it's a gratifying thing. Even if Jiang Yun has enmity with us, we must naturally be beautiful as adults first."

"That's right!" The Blood Emperor nodded and agreed, "Although we want revenge, we are not in a hurry."

"And the canonization ceremony of Jiang's clan members will definitely be very lively. When the time comes, we will naturally go to watch the ceremony."

While speaking, the three emperors each took a step back.

Although the other great emperors did not speak, they secretly dispersed their accumulated strength, apparently having the same idea as these three.

Only the clan disciples they brought with them, as well as most of the monks who were watching, had blank expressions on their faces, not understanding what was going on.

The Jiang family, which was ranked in the middle and lower reaches among the second-rate forces in the Bitter Territory, held a clan canonization ceremony, and it was actually able to make many of the great emperors who had mobilized their troops to give up their pursuit of Jiang Yun.

In the entire suffering realm, except for the suffering temple, even the Qiuzhen Sect may not be able to enjoy such treatment!

This is not the Jiang family's choice of a clan member, it feels more like the Kuyu Territory choosing the first person of the younger generation!

As the great emperors retreated, the Great Ancestor smiled slightly again and said: "Okay, then it's settled."

"Everyone present here counts as one. As long as you are willing, you can go to my Jiang clan to observe the ceremony."

"When the time comes, we, the Jiang family, will be waiting for you all to come!"


After finishing speaking, the Great Ancestor nodded to Jiang Yun and said, "Let's go back!"

Jiang Yun now naturally understood that the purpose of the Great Ancestor coming here was to rescue him on the condition of opening Jiang's burial place.

However, Jiang Yun didn't know whether this was the Great Ancestor's impromptu idea, or whether the Great Ancestor had already considered in advance that he would be in danger, so he made such preparations in advance.

Especially regardless of whether the opening of the burial ground is true or not, it will be a catastrophe for the Jiang family if so many powerful people go to the Jiang family.

If the burial ground is opened and they all have to enter, then no matter how strong the Jiang family is, how many of these forces can be blocked?

If the burial ground is not opened, will the emperors of these forces be willing to leave the Jiang family easily?

I'm afraid, this burial place will have to be opened by then, or it will be opened even if it doesn't!

With these doubts, Jiang Yun followed the Great Ancestor and Elder Ge, who had also turned around, and walked slowly and unhurriedly towards the depths of the boundary gap.

Behind them, tens of thousands of monks and many great emperors were watching the backs of the three of them, and no one really tried to stop them.

And when Jiang Yun and the others walked out of their sight, they heard muffled sounds.

Everyone crushed the formation stone or the Guizhen Stone almost at the same time and left from here.

It is not difficult to speculate that they should have quickly returned to their respective sects and tribes to bring back the news that Jiang's burial site was about to be opened.

After Jiang Yun followed the Great Ancestor and Elder Ge to a safe place, before Jiang Yun could speak, Elder Ge had already looked at the Great Ancestor and said, "Have you really decided to open the burial ground?"

The Great Ancestor was silent for a moment and then nodded and said: "Since I promised Jiang Yun to let him enter the burial place, then the burial place must be opened."

"Anyway, as long as it is turned on, they will definitely know about it and will come over, so we might as well be more generous and tell them directly."

Elder Ge took a deep look at the Great Ancestor, and then asked: "What next?"

"Should we let them enter the burial place, or should we not let them enter the burial place?"

The Great Ancestor fell into silence again, and finally shook his head and said: "Let nature take its course!"

Regarding the Great Ancestor's answer, Elder Ge also did not continue to ask further questions.

Jiang Yun walked up to the two of them, cupped his fists and bowed to them: "Thank you, Elder Ge and Grand Ancestor."

No matter how the Great Ancestor treated Jiang Yun before, and no matter what the Great Ancestor's purpose was, without his arrival this time, it would have been difficult for Jiang Yun to escape.

Jiang Yun has always had a clear distinction between grudges and grudges, so naturally he still has to thank him for this kindness.

The Great Ancestor looked at Jiang Yun with a smile on his face. This was the first time Jiang Yun truly saluted him.

"You're welcome!"

"If you want to thank you, it's us who should thank you."

"If it weren't for you, our thirty-six clansmen would have died in vain."

The reason why Jiang Yun was in today's crisis was entirely to avenge the thirty-six Jiang clan members.

Otherwise, with Jiang Yun's strength, even if the Emperor in Shadow Pavilion really takes action personally, it would be impossible to catch him.

Jiang Yun reached out and took out the thirty-six storage instruments containing the heads of the Jiang clan, handed them to the Great Ancestor and said: "Great Ancestor, please take them back and let them rest in their graves."

The Great Ancestor did not borrow the storage magic weapon, but looked at Jiang Yun and said, "What about you? Why, you won't go back with us?"

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "This happened because of me, I will definitely go back."

"However, I still have an urgent matter to deal with now, so I'm afraid I won't be able to return to the Jiang clan with you for the time being!"

Without waiting for the Great Ancestor to respond, an old voice suddenly came from beside the three of them: "Three Jiang Donors, this poor monk is polite!"

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